Modeling LCSH Subject Headings as RDA Linked Data in Sinopia

We are writing a metadata application profile. We are following Library of Congress’ profile syntax for creating BIBFRAME profiles ( Almost all our properties have been taken from Resource Description and Access (RDA; see and the RDA Registry at These are json profiles, intended to produce data input forms that output linked data. The data input forms will display in a linked data editor currently in development, Sinopia (, allowing input specialists (catalogers, for example) to enter values for RDA properties. Once input, the data can be output as RDF data; that output is a presupposition of our work. In fact, we often create the profile in accordance with conceptual output we model for a given property. This entry illustrates that profile-creation practice: conceiving what data input form structures are required by modeling the form’s expected output; more specifically, this entry focuses on how the form outputs properties and values for subject headings (categories describing the content of a resource). The values are complex for library data because libraries traditionally use precoordinated headings ( as values, which our model must accommodate. How? This illustration is not an exhaustive treatment of precoordinated headings but, rather, a clue toward a possible solution.

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