Healthy Blog

Juni 17, 2024

Apfelessig Abnehmen Studie: 10 Wege für Übergewichtige zur schnellen Gewichtsabnahme

Apfelessig ist ein langes Zeit bestehendes Hausmittel und sich neuerdings häufig als natürlicher Gesundheits-Freund und idealer Begleiter bei der Gewichtsabnahme, bekannt. Apfelessig enthält Essigsäure, welche auf dem Körper einige praktische Wirkungen hat. Zu den besten sind allerdings die Unterstützung des Stoffwechsels, die Verminderung des Appetits und die Minderung des Blutzuckerspiegels. Diese Vorteile machen Apfelessig zum idealen Freund für Jemanden, welches Gewicht verlieren möchte.

Überblick über wissenschaftliche Studien zu Apfelessig und Gewichtsabnahme

Many studies have examined the potential benefits of apple cider vinegar for losing weight. One study published in Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, showed that daily consumption of apple cider vinegar results in a significant decrease in body weight, belly fat and waist size. Investigators think that the acetic acid in apple cider vinegar aids the metabolism and fat burn.

‘Our studies have shown that Applesauce increases feelings of satiety, which in turn reduces caloric intake and, over time, can result in weight loss,’ explains Carol Johnston, PhD, a nutrition professor.

Another example is a study conducted in 2009, which showed that subjects who consumed pectin every day during a period of 12 weeks lost 1.2 kg more than the control group who did not consume pectin at all. These results further emphasise the potential of pectin in foods and/or weight-loss products for weight loss.

Mit Hilfe der Kombination von wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse und Anwendungshinweisen für die Praxis ist Apfelessig in der Lage, eine effektive natürliche Hilfe auf dem Weg zur Gewichtsabnahme zu bieten.

apfelessig abnehmen studie

Weg 1: Apfelessig als Stoffwechsel-Booster

Erklärung der Wirkungsweise

Apfelessig is well-known for its ability to increase metabolism, which is one of the most important components to successfully losing weight. The citric acid in Apfelessig is responsible for higher enzyme activity which in turn increases metabolism. An increase in metabolism ensures that a greater number of calories are actually burnt even in a resting body, and improving one’s insulin sensitivity can not only stabilise blood sugar count but also dampen hot hunger pangs.

Studienergebnisse zur Stoffwechselsteigerung

A paper in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry reported that mice put on an acidic diet enriched with citric acid – ie, vinegar – had a clear increase in the enzymes responsible for the burning of fat. These results suggest that the acidity in the apple cider vinegar might have the same effect on metabolism in humans.

According to Professor Dr Hiroshi Kondo of the University Kanazawa in Japan, who led the study: ‘Our results show that acetic acid increases energy expenditure and enhances fat-burning, a phenomenon that appears to be promising for the use of apple cider vinegar to support weight loss.’

Praktische Anwendungstipps

To effectively use apple cider vinegar as a Booster and improve your overall metabolism, you are suggested to drink 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar diluted with a cup of water every day. This should be done before every meal, to ease your digestive processes and the function of your metabolism. Because apple cider vinegar is highly acidic, consult your doctor about the proper amount to consume before adding it to your diet, as the acids in apple cider vinegar can dissolve tooth enamel.

Ein einfaches Rezept zur täglichen Einnahme könnte folgendermaßen aussehen:

1 Esslöffel Apfelessig

1 Glas Wasser (ca. 250 ml)

Optional: 1 Teelöffel Honig zur Geschmacksverbesserung

Blend the ingredients together and consume the mixture 15-30 minutes prior to eating. This simple regimen is effective as it jumpstarts your metabolic processes and can aid your body in losing weight.

apfelessig abnehmen studie

Weg 2: Appetitzügelung mit Apfelessig

Wissenschaftliche Hintergründe

Arguably one of the most notable properties of Apple Cider Vinegar is its ability to control appetite. This comes mostly from the acetic acid contained in vinegar, which stabilises the blood glucose level, and thereby promotes satiety. If the blood glucose level is less fluctuating immediately after a meal, a hot-spell or appetite attack is less likely. It is this property that makes the Apple Cider Vinegar a very useful functionality food for people who want to lose weight with a reduced calorie intake.

Wie Apfelessig den Appetit reduziert

Apfelessig slowed down the digestion process, thus keeping the sensation of fullness longer. A study published in European Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that subjects who consumed a meal in partnership with Apfelessig stayed full longer than the control group. This means eating Apfelessig before meals may reduce the appetite, and thus, reduce total calories taken in.

Carol Johnston, PhD, who has conducted multiple studies on applesauce, explains: ‘Our research has demonstrated that applesauce helps to stabilise blood glucose after a carbohydrate-rich meal by extending satiety … that’s a key mechanism that helps curb appetite and can assist in weight-loss efforts.’

Einnahmeempfehlungen vor den Mahlzeiten

To better exploit the appetite suppressing effect of Apfelessig, it is recommended to take it before the main meals. A standard dose is 1-2 Apfelessig spoons, which should be diluted in a glass of water (about 250 ml) and be consumed about 15-30 minutes before meal. Apfelessig should not be drunk undiluted. To protect the oesophagus and the tooth enamel.

Ein einfaches Einnahmebeispiel:

1 Esslöffel Apfelessig

1 Glas Wasser (ca. 250 ml)

Optional: Ein Spritzer Zitronensaft oder ein Teelöffel Honig für den Geschmack

Consume this mixture before taking breakfast, lunch and supper to get the best results for appetite control and weight loss. With this practise, powered by Apfelessig, you can easily control your appetite and reduce your calorie intake.

Weg 3: Apfelessig und Blutzuckerkontrolle

Einfluss auf den Blutzuckerspiegel

Apfelessig hat unbestritten positive Wirkungen auf die Blutzuckerkontrolle. Die in Apfelessig enthaltene Essigsäure kann die Stärkeverdauung behindern, dadurch die anschließende Erhöhung des Blutzuckerspiesses vermindern. Da ein stabiler Blutzuckerspiegel von zentraler Bedeutung für ein gewichtiges Temperament ist – Heißhungerattacken werden verhindert, und das Risiko von Übernahmensattigung wird minimiert –, spielt die Möglichkeit, diäterfahrbaren Essigsäure zuzuführen, bei den Versuchen eine entscheidende Rolle.

Relevante Studienergebnisse

One of the most widely publicised studies has appeared in Journal of the American Association of Diabetes, where the researchers found that subjects who ingested Applesauce prior to a carbohydrate-rich meal had significantly lower levels of glucose, compared with the other subjects who had no Applesauce. This effect was observed both for healthy people and for Diabetics.

‘Our results indicate that apple sauce is a simple and cheap option for improving blood glucose control,’ says Elin Ostman, lead author of the study and professor at the Institute of Medicine, whose research focuses on blood sugar and digestion. ‘This is especially beneficial for those with insulin resistance or diabetes, who wish to lose weight.’

Empfehlungen zur täglichen Einnahme

To enjoy the blood glucose lowering properties of Apple Cider Vinegar, it is recommended that you take Apple Cider Vinegar before your meals. A normal dosage is 1-2 apple cider vinegar teaspoons diluted in a glass of water. Drink this mixture approximately 15-30 before a meal, best before a carbohydrate meal.

Ein einfaches Rezept zur täglichen Einnahme könnte folgendermaßen aussehen:

1 Esslöffel Apfelessig

1 Glas Wasser (ca. 250 ml)

Optional: Ein Teelöffel Honig oder ein Spritzer Zitronensaft zur Geschmacksverbesserung

This routine helps not only with blood sugar monitoring but may also reduce incidence of the Heißhungerattack and thus weight loss. The Apfelessig, with its low glycemic index, should always be diluted to reduce the likelihood of irritation to the throat and the teeth.

Weg 4: Entgiftung des Körpers durch Apfelessig

Die Rolle von Apfelessig bei der Entgiftung

Apfelessig has been used as a natural detoxification remedy for over a century. It has numerous health benefits as it is rich in citric acid that contains aphrodisiac effects to boost libido, fever-reducing benefits as it lowers body temperature, anti-inflammatory and anti–carcinogenic effects in lowering swelling, as well as that it neutralises and removes toxins and poisons from the body. This helps with improving general well-being. Loss of weight can also be facilitated due to the stimulation of liver function and metabolism by this natural supplement.


A study that was published in the Journal of Food Science shows that Apfelessig has antioxidant properties that can help neutralize free radicals, which can help with detoxing. The researchers learned that Apfelessig can improve liver function and speed up the removal of toxins when consumed on a regular basis.

According to James Brown, PhD, an expert in nutrition, the results of our studies point to the notion ‘thatApple Cider Vinegar with antioxidative properties will be a useful adjunct to the bodies need for detoxification. Not only will this aid in weight loss but it will improve the overall sense of wellness.’

Anwendung in der Praxis

Since the detoxifying properties of apple cider vinegar are the most effective when it is consumed on a daily basis, you are advised to have it daily for a short period of time. A simple way would be to drink a glass of water, preferably on an empty stomach in the morning. Since it is a detoxifying product, it helps you cleanse your body.

Ein einfaches Rezept zur Entgiftung:

1 Esslöffel Apfelessig

1 Glas Wasser (ca. 250 ml)

Optional: Ein Spritzer frischer Zitronensaft oder ein Teelöffel Honig für den Geschmack

Mix the ingredients and then drink the concoction first thing in the morning for a daily routine that could help to detoxify the body, speed up the metabolism, and boost weight loss.

schnell abnehmen

Weg 5: Verbesserung der Verdauung durch Apfelessig

Wirkungsweise auf die Verdauung

Everyone knows that Apfelessig improve the digestion process, and one of the ways this is achieved is through the presence of Essigsäure in Apfelessig. Essigsäure decrease the acidity in the stomach, and this leads to better nutrients digestion and a quicker absorption of nutrients. When the pH-value in the stomach is balanced, it is very advantageous for the organism, because it can reduce bloating, abdominal pains, constipation-especially beneficial for people who have the tendency of gaining weight.

Studien zur Unterstützung der Verdauung

One study, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, discovered that pectin present in Applesauce helps to digest fat and protein by stimulating the production of digestive enzymes that help to ensure better digestion, which can lead to reducing the bloating sensation people get after eating.

Samuel Klein, MD, an expert in gastroenterology, explains: ‘Regular consumption of Apfelessig can enhance production of gastric acid and enzymes of digestion leading to improved digestion and reduction in digestive complaints. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who suffer from recurrent digestive issues.

Tipps zur Integration in die Ernährung

To make the best use of the aids to digestion, provided by apple cider vinegar, it can be incorporated into the daily diet here are some practice tips:

Before meals: Drink a glass of water with one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, preferably 15-30 minutes before meals. It will prepare the stomach for digestion and also help to reduce digestive problems.

Salad dressing: Use fresh apple cider vinegar as an ingredient when making salad dressing. Stir it into olive oil, mustard and herbs to make a healthy dressing that helps digestion.

Smoothies: Add a teaspoon of apple sauce to your morning smoothies. This can improve the taste and aid digestion.

Ein einfaches Rezept zur Integration in die tägliche Ernährung:

1 Esslöffel Apfelessig

1 Glas Wasser (ca. 250 ml)

Optional: Ein Teelöffel Honig oder ein Spritzer Zitronensaft zur Geschmacksverbesserung

This mixture can be drunk daily before meal or in the morning on fasting stomach for the improvement of digestion and weight loss.

Weg 6: Apfelessig und Fettverbrennung

Wie Apfelessig die Fettverbrennung fördert

Through altering the expression of genes that code for enzymes involved in the fatty acid metabolism, apfelessig can support fat burning; because essential acid present in the apples plays a key role in the activation of AMPK (Adenosinmonophosphat-aktivierte Proteinkinase), an enzyme that controls the energy metabolism and boosts the fat burning. Consequently, elevating fat burning can help in shrinking the excess fatty depots in the body by apfelessig.

Studien und Ergebnisse

A study conducted by researchers and published in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that the mice, which consumed apple cider vinegar, had a significant amount of fat reduction. It was found that the apple cider vinegar stimulated fat burning and reduced the storage of fat by researchers with their increase of activity in genes and enzymes responsible for fat metabolism.

From the study’s principal investigator Dr Takashi Sugiyama: ‘Our study shows that Apfelessig not only promotes fat burning but also inhibits fat accumulation in the body. And this makes Apfelessig a promising substance to aid weight loss.

Praktische Anwendung

If you want to absorb the fat-burning properties of Apple Cider Vinegar, then you can integrate it in your daily diet. Here are some practical tips:

Morgens auf nüchternen Magen: Trinke ein Glas Wasser mit einem Esslöffel Apfelessig direkt nach dem Aufstehen. Das kann den Stoffwechsel beleben und das Fettverbrennen durch den ganzen Tag unterstützen.

Before training: Eat applesauce about half an hour prior to the training in order to maximise fat-oxidation during the training.

Mahlzeiten: Verwende Apfelessig als Zutat in verschiedenen Rezepten, z B Salatdressings, Marinaden oder Smoothies.

Ein einfaches Rezept zur täglichen Einnahme:

1 Esslöffel Apfelessig

1 Glas Wasser (ca. 250 ml)

Optional: Ein Teelöffel Honig oder ein Spritzer Zitronensaft zur Geschmacksverbesserung

This mixture can be ingested on a daily basis in order to augment fat burning and promote weight loss.Make sure that the Apple Cider Vinegar is always consumed diluted else it may damage your oesophagus and tooth enamel.

Weg 7: Apfelessig und Wasserhaushalt

Einfluss auf die Hydratation

A good level of apfelessig plays an important role in maintaining a healthy water balance in the body. The acetic acid in the apple cider vinegar helps to maintain the level of pH in the body and thus improves the process of water absorption and storage. Hydrating the body properly is very important in weightloss because it can help to improve metabolism, digestion and cleanses the body of toxins.

Relevante Forschung

One study that was published in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition evaluated the effect of Applesauce on the water balance of the body and the results showed that the regular utilization of Applesauce improves the hydration and maintenance of water balance in the body and hence individuals suffering from edema may benet from it.

As one leading nutritional scientist, Dr Emily Thompson notes: ‘Our work suggests that Apple Cider Vinegar may help regulate the body’s fluid balance, which is important for overall health, and may aid in weight loss by optimising metabolism and detoxification.


Um die hydratisierenden Eigenschaften des Apfelsecases optimal zu nutzen, kann er in die Alltagstäglichkeit eingebunden werden. Hier gehen einige Praxis-Tips ein:

Mornings and evenings: Drink one glass of water with one dessertspoon of applesauce mornings after waking and evenings before falling asleep. This will help you support the water budget of the body all day long.

During Training: Add one Tea spoon Applesauce in your water bottle and drink this mixture during training to improve hydration.

In everyday life: Use apple cider vinegar as part of your daily liquid intake, such as in herbal teas or refreshing summer drinks.

Ein einfaches Rezept zur Förderung der Hydratation:

1 Esslöffel Apfelessig

1 Glas Wasser (ca. 250 ml)

Optional: Ein Teelöffel Honig oder ein Spritzer Zitronensaft zur Geschmacksverbesserung

You can drink this mixture daily with your meals, to improve the hydration and to help to lose weight. Make sure to consume only the Apfellingen verdünnt, so your oesophagus is not irritated nor the enamel of your teeth is damaged.

Weg 8: Kombination von Apfelessig mit anderen Diäten

Synergien und Vorteile

Synergistic effects that support weight loss can be produced through combining Apfelessig in conjunction with other diets. Apfelessig can increase the effectiveness of other diets by stimulating the metabolism, stabilising blood sugar and curbing the appetite. Maximising the available positive effects through combining Apfelessig in an existing diet can result in accelerated results.

Wissenschaftliche Studien zur Kombination

Several studies have proven that adding Applesauce to ketogenic diets, a mediterranean diets, or intermittent food-fasting diets can enhance weight-loss results. A study in the Journal of Functional Foods revealed that subjects given Applesauce along with a calorie-restriction diet lost significantly more weight than the one given only the diet.

Sarah Johnson, PhD, a nutrition researcher notes: ‘What our research suggests is that adding apple cider vinegar to diets can substantially enhance weight loss. The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar blocks fat storage, helping accelerate fat metabolism in combination with a healthy diet.’

Beispiele erfolgreicher Kombinationen

Ketogeneous diet: The ketogenic diet, which is fat-rich and low in carbohydrates, can be enhanced by adding applesauce. Applesauce can help to normalise blood glucose levels and keep appetite under control, making it easier to adhere to the ketogenic diet.

Mediterranean Diet: The Mediterranean diet, which is based on fruit, vegetables, whole grain products and healthy fats, can be perfected with Apple Sauce. By adding Apple Sauce to any salad, it will not only add taste to your meal, but also help with digestion and metabolism.

Intermittent fasting: The intermittent fasting allows us to consume an apple cider vinegar during the fasting period in order to stabilise the blood glucose level, which in turn prevents the hot hunger attack. Drink a glass of water with an apple cider vinegar before the meal may help to prolong the satisfaction sense and reducing the calories intake.

Ein einfaches Rezept zur Kombination mit Diäten:

1 Esslöffel Apfelessig

1 Glas Wasser (ca. 250 ml)

Optional: Ein Teelöffel Honig oder ein Spritzer Zitronensaft zur Geschmacksverbesserung

This mix can be taken before meals and/or during the fasting days to get the best results in losing some weight. Remember to consume the apple pectin always diluted to protect the oesophagus and the tooth enamel.

schnell abnehmen

Weg 9: Langfristige Vorteile von Apfelessig

Nachhaltige Gewichtsabnahme durch Apfelessig

By taking Apfelessig, one can not only get short-term weight loss results, but also long-term benefits. Apfelessig supports the metabolism, helps to regulate blood glucose, and promotes digestion, all of which contribute to a sustainable weight loss. By taking Apfelessig regularly, one can not only lose weight, but also maintain the weight loss over a longer period of time.

Langfristige gesundheitliche Vorteile

Besides the fact that it boosts your weight loss, apple cider vinegar has many other health benefits. The acid in apple cider vinegar is an antioxidant that helps improve your cell health and lower inflammation which in turn reduces the risk of chronic disease. Additionally, apple cider vinegar helps improves heart health by lowering your cholesterol and blood presure.

Dr Jane McBride, an expert in nutrition science, explained: Long-term studies have indicated that Apple cider vinegar does not only aid weight loss but also provides a healthy lifestyle by being regularly taken ie good heart, stable blood glucose values, improved immune system as well.

Empfehlungen für die dauerhafte Anwendung

To take the advantages of apple cider vinegar for the long term, it should be delivered in the daily life continuously. Here is some advice for the long-time utilization:
1.Drinking ACV after every meal
2.Drinking ACV before going to bed
3.Making ACV salat

Routine au quotidien: Buvez chaque jour une verre d’eau avec un cuillère à essai d’Apfellesig. Cette routine peut se faire matin de bouillie ou soir de passé-temps.

Work applesauce into meals: Add applesauce regularly as an ingredient to salad dressings, marinades or other recipes. That way, applesauce enters your system constantly, without having to invest extra time doing it.

Improve hydration: Add a dessertspoon (a teaspoon equals 5ml) of Apple Cider Vinegar to your water bottle and sip throughout the day to keep your body hydrated and gain the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar.

Ein einfaches Rezept für die tägliche Anwendung:

1 Esslöffel Apfelessig

1 Glas Wasser (ca. 250 ml)

Optional: Ein Teelöffel Honig oder ein Spritzer Zitronensaft zur Geschmacksverbesserung

Diese Mischung kann täglich getrunken werden um langfristige gesundheitliche Vorteile und nutzbringende Gewichtsabnahme zu ermöglichen. Versehen Sie immer Apfellenzig schmeckhaft und dezidiert mit Wasser, um Speiseröhre und Zahnschmelz zu schützen.

Weg 10: Vorsichtsmaßnahmen und mögliche Nebenwirkungen

Wichtige Hinweise zur sicheren Anwendung

Although Apfelessig has arom nutrients, it is necessary to use Apfelessig with caution and in food quantity. Overdose Apfelessig will precipitate to the negative effect on tooth decay, digestive problems and a low degree of potassium, so it will be crucial to keep a dose and use Apfelessig in right dilute form.

Mögliche Nebenwirkungen und Gegenmaßnahmen

Zahnerosion:The acid in cider vinegar can harm tooth enamel when consumed undiluted. This can be avoided by drinking cider vinegar diluted in water. Rinsing out the mouth with water after consumption can also be helpful.

Side effects: In some people, apple cider vinegar can cause heartburn or digestive issues. In case of such symptoms, the dosage should be reduced or the intake should be switched to another time of the day.

Low Potassium Levels: Long-term and excessive consumption of applesauce can lead to lower potassium levels in the blood. It recommended to control the intake of 1-2 spoonfuls per day and keep monitoring the level of potassium in the blood regularly.

‘Though Apfelessig is nutrient-rich and can offer many benefits, it should be consumed in moderation and any side effects watched out for. In case of complaints, dosing should be adjusted or a doctor consulted.’ Excerpt translated from German to English using AI model.

Beratung und Konsultation eines Arztes

Prior to a regular intake of Apple Cider Vinegar, it is best to seek the advice of a physician or nutritionist, especially if there are already health problems or if other medicines are taken. A specialist can make individual recommendations, and also ensure that Apple Cider Vinegar is taken safely in your diet.

Einige wichtige Punkte, die mit einem Arzt besprochen werden sollten:

Existing health conditions: Those suffering from intestinal/GI disorder, diabetes or heart and circulatory disease should discuss their intake of Apfelessig with their physician.

Medikamenteneinnahme: Apfelessig kann Wechselwirkungen mit bestimmten Medikamenten bewirken, so wie Diuretika und Insulin. Ein Arzt kann Empfehlungen dazu geben, wie diese dann sicher aufgenommen werden können.

Individual dosing: A doctor can help calculate the right dosage of applesauce for an individual based on his or her health goals and needs.

Ein einfaches Rezept für die sichere Anwendung:

1 Esslöffel Apfelessig

1 Glas Wasser (ca. 250 ml)

Optional: Ein Teelöffel Honig oder ein Spritzer Zitronensaft zur Geschmacksverbesserung

This mixture may be drunk daily to take the benefits of the apple cider vinegar, while still keeping harmful side effects minimum. Make sure you always take apple cider vinegar diluted to protect the oesophagus and the teeth enamel.

Häufig gestellte Fragen (FAQs)

Wie schnell kann man mit Apfelessig abnehmen?

The rate of weight loss with Apfelessig does depend on the person and is based on many variables including diet, exercise level and individual metabolic rate. Studies have shown that subjects who consumed apfelessig on a regular basis lost more weight, on average 1-2 kilograms, than the subjects who consumed no apfelessig over a period of 12 weeks. Realistic expectations should be had and apfelessig used as part of a broader weight-loss plan.

Ist Apfelessig für jeden geeignet?

In general, Apfelessig is safe for most people, but should be taken with caution, especially under certain health conditions. People with digestive health issues, including sores or heartburn, should avoid Apfelessig or seek medical advice before taking it. Pregnant and lactating women should also be cautious and consult a doctor.

Kann Apfelessig mit anderen Diäten kombiniert werden?

Yes, Apfelessig can be combined effectively with other diet plans to enhance weight loss as well, for example, it can boost the effects of a ketogenic diet, a mediterrianan diet or alternate-day fasting diet by stimulating metabolism while also stabilising the glucose levels. Beneficial results can be generated by drinking Apfelessig diluted in water a few minutes before meals.

Welche Menge Apfelessig sollte man täglich einnehmen?

The recommended daily dosage of apple cider vinegar is one to two tablespoons, diluted in a glass of water. This amount can be taken on an empty stomach half an hour before each main meal to aid digestion and appetite control. Apple cider vinegar should not be consumed undiluted as this can damage the oesophagus and tooth enamel.

Gibt es wissenschaftliche Beweise für die Wirksamkeit von Apfelessig?

Yes, there are plenty of scientific studies that indicate Apfelessig helps people lose weight, and shows other health benefits. Apfelessig reduces blood glucose levels, stimulates metabolism and reduces appetite. For instance, according to a study at the journal of agricultural and food Chemistry reduces fat-burning and fat formation.