Resilience and Infrastructure Analysis

  1. Guan*, X. and Chen, C. (2021) A behaviorally-integrated individual-level state-transition model that can predict rapid changes in evacuation demand days earlier. Transportation Research Part E, Vol 152, August 2021, 102381. Available online
  2. Guan*, X and Chen, C. (2018). General methodology for inferring failure-spreading dynamics in networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Available online
  3. Guan*, X., Chen, C., and Work, D. (2016) Tracking the Evolution of Infrastructure Systems and Mass Responses Using Publically Available Data. PLOS ONE, 11(12), e0167267. Available online
  4. Guan*, X. and Chen, C. (http://DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.01672672014) Using social media data to understand and assess disasters. Natural Hazards, 74(2), 837-850
  5. Chen, C., Neal, D., and Zhou, M. (2013) Understanding the Evolution of a Disaster – A Framework for Assessing Crisis in a System Environment (FACSE). Natural hazards, 65(1), 407-422

Mechanism Designs and Preference Learning

  1. Yan, P.; Lee, C.; Chu, C.; Chen, C.; and Luo, Z. (2020) Matching and pricing in ride-sharing: optimality, stability, and financial sustainability. OMEGA International Journal of Management Science. Available online.
  2. Feng, J.; Huang, S.; and Chen, C. (2020) Modeling user interaction with app-based reward system: a graphical model approach integrated with max-margin learning. Transportation Research Part C. Available online.
  3. Zhu*, X.; Feng, J.; Huang, S.; and Chen, C. (2020) An online updating method for time-varying preference learning. Transp. Res. Part C Emerg. Technol. Available online.
  4. Feng, J.; Zhu, X.; Huang, S.; and Chen, C. (2020) A learning framework for personalized random utility maximization (RUM) modeling of user behavior. IEEE Transactions on Automaton Science. Available online.
  5. Zhu*, X., Wang, F., Chen, C., Reed, D.D., 2019. Personalized incentives for promoting sustainable travel behaviors. Transp. Res. Part C Emerg. Technol. Available on line.

Mobility Analysis

  1. Wang*, F., Wang, J., Cao, J., Chen, C., Ban, X. (Jeff), 2019. Extracting trips from multi-sourced data for mobility pattern analysis: An app-based data example. Transp. Res. Part C Emerg. Technol. 105, 183–202. Available online.
  2. Wang*, F. and Chen, C. (2018). On data processing required to derive mobility patterns from passively-generated mobile phone data. Transportation Research Part C, 87, 58-74. Available online.
  3. Chen, C., Ma, J., Susilo, Y., Liu, Y., and Wang*, M. (2016) The promises of big data and small data for travel behavior (aka human mobility) analysis. Transportation Research Part C, 68, 285-299. Available online.
  4. Chen, C., Batty, M., and van Vuren, T. (2015) Editorial to the Special Issue on Passively-generated Data for Travel Behavior Analysis and Planning Applications. Transportation. Available online.
  5. Chen, C. and Bian, L. (2014) From traces to trajectories: how well can we guess activity locations from mobile phone traces? Transportation Research Part C, 46, 326-337. Available online.
  6. Wang*, T. and Chen, C. (2014) Impact of fuel price on vehicle miles traveled (VMT): does the poor respond in the same way as the rich? Transportation, 41, 91-105. Available online.
  7. Shang, C., Zhou, M., and Chen, C. (2014) Cell phone data and applications. International Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems, 19(1), 35-45.
  8. Ottosson*, D., Chen, C., Wang*, T., and Lin*, H. (2013) The sensitivity of on-street parking demand in response to price changes: a case study in Seattle, WA. Transport Policy, 25, 222-232.
  9. Wang*, T. and Chen, C. (2012) Attitudes, mode switching behavior, and the built environment: a longitudinal study in the Puget Sound region. Transportation Research Part A, 46, 1594-1607.
  10. Gong, H., Chen, C., Bialostozky*, E., and Lawson, C. (2012) A GPS/GIS Method for Travel Mode Detection in New York City. Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems, 36(2), 131-139.
  11. Chen, C., Gong, H., Lawson, C., and Bialostozky*, E. (2010) Evaluating the Feasibility of a Passive Travel Survey Collection in a Complex Urban Environment: Lessons Learned from the New York City Case Study. Transportation Research Part A, 44(10), 830-840.
  12. Chen, C. and Chen*, J. (2009) What is Responsible for a Response Lag of a Significant Change in Discretionary Time Use: the Built Environment, Family and Social Obligations, Temporal Constraints, or a Psychological Delay Factor? Transportation, 36, 27-46.
  13. Chen, C., Gong, H., and Paaswell, R. (2008) Role of the Built Environment on Mode Choice Decisions: Additional Evidence on the Impact of Density. Transportation, 35(3), 285-299.
  14. Guo, J. and Chen, C. (2007) The Built Environment and Travel Behavior: Making the Connection. Transportation, 34(5), 529-533.
  15. Chen, C. and McKnight, C. (2007). Does the Built Environment Make a Difference? Additional Evidence from the Daily Activity and Travel Behavior of Homemakers Living in NYC and Suburbs. Journal of Transport Geography, 15(5), 380-395.
  16. Chen, C. and Chen*, X. (2006) Dynamic Discrete Choice Models with Future Expectation. The International Journal of Intelligent Controls and Systems, 11(1), 36-50.
  17. Chen, C. and Mokhtarian, P. (2006) Tradeoffs between Time Allocations to Maintenance Activities/Travel and Discretionary Activities/Travel. Transportation, 33, 223-240.
  18. Chen, C. (2005) Feasible Activity and Travel Patterns Using a Discrete Choice Framework. (2005) Journal of Transportation Research Forum, July.
  19. Chen, C., Garling, T., and Kitamura, R. (2004). Activity Rescheduling: Deliberate or Habitual? Transportation Research Part F, 7(6), 351-371.
  20. Mokhtarian, P. and Chen, C. (2004) TTB or Not TTB, that is the Question: A Review and Analysis of the Empirical Literature on Travel Time (and Money) Budgets. Transportation Research Part A, 38(9-10), 643-675.
  21. Kitamura, R., Chen, C., Pendyala, R., and Narayanan, R. (2000) Micro-simulation of Daily Activity-Travel Patterns for Travel Demand Forecasting. Transportation, 27(1), 25-51.
  22. Chen, C., Kitamura, R., and Chen, J. (1999) Multimodal Daily Travel Planner – an Interactive Approach. Transportation Research Record, 1676, 37-43.
  23. Kitamura, R., Chen, C., and Narayanan, R. (1998) Traveler Destination Choice Behavior: Effects of Time of Day, Activity Duration, and Home Location. Transportation Research Record, 1645, 76-81.
  24. Beaton, P., Chen, C., and Meghdir, H. (1998) Stated Choice: a Study in Predictive Validity Using an Aggregate Truth Set. Transportation, 25(1), 55-75.
  25. Beaton, P., Chen, C., and Meghdir, H. (1997) Stated Choice for Transportation Demand Management Models: a Study in Predictive Validity Using a Disaggregate Truth Set. Transportation Research Record, 1598, 1-8.
  26. Kitamura, R., Chen, C., and Pendyala, R. (1997) Generation of Synthetic Activity-Travel Patterns. Transportation Research Record, 1607, 154-162.
  27. Pendyala, R., Kitamura, R., Chen, C., and Pas, E. (1997) An Activity-based Microsimulation Analysis of Transportation Control Measures. Transport Policy, 4(3), 183-192.
  28. Beaton, P., Chen, C., and Meghdir, H. (1996) Stated Choice: a New Tool for Transportation Demand Forecasting. Institute of Transportation Engineers Journal, January, 26-29.
  29. Beaton, P., Chen, C., and Meghdir, H. (1995) Stated Choice-based Performance Evaluation of Selected Transportation Control Measures and their Transfer across Sites. Transportation Research Record, 1496, 168-174.
  30. Chen, C., Beaton, P., and Meghdir, H. (1995) Profile of Employee Transportation Coordinators. Transportation Research Record, 1496, 123-130.

 Safety Analysis

  1. Chen, L., Chen, C., and Ewing R. (2015) Left-turn phase: permissive, protected, or both? A quasi-experimental design in New York City. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 76, 102-109.
  2. Hong*, J. and Chen, C. (2014) The role of the built environment on perceived safety from crime and walking: examining direct and indirect impacts. Transportation, 41(6), 1171-1185. DOI: 10.1007/s11116-014-9535-4.
  3. Chen*, L., Chen, C., and Ewing, R. (2014) The Relative Effectiveness of Pedestrian Safety Countermeasures at Urban Intersections – Lessons from a New York City Case Study. Transport Policy, 32, 69-78.
  4. Ewing, R., Chen*, L., and C. Chen. (2013) Quasi-experimental study of Traffic Calming Measures in New York City. Transportation Research Record, 2364, 29-35.
  5. Chen*, L., Chen, C., Ewing, R., McKnight, C., Srinivasan, R., and Roe, M. (2013) Safety countermeasures and crash reductions in New York City – Experience and Lessons learned. Accident, Analysis, and Prevention, 50, 312-322.
  6. Chen, C., Lin*, H., and Loo, B. (2012) Exploring the impact of safety culture of immigrants on pedestrian and bicycle crashes. Journal of Urban Health, 89 (1), 138-152. DOI: 10.1007/s11524-011-9629-7.
  7. Chen*, L., Chen, C., Raghavan, S., McKnight, C., Ewing, R., and Roe, M. (2012) Evaluating the safety impacts of bike lanes in New York City. American Journal of Public Health, 102(6), 1120-1127.

Transit Related

  1. Chen, C. and Varley*, D. (2011) What affects Transit Ridership? A Dynamic Analysis Involving Multiple Factors, Lags, and Asymmetric Behavior. Urban Studies, 48(9), 1893 – 1908. DOI: 10.1177/0042098010379280
  2. Loo, B., Chen, C., and Chan*, E. (2010) Rail-based Transit-oriented Development: Lessons from New York City and Hong Kong. Landscape and Urban Planning , 97(3), 202-212.
  3. Chen, C. and Chen*, J. (2009) Diurnal Pattern of Transit Ridership: A Case Study of the New York City Subway System. Journal of Transport Geography, 19, 176-186.

  Residential Location Choices

  1. Chen, C. and Lin*, H. (2012) How far do people search for housing? Analyzing the roles of housing supply, intra-household dynamics, and the use of information channels. Housing Studies, 27(7), 898-914. DOI: 10.1080/02673037.2012.725827
  2. Chen, C. and Lin*, H. (2011) Decomposing Residential Self-selection via a Life Course Perspective. Environment and Planning A, 43(11), 2608-2625.
  3. Chen, C., Chen*, J., and Timmermans, H. (2009) Historical Deposition Influence and its Interaction with Lifecycle in Residential Location Decisions: Development of a GEV Discrete Choice Model for Spatial Correlation. Environment and Planning A, 41(11), 2760-2777.
  4. Chen*, J., Chen, C., and Timmermans, H. (2008) Accessibility Tradeoffs in Residential Location Decisions. Transportation Research Record, 2077, 71-79.


  1. Lin, J., Chen, C., and Niemeier, D. (2008) An Analysis on Long Term Emission Benefits of a Government Vehicle Fleet Replacement Plan In Northern Illinois. Transportation, 35(2), 219-235.
  2. Chen, C. and Lin, J. (2006) Making an Informed Vehicle Scrappage Decision. Transport Review, 26(6), 731-748.
  3. Chen, C. and Niemeier, D. (2005) A Mass Point Vehicle Scrappage Model. Transportation Research Part B, 39(5), 401-415.
  4. Pendyala, R., Goulias, K., and Chen, C. (2009) Remembering a Teacher. Transportation, 36, 643-645. [note: this is a memorial paper for my PhD advisor: Dr. Ryuichi Kitamura]
  5. Gong, H., Japzon*, A., and Chen, C. (2008) Public Libraries and Social Capital in Three New York City Neighborhoods. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie (Journal of Economic and Social Geography), 99(1), 65-83.
  6. Wen, H. and Chen, C. (2007) Factors Influencing the Initial Roughness of the Concrete Pavement. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities (ASCE Journal), 21(6), 459-464.