UW Bioengineering

Every day, UW Bioengineering invents the future of medicine. We bridge the traditional disciplines of medicine and engineering to drive health care forward for those in remote parts of the world and here at home. Students, scientists, engineers, and physicians come together here to develop innovative and cost-effective approaches to improve health care. Our interdisciplinary teams collaborate in a wide range of areas, from biomedical imaging to biomaterials, and from diagnostic tools to targeted drug delivery.


UW Bioengineering faculty are globally recognized for excellence in research, teaching, and service. Over $1 million of new funding was awarded per tenured/tenure track faculty member in FY 2016, and our faculty consistently receive prestigious awards and recognition by the scientific community.

  • 29 American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) Fellows
  • 13 members of the Washington State Academy of Sciences (WSAS)
  • 14 past and current UW CoMotion Presidential Innovation Fellows
  • 6 members of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE)
  • 6 AAAS Fellows
  • 1 National Academy of Inventors Fellow

Core Teaching & Research Faculty

Adjunct Faculty

Affiliate Faculty

Senior Fellows, Visiting Scholars, and Visiting Scientists

Research Translation

From a portable lab-on-a-chip to a smart polymer that can control biomolecule interactions, UW Bioengineering faculty and alumni have invented hundreds of advancements, launched numerous successful startup companies, and regularly license technology to industry partners, fueling our economy and transforming lives.

Our research covers 6 main themes:

  1. Biomaterials & Regenerative Medicine
  2. Instrumentation, Imaging, and Image-Guided Therapy
  3. Molecular & Cellular Engineering
  4. Neural Engineering
  5. Systems, Synthetic, and Quantitative Biology
  6. Technology for Expanding Access to Healthcare

Reported Inventions

Patents Filed

Patents Issued

Software Copyrights

Active Licenses

Spinout Companies