University of Washington Chorale

Events Calendar

Fall Quarter Performances

Thursday, Novem­ber 29, 2018
Chamber Singers & University Chorale Fall Concert
The UW’s top auditioned choirs perform a set for their annual Fall Concert.

Meany Hall | 7:30 pm | Tickets: $10 all tickets – buy here!

Wednesday, Decem­ber 5, 2018
The annual program by the Cham­ber Singers, Uni­ver­sity Chorale, Uni­ver­sity Singers, Treble Choir, Gospel Choir and UW Men’s Glee Club singing to celebrate the holiday.

Meany Hall | 7:30 pm | Tick­ets: $10 all tickets – buy here!

Friday-Sunday, Decem­ber 7-9, 2018
Seattle Holiday POPS
A holiday tradition! Conductor Stuart Chafetz and the University of Washington Chorale return for another fun-filled Holiday Pops program. Featuring holiday classics, traditional favorites and that WOW you’ve grown to love, this year’s Holiday Pops kicks off the season with humor, joy and the heartfelt warmth of the season.

Benaroya Hall | Tick­ets: $30-$96 –  buy here!

December 7  8:00 pm | December 8  2:00 pm, 8:00 pm | December 9  2:00 pm