August 9, 2023
Do Emergency Physicians Follow the American College of Emergency Physicians’ Policy Regarding the Evaluation of Nontraumatic Chest Pain in the ED?
Lewis, Lawrence M. and Heston, Thomas F. and Mecker, R and Lasater L and Rush C. Abstract. This study looked at 718 patients evaluated by 97 physicians in 10 regional hospitals. The correctness of the ED diagnosis was correlated to the cumulative score for adherence to ACEP rules (p = 0.0003). Keywords: ACEP, acute chest…
A Comparison of Care Rendered by ED Physicians With Varying Medical Backgrounds
This prospective study compared the quality of the history (Hx), physical examination (PE), diagnosis, and treatment (Tx) of patients with hand injuries as performed by emergency department (ED) physicians with varying training backgrounds. There were 465 cases reported by 93 physicians. No differences between residency-trained and legacy practice-track EM board-certified physicians were found. Physicians of…
August 7, 2023
Medical Mythology: Its Etiology, Prevention and Treatment
Myths are widely held beliefs that are false or of unverifiable existence. In medicine, they are not just unproven theories or mistaken conclusions but fictitious ideas that weave their way throughout the profession. To prevent and treat medical myths, they must be recognized as a disease harmful to patient care. Using established principles of medicine,…
August 6, 2023
Assessing Illness and Recovery With the Clean Plate Sign
Hospitalized patients, upon admission, often have a degree of anorexia which gradually resolves as their medical condition improves. Thus, a quick way to assess the overall improvement of hospitalized patients is to look at their plate after breakfast when rounding. Patients with a clean plate after eating their full meal often are close to or…
August 5, 2023
Gender-specific differences in the evaluation and management of chest pain
This study examined 199 men and 246 women presenting to the emergency department with acute, nontraumatic chest pain and found significant differences between men and women. The time to first contact with a physician was 17.3 minutes for women and 13.2 minutes for men. 92% of men had their initial EKG within 30 minutes, but…
August 4, 2023
The Percent Fragility Index
The percent fragility index is a measure of the robustness of a medical research study by evaluating the fragility of the significance testing performed. Citation: Heston, Thomas F. (2023). The Percent Fragility Index. International Journal of Scientific Research, 12(7), 9–10.
August 3, 2023
Fragile Data Requires High Statistical Caution
It is important to address fragility on clinical trials. When a study’s fragility is addressed, it frequently changes the conclusion. Heston, Thomas F. (2019). Fragile Data Requires High Statistical Caution.
A Blockchain Solution to Gun Control
In this article, I discuss practical ways that blockchain technology can be implemented to help reduce firearm-related morbidity and mortality. Heston, Thomas F. (2018). A Blockchain Solution to Gun Control. International Journal of Scientific Research, 3(7), 81–83.
August 2, 2023
Sauna Bathing and the Cardiovascular System
Sauna bathing is not only enjoyable but potentially greatly beneficial to your health. In this review article, I look at the evidence. Citation: Heston, Thomas F. (2017). Sauna Bathing and the Cardiovascular System. International Journal of Scientific Research, 6(11), 569–570.
Pharmacologic stress testing in nuclear cardiology
Pharmacologic stress testing is common in nuclear cardiology. Estimates have suggested that about 30% of all stress tests done in nuclear laboratories utilize pharmacologic stress. Citation: Heston, Thomas F. (2007). Pharmacologic stress testing. Southern Medical Journal, 100(10), 969–970.
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