Thomas F Heston MD


November 27, 2023

Statistical Significance Versus Clinical Relevance

This study investigated how often statistically significant results in nuclear medicine clinical trials actually translate into clinically meaningful differences for individual patients. The authors analyzed 32 test results reported as statistically significant and found that the cutoff between normal and abnormal values averaged just 0.66 standard deviations from the mean. This means that for a…

October 24, 2023

Examining Complex Bioethics Issues Across Medicine and Society

This book offers an insightful look into the multifaceted world of bioethics and its far-reaching impacts on medicine, research, public health, and society. Prominent authors tackle thorny topics like the evolution of marriage from a religious bioethics perspective, radiation protection protocols, value-based approaches to cancer screening, end-of-life care, geoengineering ethics, complementary/alternative medicine, and more. This…

October 23, 2023

The Danger of Following the Crowd in Medical Ethics

This article analyzes the tendency for moral decisions in healthcare to conform to popular opinion, termed the “ochlocratic trap.” This groupthink can undermine ethical medical care, as shown historically in unethical experiments that were initially accepted. Here, I argue that applying the scientific principles of medical research can prevent problems and improve healthcare ethics. Heston…

October 20, 2023

Transforming Healthcare Through eHealth and Digital Technology

The adoption of digital technology in healthcare is revolutionizing the delivery of medical services worldwide. Telemedicine allows patients in remote areas to access expertise through videoconferencing and monitoring. Mobile health apps empower patients to manage chronic conditions better, while wearables provide real-time health data. Electronic health records centralize patient data to enable better care coordination…

October 18, 2023

The Evolution of Medical Research Dissemination Networks

Medical research dissemination has undergone significant shifts, from initial centralized systems optimized for speed but vulnerable to bias and hacking to decentralized models improving collaboration but potentially limiting diversity, and now distributed blockchain networks enhancing security but slowing publication. A human-computer hybrid system could optimize rigor, safety, and circulation by leveraging strengths across network types….

October 13, 2023

BMI and Chest Imaging Accuracy

A recent medical imaging study has produced some surprising results that challenge conventional wisdom. The researchers evaluated 50 patients who underwent both chest x-rays and CT scans. They compared the imaging findings to the final clinical diagnosis in each patient. Unexpectedly, the study found no correlation between a patient’s body mass index (BMI) and the…

September 26, 2023

Normalizing Predictive Values for Appropriate Interpretation of Diagnostic Test Results

As clinicians, we often evaluate diagnostic test results like imaging studies to guide patient care. An important consideration is how disease prevalence in the tested population impacts the meaning of positive and negative predictive values. For example, a recent study using cardiac CT angiography (CTA) to diagnose coronary artery disease reported an excellent 99% negative…

September 21, 2023

Higher cardiac MIBG washout rates predict sudden cardiac death in CHF

A study from 2009 found that CHF patients who experienced sudden cardiac death had significantly higher cardiac MIBG washout rates than those who survived. The crossover point between the groups was 33.5%. Simply reporting group means and standard deviations does not adequately characterize the data. Providing reference values like the crossover point and odds ratios…

September 13, 2023

Big Tobacco’s Surprising Role in Duke University’s Medical Prominence

Duke University is now one of the premier medical institutions in the world. Their hospital and medical school rank among the global elite. However, the origins of Duke’s medical prominence have an unexpected connection to the tobacco industry. James Buchanan “Buck” Duke made a fortune pioneering cigarette rolling machines for mass production. He used this…

September 9, 2023

Finding Strength Through Gratitude

In this article, I reflect on how cultivating gratitude has helped me and can help other healthcare providers overcome burnout and continue serving patients with compassion. I share a story deeply meaningful to me of a dying patient who continues to teach us important lessons about finding peace and maintaining strength of spirit when facing…

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