UW General Surgery Technical and Professional Skills

Instrument Handling: Needle Drivers

Needle Drivers

Needle drivers are held with the thumb and ring finger. This allows the tip of the instrument to remain stable in space while the arm supinates and pronates.

Common Error:

A common error is to hold the needle driver with the thumb and index or ring finger, which moves the tip of the needle driver to teh side.

Loading a needle driver:

Grasp the needle approximately 2/3 along the length of the needle, perpendicular to the needle driver. This allows maximum control. Grabbing the needle too close to the tip or to the swage (where the suture inserts) risks bending the needle.


Needle Driver Skill Practice:

To practice, grasp a marked line on the drain tubing, release, and spin the needle driver in your hand before re-grasping. Repeat 10X.

Self Assessment:

Expert Assessment: