Healthy Blog

Juni 18, 2024

Abnehmen Schnell: 10 Wege, um schnell Gewicht zu verlieren

The wish to lose weight quickly is widespread. Sometimes there are pressing reasons why people should lose weight as fast as possible – be it because of a special event, health concerns or simply the need for a new, healthier way of life. Losing weight quickly, however, can have benefits but also entails risks. It is important to choose effective and safe methods in order to avoid long-term health damage.

1.2 Vorteile des schnellen Abnehmens

Some of the most important benefits of rapid weight loss include improving heart health, lowering the risk of diabetes, and boosting overall mood. “People who lose weight quickly experience a significant drop in blood pressure and cholesterol levels,” says Prof. Hans Müller, a respected researcher in the field of nutritional science. “This is an important consideration for overweight individuals.” It should be noted, however, that the process must be carried out in a careful manner and with due consideration of the latest scientific insights to yield lasting results.

abnehmen schnell

Gesunde Ernährung

1 Kalorienarme Mahlzeiten

One of the most effective ways to lose weight quickly is actually to incorporate calorie-poor meals into your daily menu. These meals should be nutrient-rich but calorie-poor. Vegetables, low-fat protein such as chicken or fish and foods with a high fibre content can help to increase your feeling of satiety and also reduce calorie uptake. Dr Maria Schmidt, a nutritional scientist, says: ‘The secret to quick weight loss is often the reduction of calorie uptake while at the same time ensuring the nutrient requirements are being met.’

2 Ausgewogene Ernährung und Makronährstoffe

A balanced intake of all macro-nutrients (as proteins, carbs and fats are called) is essential to a healthy loss of weight, as protein aids muscle-building and the feeling of fullness, while complex carbs and healthy fats give energy and rev up the metabolism. In an empirical study, the Institute of Food and Nutrition Sciences revealed that balanced nutrition promotes long-term weight loss.

3 Vermeidung von Zucker und verarbeiteten Lebensmitteln

Another important step to boost the weight loss pace is to reduce consumption of sugars and processed foods. They often contain a large number of calories for a low level of nutrients, with the consequent risk of weight gain and health issues. It is therefore recommended to prefer natural products such as fruit and vegetables, as well as wholemeal products. As the diabetologist Dr. Thomas Weber said: “The avoidance of processed foods and sugars can not only speed up the weight loss processes but also drastically decrease the risk for chronic diseases.”

abnehmen schnell

Körperliche Aktivität

1 Effektive Trainingsmethoden

No one can lose weight quickly without physical activity. Effective training techniques include high-intensity interval training (HIIT), which combines short intervals of intensive stress with a rest period. This increases heart beat frequency and leads to the burning of many calories in a short time. Markus Müller, a well-known sports scientist, explains: ‘HIIT is particularly suitable for weight loss because it activates the afterburn effect and increases metabolism for hours after the training.’

2 Kombination aus Kraft- und Cardiotraining

Similarly important is a balanced mix of strenght- and cardiotraining. Strenghttraining increases muscle mass that by itself can raise up to 20 per cent of the general basic metabolism thus raising calorie consumption. Cardiotraining like running, bicycling or swimming helps to burn fat, strengthens the cardiovascular system. A University to Cologne study has shown that a mix of both trains better results for a quick weight loss.

3 Sportarten für schnellen Gewichtsverlust

There are specific kinds of sport that are particularly efficient for losing weight quickly. These include boxing, CrossFit, swimming and cycling. These sports provide a lot of calories burned, and also help improve endurance and strength. Sports doctor Sabrina Hoffmann says: Boxing and CrossFit, for example, combine different types of training with mixed techniques that work on your whole body and thus provide the maximum calorie burn.


1 Was ist Intervallfasten?

Intervallfasten (Wechseln zwischen Essens- und Fastenperioden) kann sehr gut helfen, um schnell abgeben zu unterstützen. Man unterscheidet verschiedene Formen des Intervallfastens, wie die 16/8-Methode: Fasten sieben Tage lang 16 Stunden und essen Sie sich in einem 8-Stunden-Fenster aus. Oder die 5:2-Diät: Fasten Sie fünf Tage lang normal und speisen Sie sich bald im zweiten Teilwochenende nur noch auf ca. 600 kCal ein. ‘Intervallfasten lässt den Stoffwechsel kippen und die Fettverbrennung sicher verbessern, indem sie die Insulinempfindlichkeit stärken’, erklärt Professor Dr. Peter Keller, Leiter der Arbeitsgruppe Physiologie der Biochemie und Ernährungswissenschaften des Universitätsklinikums Würzburg.

2 Vorteile des Intervallfastens

Fasten in Intervallen gives us multiple benefits aside from supporting a quick loss of pounds. Fasten could reduce insulin values, regulate the hormone-level and improve cell-repair. Additionally, it could reduce inflammations and reduce the risk for chronic diseases. A study by the Harvard Medical school states that intervallfasten not only helps us to lose weight but it boosts our overall health and improves the quality of our lives.

3 Verschiedene Methoden des Intervallfastens

There are several methods of Interval fasting, some being more popular than others and a choice can be made according to personal preference and lifestyle. The 16/8-Methode of fasting is one of the most popular methods and it entails eating within an 8-hour window and fasting for the other 16 hours. In the 5:2-Diet, you eat very little food on two days a week and eat normally on five other days. Another method is 24 hour fasting, where you fast for 24 hours on one or two days a week. Anne Fischer, doctor of medical nutrition therapy, recommends: ‘It’s important to find the method to fit your lifestyle best, to get the best results and to maintain for the long run.’


1 Bedeutung von Wasser für den Gewichtsverlust

Wasser ist essentiell, wenn Sie schnell abnehmen möchten, Stimmt die Unterstützung des Stoffwechsels, fördert die Entgiftung und kann auch das Sättigungsgefühl erhöhen, was in sich eine geringere Aufnahme von Kalorien hat. Dr Ingrid Becker, Ernährungsmedizinerin: ‘Die Hydratation ist essentiell für den Gewichtsverlust, weil das Wasser uns beim Abbau von Fetten und beim Ausscheiden von Toxinen hilft’.

2 Wasser trinken vor den Mahlzeiten

Drinking water before the meal can additionally promote weight loss. Numerous clinical studies have shown that water consumption before the meal reduces the calorie intake because it increases the feeling of satiety. According to Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, subjects who drank the water before the meal lost on average 44 per cent more weight than those who didn’t. Dieters may be discouraged to learn that achieving this simple, sedentary weight loss takes up to three months, but this points to the power of simple changes in daily behaviour.

3 Vermeidung von zuckerhaltigen Getränken

Another important step in quick weight loss is to avoid drinks that contain sugar because soft drinks, juices and energy drinks often have high levels of sugar and calories that may hinder weight loss. In stead of sugar drinks one should prefer water, non sweet tea or infused water. According to Dr. Michael Schneider, board-certified endocrinologist, sugar filled drinks are the main cause for weight increase. Avoiding drinks is a significant step in weight loss.

abnehmen schnell

Schlaf und Erholung

1 Bedeutung von ausreichend Schlaf

Enough sleep is one of the most undervalued factors for quick weight loss. Numerous studies have shown that sleep deprivation helps to affect the hormones that regulate hunger and satiety and, therefore, can cause a greater intake of calories and weight gain. Dr Laura Meier, medical director-technology development at One Medical Group, a US health care company, cautions: ‘Sleep is essential for physical and cognitive restoration and supports weight management. People who get a good amount of sleep tend to have fewer issues with weight.’

2 Wie Schlaf den Stoffwechsel beeinflusst

A good night’s sleep supports healthy metabolism, which is key for fat oxidation. Sleep leads to the release of important hormones such as growth hormone and leptin that support fat burning. Sleep deprivation can increase the level of cortisol, which in turn leads to hormonal power-hungers and the selection of energy-dense foods. University of Lübeck researchers found that only one sleepless night is enough to disrupt metabolism.

3 Tipps für besseren Schlaf

German: ‘To improve the quality of sleep and aid weight loss, you should eat five servings of vegetables, stay on schedule with regular sleeping hours, maintain a calm environment before going to bed without watching TV or looking at screens. It is also recommended to avoid excessive caffeine intake after noon. Sleep experts recommend you try to establish a regular sleeping schedule and create a calm environment in your bedroom. These are important factors that can help improve sleep quality, and thus aid weight loss.’ To improve your sleep and aid weight loss, you should establish consistent sleeping hours and keep a calm environment in the bedroom by avoiding TV or screens before bed, and cutting back on caffeine after noon. This should seriously help with sleep quality and aid weight loss.


1 Der Einfluss von Stress auf das Gewicht

Stress can have a very significant impact on weight loss and how well it works. Chronic stress leads to the release of cortisol, a hormone that can increase appetite as well as encourage fat storage in the abdomen. Dr Richard Bauer, a stress management expert, remarks: ‘ Long term stress can have a scrambling effect on hormone levels, making weight loss more difficult. It’s important to develop effective coping strategies for stress.

2 Methoden zur Stressreduktion

There are many ways to reduce stress in a healthy manner that can help with weight loss, such as regular exercise, adequate sleep, social support and relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or yoga. Regular exercise, such as running or swimming, can help to release endorphins, lowering stress. “Increased physical activity is one of the best ways to reduce stress. Not just in losing weight, but in general wellbeing,” says Dr Anna Müller, a psychologist.

3 Achtsamkeit und Meditation

Other helpful techniques include Achtsamkeit and meditation, which help focus on the present and can help break negative thought patterns. Evidence suggests that daily meditation can reduce stress levels and improve self-perception, which in turn can lead to better decision-making around eating and activity. Dr. Claudia Schmitt, a mindfulness expert, says: ‘Mindfulness practices can lower emotionally charged eating and enhance a healthy relationship with one’s body.

Supplemente und natürliche Mittel

1 Natürliche Fatburner

Natural fat burners can be a useful supplement to help with quick weight loss. Amongst the most popular natural fat burners are green tea, caffeine and cayennepepper. Green tea contains antioxidants which have an effect on boosting the metabolism and support fatburning. Caffeine is known for increasing the energy reserves and the calorie burning of the body. Cayennepepper can increase the thermogenesis. This is supported by the ingredient Capsaicin. Silvia Richter, nutrition scientist explains: „Natural fat burners can support the weight loss, but must always be used in combination with a healthy nutrition and regular sports.“

2 Beliebte Nahrungsergänzungsmittel

In addition to natural Fatburners, there are a number of dietary supplements that can aid you in burning fat quickly. Among the most popular are protein powders, omega-3 fatty acids and fibre supplements. Protein powder supports muscle building and satiety, while omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory actions and promote cardiovascular health. Fibre supplements can increase satiety and improve digestion. Dr Daniel Wolf, an expert in nutritional medicine, explains: ‘Nutritional supplements can be a useful addition to healthy eating. However, supplements should not be seen as a replacement for actual food.’

3 Risiken und Vorteile von Supplementen

Although nutritional supplements come with many advantages, individuals must also be aware of the potential side effects. Overdosing or taking the wrong combinations of supplements could lead to negative health effects. Thus, it is a good idea to have a consultation with a doctor or a nutrition advisor prior to taking any form of nutritional supplement. Dr Eva Braun, a specialist in internal medicine, said: „Although nutritional supplements can be beneficial to correct certain nutritional deficiencies, they are to be taken with caution and supervised by a professional to avoid unwanted side effects.“

abnehmen schnell

Unterstützung durch Fachleute

1 Die Rolle von Ernährungsberatern

Ernährungsberater are important for losing weight in a quick, safe and healthy way. Having one on one consultations, as well as personally catered diets, will help you develop healthy eating habits and improve your well-being. Thanks to their knowledge, nutritional advicers will help you avoid typical mistakes and provide optimal weight loss programs. ‘A good nutrition counseling makes the difference between a successful weight loss and a frustrating experience,’ explains Dr Julia Weber, a nutrition adviser with many years of experience.

2 Wie ein Personal Trainer helfen kann

A Personal Trainer can also be a great help in lose weight as much as possible. The Personal Trainer helps you create a training programme that meets your needs and goals. A Personal Trainer will also give you motivation and ensure the exercises are applied correctly and safely. Markus Klein, a Personal Training expert said: «A tailored training programme and the proper training will accelerate the weight loss significantly and at the same time reduce the risk of injury.

3 Vorteile von professioneller Unterstützung

Professional support offers many more advantages. Experts can better understand individual challenges and needs, and offer matching solutions. They can also help to check the progress and adjustments, in order to ensure achieving the goals. ‘Professional support offers not only professional expertise but also an important emotional and psychologic support during the whole weight-loss process,’ says Dr Andreas Müller, a specialist in general medicine.

Langfristige Strategien

1 Warum langfristige Pläne wichtig sind

Während aber abnehmen schnell ein kurzfristiges Ziel sein kann, ist es entscheidend, langfristige Pläne zu entwickeln, damit das Gewicht längerhalteblieb. Dürftige kurzfristige Diäten gehen oft mit dem Jo-Jo-Effekt einher, bei dem das Gewicht schnell wieder zu steigt. Die Ernährungswissenschaftlerin Dr Petra Schmidt sieht es so: „Langfristige Pläne sind sachlich unerlässlich, um gesunde Gewohnheiten zu etablieren und das erreichte Gewicht dauerhaft zu halten. Nur so, halten sich Menschen von dem Jo-Jo-Effekt frei, und sie können für längere Zeit gesund leben.“

2 Nachhaltige Gewohnheiten entwickeln

Sustainable habits embrace balanced nutrition, regular physical activity, and healthy lifestyle decisions. Setting realistic and achievable targets that can be integrated in day-to-day life is a crucial factor, as a study by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung shows: people who make long-term changes to their eating and lifestyle have better chances of maintaining a healthy weight. ‘Small changes result in small successes, as they are easier to maintain over time,’ explains Dr Andreas Fischer, an expert for health promotion at the Deutsche Gesundheitszentrum.

3 Regelmäßige Fortschrittsüberprüfung

Regular monitoring of progress is another important component of a long-term strategy. This could involve keeping a food diary, regular weigh-ins or having your waist circumference measured. It can help to keep you motivated and adjustments can be made if the progress is not happening. Ulrike Braun, a GP and specialist in general medicine, advises: ‘Choose some milestones and monitor your progress. That can help you stay motivated and keep on track.’

FAQ: Häufige Fragen zum schnellen Abnehmen

Was sind die besten Lebensmittel für schnellen Gewichtsverlust?

The best foods for fast weight loss are nutrient-rich but calorie-poor, such as green leafy vegetables, berries, lean protein (eg, chicken breast or fish), or foods high in insoluble fibre (eg, oat flakes or beans). They support the metabolism and keep you fuller for longer. ‘Incorporate a range of these nutrient-dense foods into your meals to help you to get rid of the pounds fast, and to ensure your body is getting all the nutrients it needs,’ recommends the leading nutrition scientist Dr. Sabine Krause.

Wie viel Gewicht kann man in einer Woche sicher verlieren?

A safe, healthy weight loss is roughly 0.5–1 kg per week. This, of course, depends on individual starting weight and health status. Severe diets promising a faster weight loss might carry a risk to health and are mostly not sustainable. ‘A slow, steady weight loss is safer and tends more toward long-term results,’ said Michael Jung, an endocrinologist. ‘Extremely fast diets are less safe and are not always sustainable.’

Welche Übungen sind am effektivsten für schnellen Gewichtsverlust?

Effective weight loss workouts combine muscle- and cardio-training. High-intensity interval training (HIIT), weight training and endurance sports – such as running or swimming – are particularly efficient. HIIT workouts that combine hard efforts with short breaks are notorious for their high calorie-burn and post-burn effect. ‘Mixing power and endurance training maximises the calorie burn and supports muscle building, which gives the “metabolism” a long-term boost,’ Thomas Meier, a sports scientist, explained to me.

Wie kann man den Jo-Jo-Effekt vermeiden?

To avoid the Jo-Jo effect, it’s important to develop steady and long term habits like a balanced diet, daily physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. Crash diets and extreme calorie restriction should be avoided, as these can often result in a fast weight gain, the very moment we stop the diet. ‘Bet on a healthy and sustainable eating and physical activity pattern that you can maintain in the long term, thus your weight can be maintained stable, and you can avoid relapses,’ advises Laura Müller, public health specialist.