Welcome to UW BioEngage’s New Website!

We’re happy to announce BioEngage’s move to its new home on the web – https://sites.uw.edu/uwbioengage/.

With this new site, we’re excited to continue connecting UW BioE students, faculty, postdocs, staff, and resources to biomedical industry partners. In months to come, we will bring you the latest on BioEngage events, student recruitment efforts, design projects, and research collaborations.

We also seek to continue fostering productive, mutually beneficial relationships with biomedical industry in Seattle and beyond. Through our site, we offer companies the opportunity to learn about BioEngage events and share job opportunities with the BioE community. We welcome companies interested in connecting with BioEngage to consider joining our Industry Partnership Program. Sponsoring BioEngage provides many benefits, including access to departmental seminars, invitations to UW BioE/BioEngage events (registration fees waived), and advertisement on our digital and print communications.