Instructions for Using the Software
The 2wT open-source software is available to download for free from Github. You can use, adapt, and refine 2wT for your intervention without fees based on the following general public licensing agreement.
These very basic instructions should help get you started:
- Set up a server running with the Community Health Toolkit
- Set up a RapidPro server, or use a software-as-a-service version, such as TextIt, and import
- Set up the credentials on your CHT server for using RapidPro
- Update the CHT configuration from this repo as needed, including the RapidPro flow IDs
- Push the configuration to your CHT server
More information on the 2wT software is available on the Community Health Toolkit website.
2wT Interface used for Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) in South Africa
2wT nurses and other providers can view all 2wT clients, respond to messages and manage tasks to respond to clients’ needs. These are screenshots of each of the tabs (people, messages and reports) that health care workers can view.
People tab: This is where providers can view patient biographic details.*
Architecture of the 2wT System in South Africa
This figure presents the system architecture for 2-way texting (2wT), both for SMS and WhatsApp used for voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC). The Community Health Toolkit (CHT) captures and stores data related to clients. RapidPro and Africa’s Talking enable automated and individualized messages to be sent to and received from, clients through local telecommunications companies.
Published in Fabens et al. (2024)