Healthy Blog

Juni 18, 2024

Wie Kann Man Schnell Abnehmen: TOP 8 Ratschläge für Anfänger

One of the target these people wants to loss in weight. Particularly when they just start on a diet journey. Therefore, is it wise to choose a healthy and sustainable one to achieve long-term results. So in this article we will introduce the TOP 8 tips on how to lose weight quickly without damaging to the health.

wie kann man schnell abnehmen

Gesunde Ernährung als Grundlage

Wichtigkeit einer ausgewogenen Ernährung

Healthy eating provides the foundation for a successful (and long-term) weightloss – it feeds your body the nutrients it needs, and also ensures that you take in fewer calories. One common reference we have to is a graphic from Dr Michael Greger, an American physician and author specialising in nutrition, that says the following: ‘A well-balanced diet rich in plant-based foods can help not only for weightloss, but also for overall health.

Beispielhafte Lebensmittel für schnelles Abnehmen

Green leaf vegetables: spinach, kale and broccoli are low in calories but high in fibre and vitamins. They help to increase the feeling of satiety and stimulate the metabolism.

Quality protein: foods such as chicken breast, fish and tofu contain high-quality protein that is integral to building muscle but is also long-lasting in terms of hunger. Studies show that a higher protein diet reduces appetite and cranks up metabolism.

Wholegrain products: oat flakes, quinoa, brown rice are excellent sources of carbohydrates which keep the blood sugar level stable and provide energy for the whole day.

Legumes: beans, lentils and chickpeas are rich in proteins and fibre which make them ideal foodstuffs for weight loss.

By fuelling your weight loss journey with these foods, you would be able to create a healthy foundation for your weight loss journey. Not only are these foods nutritious in themselves, they also help regulate calorie intake and accelerate satiety. Another advantage of seeds is that they support the human metabolism, thereby prompting the body to burn fats at a faster pace.

wie kann man schnell abnehmen

Regelmäßige Bewegung

Welche Sportarten eignen sich besonders gut

Regular exercise is an essential part of any successful weight loss regime. There are different sports that help in losing weight quickly. Here are some examples:
Is a great way to burn calories quickly and effectively. It help improve your balance, posture and muscle coordination, while the fast movements help you lose weight.
Will help you to be stronger. It contributes to increasing cardiovascular resistance. Hence, allowing you to lose weight effectively, build endurance and physical strength.
May improve your confidence and muscle tone. It will strengthen your wrists and arms by improving your backhand swing, allowing you to play better.

Kardiotraining: To burn calories and boost your overall heart health, try activities such as running, biking and swimming. Dr John Porcari, a leading sports scientist at the University of Wisconsin, explains: ‘Intense cardio training can level up your metabolism and result in substantial weight loss.’

Krafttraining: Die Ausübung von Schwerterheben oder die Anwendung von Widerstandsbanden helfen nicht nur beim Muskelaufbau, sondern steigen auch den Ruheumsatz an. Das heißt, dein Körper verbrennt mehr Kalorien, selbst wenn du nicht laufst.

HIIT (Hochintensives Intervalltraining) : Dieses Training kombiniert kurze, heftige Belastungsphasen mit Erholungsphasen und ist dabei extrem effektiv zu Hochleistungszwecken der Fettverbrennung. Studien zeigen, dass HIIT-Workouts in weniger Zeit zu besseren Ergebnissen führen können als „alltagsausdauertraining“.

Gruppenfitnesskurse: D Claudia provides an overview of some popular exercise activities: Zumba, aerobics and spinning are exercises where you train with a group of other people. Besides giving an intense workout, they also provide you with motivation and fun while training in a group.

Tipps für den Einstieg ins Training

While starting the training might seem overwhelming at first, with the right tips and strategies anyone can be successful:

Start slowly: Start with light exercises and gradually increase intensity. This will prevent injuries and teach your body the new activity.

Set realistic goals: Pick goals that are achievable for someone with your current fitness level. Try it – having this finish line in mind can help you stay motivated and let you feel like you’re making progress.

Die consistency is key: Try to at least have 3-4 workouts a week. Consistency is more important than the intensity of the training.

Aufwärmen und Abkühlen: Make sure you warm-up before you train and cool down afterward to avoid cramp and injury.

Have fun: choose your sport and activities that give you joy. When you enjoy training, you are more likely to endure in the long run.

With these tips followed, plus regular exercise, your weight loss goals will be quick and more efficiently achieved. Movement not only stimulate calorie burn, but also improves general fitness and well-being.

Kalorienzufuhr Überwachen

Wie man die Kalorienzufuhr effektiv kontrolliert

One of the most vital techniques for fast weight loss could be the reduction of calories consumed. For you to lose weight, one must burn more calories than they intake: this can be achieved via healthy eating coupled with adequate physical exercises. Below are some ways that one can effectively monitor their calorie intake:

Kalorienzählen: Keppen ein Ernährungstagebuch und vermerke alles, was du essen und trinkst. Dadurch wird Ihnen das Bewusstsein der aufgenommenen Kalorien erleichtert. Zur messbaren Kalorienaufnehmung existieren viele Apps und Online-tools.

Portionskontrolle: Beachten Sie die Portionsgrößen und verhindern, dass Sie zu viel essen. Benutzen Sie kleinere Teller und Schüsseln, um die Portionen zu regulieren. Laut Marion Nestle, Expertin für Ernährungspolitik, macht das Bewusstsein für die Portionsgrößen ‘den größten Beitrag zur Caloerieinnahme, was den Gewichtsverlust fördern kann.’

Labels reading Nährwertangaben lesen:Bewusst sein für die Nährwertangaben auf den Rezepten des zu kaufenden Lebensmittel.Die Angaben auf allen Lebensmittelbehälterinformationen mit Nährwertangaben können helfen Sie die Kalorien und die Nährstoffzusammensetzung.

Gesunde Snacks: Planen Sie gesunde Snacks ein, um Heißhungerattacken zu vermeiden. Obst, Gemüse und Nüsse sind gute Optionen die auch satt machend wenig Kalorien enthalten.

Nutzung von Apps und Tools zur Kalorienverfolgung

There are many different apps and tools in the present digital world that can help you to keep track of your daily calorie intake as well as track your weight loss goals in a proper way. Check out some of the most popular and effictient ones below:

MyFitnessPal: This app allows a thorough database with products and lets you easily log your meals and snacks, set daily calorie goals, and track your progress.

Lose It!: Similar to MyFitnessPal, Lose It! helps you track your caloric intake and set personalised weight-loss goals. Barcode Scans make it easy to add food to the app.

Yazio: This app is specifically designed to track the intake of calories and to create personalised diets, offering a large amount of recipes and nutritional advice.

App: Cronometer This is a great app for people want to follow their macro- and micro-nutrient intakes in detail. In addition to the calories, you can track the intake of vitamins, minerals and macronutrients.

In addition to allowing you to better track calories when you use them, you can ensure that you’re on the correct path to your weight loss goals. These apps provide valuable insight into your eating habits and help you make more informed choices.

Ausreichend Wasser Trinken

Warum Wassertrinken beim Abnehmen hilft

Water plays a pivotal role in weight loss and can contribute to weight loss in different ways. Sufficient fluid intake can stimulate the metabolism, increase one’s feelings of fullness and reduce the amount of calories consumed. Here are a few reasons why water is an integral component of any weight loss plan:

Improves metabolism: Research shows that water consumption increases the metabolism by approximately 24-30 percent for up to an hour after drinking. This means that your body burns more calories if you drink enough water.

Calorie reduction: Drinking water before your meals would make you feel full sooner and would help you eat less. In one study, it was found that people who drank half a litre of water before meals lost 44 per cent more weight than those who didn’t.

Promotion of Fat Burning: Water is needed for the fat breakdown (Lipolyse). As the fat burning process is initiated with the hydrolysis, which is dominated by the water, it plays a crucial role.

Tipps zur Erhöhung der täglichen Wasserzufuhr

To make sure that you drink enough water and benefit from the advantages that come with weight loss, do consider these tips:

Trinkroutine einstellen: Machen Sie es sich zur Gewohnheit, zu festen Zeiten Wasser zu trinken, z.B. früh mit dem Anstehen, vor dem Essen, sowie vor dem Schlafengehen.

Wassergriffbereit sein: Haltet sich immer ein Wasservasser um, also zu Hause, Arbeitsplaetz oder auf dem Weg. THIS reminds you to drink regularly.

Make the water more appealing: If water (alone) seems boring to you, you can enliven it with natural aromas. You can add slices of lemon, gherkins or mint to add flavour to the water.

Apps for drinking reminders: You can get Apps to remind you to drink water and track your water intake. Some popular ones are ‘Waterlogged’, ‘HydroCoach’ and ‘PlantNanny’.

Zusätzlich zum Trinkwasser können Sie wasserreiche Lebensmittel in Ihre Ernährung aufnehmen. Essen Sie zusätzlich zu Trinkwasser Lebensmittel mit einem hohen Wassergehalt, wie zum Beispiel Gurken, Melonen, Orangen oder Erdbeeren.

Increasing your daily intake of water will not only help you achieve your weight-loss goals more quickly, but it will also boost your overall health and wellbeing.

wie kann man schnell abnehmen

Ballaststoffreiche Ernährung

Vorteile von Ballaststoffen beim Abnehmen

Ballaststoffe gehören zu einer guten Ernährung und sollten beim Abnehmen auch vom Spiel brechen. Sie helfen die Verdauung, erhöhen das Sättigungsgefühl und helfen beim Kontrollieren der Kalorienaufnahme. Hier einige wichtige Vorteile von Ballaststoffen.

Ballast stoffen: These foods take up a lot of volume in your belly and slow down the digestion so you feel full for a longer period of time, which could help lower your calorie intake and keep those cravings in check.

Stabilisation of blood sugar curve: Fibres slow the uptake of sugars into the blood stream, which results in more stable blood-sugar levels and less peaks of insulin. This may be beneficial especially to control the appetite and to avoid eating unhealthy snacks.

Promotion of digestion health: Ballast substances promote digestive health because they stimulate gut movement and promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. A healthy gut microflora promotes general well-being and can positively affect the metabolism.

Ballaststoffreiche Lebensmittel und Rezepte

To reap the benefits of ballast, be sure to integrate high ballast-containing foods into your daily diet. Here are some of the best ballast sources:

Vollkornprodukte: Haferflocken, brauner Reis, Quinoa oder Vollkornbrot sind eine gute Ballaststoffquelle und ein gesunder Ersatz für raffinierte Getreideprodukte.

Hülsenfrüchte: Bohnen, Linsen, Kichererbsen und Erbsen sind hervorragende Ballaststoffquellen und bieten zusätzlich pflanzliches Eiweiß.

Obst und Gemüse: Erdelieder (Beeren, Äpfel, Birnen, Brokkoli, Karotten, etc), mosa knäe Blattgemüse umfangreich an Ballaststoffen und low-kcal.

Nüsse und Samen: Mandeln, Chiasamen, Leinsamen und Sonnenblumenkerne sind nicht nur ballaststoffreich, sondern auch eine gute Quelle für gesunde Fette.

Beispielhaftes Rezept: Chia-Pudding mit Beeren


3 Esslöffel Chiasamen

250 ml Mandelmilch

1 Teelöffel Honig oder Ahornsirup

Eine Handvoll frische Beeren (z.B. Blaubeeren, Himbeeren)

Ein paar Mandeln oder Walnüsse, gehackt


Chiasamen und Mandelmilch in eine Schüssel geben und gut verrühren.

Honig oder Ahornsirup hinzufügen und nochmals umrühren.

Place the mixture in the fridge for at least two hours (or even overnight) to allow the chiasm to rise.

Vor dem Servieren die Beeren und die gehackten Nüsse darüber streuen.

This Chia-Pudding is not only delicious, but also contains a lot of fibre and healthy nutrients that support your weight loss.


Wie Stress das Abnehmen beeinflusst

Stress can be a huge factor when looking at weight loss and is also often underlooked when it comes to losing weight fast. Below are some reasons why stress can affect weight loss in a negative way.

Stress can be a big factor when it comes to weight loss and is also often overlooked when it comes to weight loss. Below are some reasons why stress can affect weight loss in a bad way.

Higher cortisol levels: During a stressful situation, the body releases extra of the hormone cortisol, which increases appetite, and promotes fat storage – especially in the belly, explains Dr Elissa Epel, Professor of Psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco. ‘Chronic stress can lead to higher cortisol production, which in turn promotes weight gain and visceral fat accumulation.’

Emotional eating: many people will turn to unhealthy binges and indulgent comfort foods when they are stressed – so-called emotional eating can cause a massive increase in your calorie intake and hinder weight loss.

Disrupted sleep: stress can lead to sleep disturbances that in turn slow down the metabolism and increase appetite. Bad sleep is often associated with weight gain, and with difficulty losing weight.

Praktische Methoden zur Stressbewältigung

To minimise the negative influence of stress on weight loss, it’s vital to ensure you employ effective stress-management techniques. Here are some proven methods: 1. Open up. When you are stressed, start talking to someone. Grab a cup of coffee and discuss your worries with a friend. Join a support group and share your feelings. Never hesitate to seek the support of professionals. Having a dependable assistant by your side will help you outsmart your stress.
2. Start moving. Without further ado, get off your chair and engage in walking, running, or your favourite sport. Many people are actually unaware of the fact that training is one of the most effective stress busters. Take your furry companion for a run and collective endorphins will help you fight stress.
3. Practice deep breathing. Once again, dive into yourself and concentrate on your breathing. Close your eyes and perform five deep belly breaths while repeating ‘Relax.’ Forget about whatever consumed your entire thinking capacity. Focus on your breath, inhale slowly, and then exhale with the same rate. This is a powerful technique that can alleviate anxiety and calm your thoughts.
4. Release tension. Remind yourself about the path to happy hormones and recall all the enjoyable activities, such as listening to music, reading, dancing, or anything else that makes you feel good. Stress is the primary reason for weight gain, which only emphasises the importance of regular indulgence into positive actions.

Mindfulness and meditation: These practices can help calm the mind and reduce stress. Regular meditation decreases cortisol levels and improves general quality of life. Simple breathing exercises or guided mediations are a great place to start.

Regular movement, sport not only good for body but also for soul. Regular body exercises can promote reducing Endorphine release and help you relieve stress. Best powers are Yoga and Tai Chi helping not only physical but also mental relaxation.

Zeit für Hobbys und Entlaubung: Spend time on activities that you enjoy and relax you. This includes any hobby you are interested in. It may be reading a book, listening to music, or even talking to your friend.

Healthy sleep habits: Regularise your sleep rhythm and adopt a relaxing evening routine. Sleep is important for our regeneration and stress management.

Social support: Talk to friends or family members about your stressors. Social support can help to reduce stress and give you a sense of connection and safety.

By incorporating these strategies into your daily life, you can reduce stress and, therefore, achieve your goals of weight loss in a better and more sustainable manner. A relaxed mind and a healthy body go hand in hand and are the key to successful and sustainable weight loss.

Genügend Schlaf

Der Zusammenhang zwischen Schlaf und Gewichtsverlust

Sleep plays a key role in weight loss and can greatly affect your success in losing weight. Getting adequate and good-quality sleep can impact various aspects of health and metabolism:

Hormone – regulation: While you sleep, the body produces the hormones Leptin and Ghrelin, which control appetite and satiety. A lack of sleep can cause imbalances in those hormones, elevating the appetite and cravings for unhealthy foods.

Recovery and muscle regeneration: Rest is important to physical recovery and recovery after a period of physical activity. Good sleep improves muscle repair and regeneration, stimulating metabolism again.

Stoffwechselrate: Several studies indicate that sleep deprivation slows down metabolism and reduces the body’s ability to burn fat. Prof Dr Matthew Walker, a sleep scientist, writes: ‘Sleep is an essential part of healthy metabolism and effective weight loss.’

Tipps für einen besseren Schlaf

To make the most of the benefits of adequate sleep in your weight loss, you would want to consider good sleeping hygiene, including some tips that can help you sleep better:

Regular sleep schedule: Try to go and get up at the same time every day, including weekends. A regular sleep schedule supports the natural biorhythm of your body.

Schlaffreundliche Umgebung: Stellen Sie zu sicher, dass Ihr Schlafzimmer dunkel, ruhig und kühl ist. Eine angenehme Schlafumgebung fördert einen tiefen und ruhigen Schlaf.

Allow yourself to come up with a routine to follow: establish an abendroutine, that is, develop a routine for the evening that helps you to wind down. This could be reading a book, listening to some relaxing music or having a bath.

Reduce Bildschirmzeit: Avoid using electronic devices such as Smartphones, Tablets or computers just before going to sleep as their blu light sensors can also affect the production of the hormone melatonin.

Koffein und Alkohol vermeiden: Vermeiden Sie den Vernichtung von koffeinhaltigen Getränken und Alkohol in den Stunden vor dem Schlafengehen, weil sie der Schlaf schädigen kann.

By following these recommendations, you can improve your quality of sleep, and in turn, better achieve your weight loss goals. A good night of sleep supports the metabolic process, in addition to helping with hormone regulation, your overall feeling of wellbeing and health.

wie kann man schnell abnehmen


Was ist Intervallfasten und wie funktioniert es?

Intervallfasten, also intermittierendes Fasten (‘fasting in intervals’), is an eating strategy in which phases of feeding are alternated with phases of fasting. In contrast to classical diets, which focus on the restriction of certain foods, with intermittent fasting, the focus lies on the time of retrieval of foodstuffs. Various methods of intermittent fasting differ in the specific fasting- and feeding-windows:

16/8-Methode: This method includes one daily fasting period of 16 hours, and an eating window of 8 hours. For example, one has an eating window between 12 am, and 8 pm at night and is fasting for the rest of the 16 hours.

5:2-Diät: Dabei isst man an fünf Tagen der Woche normal, auf zwei nicht aufeinanderfolgenden Tagen massiv (500-600 kcal pro Tag) ein.

Eat-Stop-Eat: This involves fasting, once or twice a week, for 24 full hours – from one dinner to the next, for example.

Verschiedene Methoden des Intervallfastens

Intervallfasten kann zahlreiche gesundheitliche Vorteile bieten und den Gewichtsverlust auf verschiedene Weisen unterstützen:

Improved metabolism: Intermittent fasting can stimulate the body’s metabolism and encourage it to burn fat for energy, according to Jason Fung, MD, a leading authority on intermittent fasting: ‘Intermittent fasting … helps to lower insulin levels and promote fat burning.’

Calories reduction: Limiting the eating window causes individuals to reduce their calorie intake, leading to an increase of calories deficit, underpinning the weight loss.

Improved hormone regulation: Intermittent fasting increases the production of certain hormones, like insulin or human growth hormone (HGH), to regulate your metabolism, helping to increase the rate at which you burn fat and build muscle.

Zellreparatur and anti-inflammation: Fasten can stimulate autophagy, a process wherein old and damaged cells are broken down and recycled. This could lead to a reduction of inflammations and, according to Sears, improve general health.

Praktische Tipps für den Einstieg ins Intervallfasten

If you want to start with interval fasting, you should follow some basic guidelines to make it easier during the transition and maximise your success:

Langsam einsteigen: Starten Sie mit einer Mildform des Intervallfastings (Zeitraum des Fastens), z.B. der 12/12-Methode (12 Stunden Fasten, 12 Stunden Essen), und setzen Sie die Fastenzeit später langsam hoch.

Listen to your Body: Pay attention to how your body responds to your method of fasting and change accordingly. If you feel weak or tired, you may want to shorten your fasting period.

Enough drinking: Make sure you are adequately hydrating yourself during the fasting periods so that you remain hydriated. Herbal tea and black coffee are also allowed and can supplement the fast.

Nährstoffreiche Ernährung: Während der Essensfenster ist eine zügige und nahrstoffreiche Ernährung wichtig, um den Körper mit allen wichtigen Nährstoffen zu versorgen. Es ist besser, stark verarbeitete Lebensmittel und Zucker zu vermeiden.

Konstanz halten: Konsistenz ist das Schlüsselwort zur Erfolgsformel beim Intervallfasten. Versuche, einen intervallierten Intervallplan einzurichten und diesen mit Konsequenz einzuhalten.

With practicing these tips and methods, even interval fasting can become part of your weight-loss goals and implement many health benefits.

Häufig gestellte Fragen zum schnellen Abnehmen

Wie viel Gewicht kann man in einer Woche sicher verlieren?

The amount of weight that you can safely lose in any given week varies from person to person and depends upon several factors, including starting weight, metabolism and physical activity. Generally speaking, however, a healthy, sustainable loss should be between 0.5 and 1 kg per week. According to the Mayo Clinic, the slower the weight loss, the healthier it is, and more likely to provide longterm results. ‘A healthful, lasting weight loss of about a half to one kilogram per week is safe and effective,’ says Dr Donald Hensrud, a nutrition and weight loss expert.

Welche Lebensmittel sollte man vermeiden, um schnell abzunehmen?

Um schnell abzunehmen, sollten Sie bestimmte Lebensmittel meiden, die oft kalorienreich und nährstoffarm sind:

Soft drinks: Fizzy drinks, fruit juices and energy-drinks have a high amount of sugar, and can provide ‘empty calories’ that can block your weight-loss efforts.

Verarbeitete Lebensmittel: Fertigrähen, Fastfood und Snacks (wie Chips und Kekse) enthalten häufig viele Zucker, Salz und ungesunde Fette.

Weissmehlwaren: Weißbrot, Pasta und Gebäck enthalten wenig Ballaststoffe, den Blutzuckerspiegel kann schnell steigen.

Frittierte Speisen: Diese sind reich an Transfetten und Kalorien, die den Gewichtsverlust verlangsamen können.

Alkohol: Alkoholische Getränke sind kalorienreich und können den Stoffwechsel verlangsamen.

Wie kann man den Jo-Jo-Effekt verhindern?

Der Jo-Jo-Effekt tritt häufig auf, wenn nach einer strikten Kost Harris-‘Traube-Windfang-Brot verboten zu sein. Dann schnell Thomas zu erzählen, dass jeder neue Tag zugenommen wird, ist eine gute Methode, den Jo-Jo-Effekt abzuwenden. Dies geht, weil der Arzt das normalere Gewicht problemlos akzeptiert – es kann dann ein gutes neue Grundwerkseinsatz** sein. Könnt Ihr an eingeschränkten Lebensstil nützlich ist, um nach einer strengen Diät zu flirten, um alle verlorenen Pfunde früh wieder zugenommen zu wollen. Dazu sollt Ihr bei sich zu den folgenden Taktiken:

Slow shift: Rather than trying extreme diets, make a longterm shift in your eating habits. Incorporate healthy foods and regular movement into your everyday life.

Set realistic goals: Avoid unrealistic weight targets and focus on small, achievable steps.

Regular meals: Eat regularly, and do not skip meals. This will stabilise blood sugar levels and keep you from encountering dia-bullies.

Mindful eating: Pay attention to the quality of the food you eat and eat mindfully. Taking your time eating and savouring every meal can help you to avoid overeating.

Continuous movement: Keep up a regular physical activity, even after you reach your goal weight. Movement can help you maintain your weight and contribute to general health.

Ist es gesund, schnell abzunehmen?

Losing weight quickly can sometimes have health risks, especially when it is achieved by extreme diets or unhealthy techniques. Some possible risks include:

Nährstoffmangel: Extreme Diets can result in a lack of essential nutrients that the body needs to function properly.

Muscle loss: If somebody loses weight very fast, then he or she can not only lose fat, but also muscle mass. This in turn may slow down metabolism.

Gallensteine: Schnelles Abnehmen kann das Risiko von Gallensteinen erhöhen.

Wirksamkeit was the sense that applied, so the correct phrase is: Schwäche und Müdigkeit: Eine zu geringe Kalorienaufnahme kann zu Schwäche, Müdigkeit und verminderter Leistungsfähigkeit führen.

However, in order to achieve a healthy and lasting loss of weight, one should instead focus on a balanced diet and regular physical activity, and avoid strict diets.

Welche Fehler sollte man beim schnellen Abnehmen vermeiden?

When dieting fast, it’s best to avoid some common errors to ensure that you don’t harm your health and endanger your success in the long-term run:

Zu wenig essen: Eine zu große Kalorienreduktion kann den Stoffwechsel verlangsamen und den Körper auf Spar-Modus gelegt werden.

Fehle an Speisezeiten: Immer wieder bleiben Speisezeiten ohne Aufruf! Das lässt den Stoffwechsel unstet und creates Heißhungeranfälle.

Unrealistische Erwartungen: Stellen Sie sich realistische Ziele, aber seien Sie geduldig mit sich selbst. Es kann rechtzeitig abnehmen, aber es sollte gesund und dauerhaft.

No movement: Activity is an essential part of weight loss. Don’t just rely on diets; instead, integrate regular movement into your daily life.

Lack of planning: A good meal plan and good training plan can keep you focused and motivated.

By avoiding these errors and employing healthy strategies, you can lose weight successfully, and for life. 1387039720640English: By avoiding these errors and applying healthy strategies, you can lose weight successfully and for life.