Thomas F Heston MD


April 25, 2024

Integrating Large Language Models and Blockchain Technology for Enhanced Telemedicine

The integration of large language models (LLMs) and blockchain technology holds significant potential for transforming telemedicine. LLMs can rapidly analyze vast amounts of medical data, providing personalized recommendations and augmenting diagnostic processes. Blockchain technology enables secure, decentralized storage and sharing of patient records, ensuring privacy and interoperability. The synergistic combination of these technologies can facilitate…

April 8, 2024

The Blockchain-Based Scientific Study: Reducing Bias and Improving Trust in Research

The traditional scientific study suffers from biases introduced by pharmaceutical companies, academics, and journal editors. These biases can lead to bad science and erode trust in research. However, blockchain technology offers a solution. By recording research data on an immutable, publicly available blockchain, bias can be reduced and trust restored. The blockchain-based scientific study involves…

March 21, 2024

Blockchain and AI: A Synergistic Solution to Climate Change

The integration of blockchain technology and artificial intelligence (AI) offers a transformative approach to addressing climate change. Blockchain ensures climate data’s transparency, integrity, and security, while AI, particularly large language models (LLMs), harnesses this data to generate deep insights and actionable intelligence. Together, they enhance data management, improve climate models, and facilitate evidence-based policymaking. This…

October 18, 2023

The Evolution of Medical Research Dissemination Networks

Medical research dissemination has undergone significant shifts, from initial centralized systems optimized for speed but vulnerable to bias and hacking to decentralized models improving collaboration but potentially limiting diversity, and now distributed blockchain networks enhancing security but slowing publication. A human-computer hybrid system could optimize rigor, safety, and circulation by leveraging strengths across network types….

August 29, 2023

Leveraging Blockchain for Smarter Healthcare

The healthcare industry is poised for disruption by blockchain technology. Combining blockchain’s secure data storage with IoT wearable devices creates immense potential to improve patient outcomes. Continuous health data from wearables could be recorded immutably on a blockchain ledger and analyzed by AI algorithms to enable real-time interventions. “Digital doctors” running smart contracts could monitor…

August 23, 2023

Estonia’s Leadership in Blockchain-Based Electronic Health Records

Estonia has emerged as a global leader in leveraging blockchain technology for electronic health records. A new case study explores how Estonia systematically implemented partnerships between government and private tech firms to pioneer blockchain-based eHealth systems. Benefits include more secure, transparent, shareable health data. Challenges remain in scaling globally and aligning incentives for adoption. Overall,…

August 3, 2023

A Blockchain Solution to Gun Control

In this article, I discuss practical ways that blockchain technology can be implemented to help reduce firearm-related morbidity and mortality. Heston, Thomas F. (2018). A Blockchain Solution to Gun Control. International Journal of Scientific Research, 3(7), 81–83.