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Upcoming AIG Events


Past AIG events
  • Applying to Anesthesiology
    • Anesthesiology Interest Group at UWSOM (AIG) held a virtual event Applying to Anesthesiology on Wednesday June 1st. This was a great opportunity to learn about the application process and get insights on how to prepare a strong residency application.
  • Introduction to Anesthesiology
    • The Anesthesiology Interest Group (AIG) held this event on November 3rd, 2021. We featured a panel of both residents and attending anesthesiologists to learn more about the field of anesthesiology. We started off with a presentation about the field along with a patient case, and then had a Q&A. Slides can be viewed here.
  • Intubation and Peripheral IV Workshop
    • The Anesthesiology Interest Group (AIG) had our first simulation event on June 8th , 2021 at the UW WISH simulation center . This workshop aimed to introduce students to the field of anesthesiology and give them hands-on practice with peripheral IV insertion and intubation.
    • Feedback from prior attendees:
      • Thank you again for the session today! I had a lot of fun and it was great hands on practice. During this lecture heavy stage of school, getting some in-person practice was refreshing and engaging. I look forward to future sessions! Everyone was great! Good teachers, friendly and welcoming – it was a really great experience and I felt totally comfortable as a novice with just getting in there and doing my best.”
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