August 20, 2023
Improving the Clinical Utility of MRI Research
Predictive values like negative predictive value depend strongly on disease prevalence. To improve comparability between studies, authors should report standardized predictive values calculated at 50% disease prevalence. This allows readers to better judge clinical utility without performing further calculations. Standardization reduces prevalence bias when comparing diagnostic tests. Heston TF. Standardizing predictive values in diagnostic imaging…
August 12, 2023
Subchondral architecture in bones of the canine shoulder
In 1987, I had the opportunity to participate in my first research project as a pre-med student at the University of Washington. Although pre-med, I was still studying music with my major in music theory and history. Under the guidance of Dr. Peter Simkin, a rheumatologist and research physician, I was entrusted with the statistical…
August 4, 2023
The Percent Fragility Index
The percent fragility index is a measure of the robustness of a medical research study by evaluating the fragility of the significance testing performed. Citation: Heston, Thomas F. (2023). The Percent Fragility Index. International Journal of Scientific Research, 12(7), 9–10.
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