Political Economy Forum


Forum participants meet every other Friday during the academic year to discuss working papers, ongoing research, books and current events. This provides both faculty and graduate students the opportunity to learn about and discuss cutting-edge research (including their own) across social science disciplines.

Common themes include:

  • The role of markets versus the state in fostering economic development.
  • How and why technology and innovation drive prosperity and social change.
  • The political economy of developing countries.
  • Populism versus Liberalism.
  • Opportunities and challenges when doing good research in political economy.
  • Free speech, academic freedom, science and evidence-based policy.


Stay tuned folks: we are still trying to figure these out. Due to the uncertainty around Covid-19 and whether we will have in person meetings or not during the Fall of 2020, we are still trying to figure out whether we will be meeting on campus at the University of Washington of conducing these over Zoom. Most likely, however, our meetings will be every other Friday starting at 2:30 PM. We will be announcing an update as soon as we have more solid news about the situation ourselves…

PE Forum Seminar on 7/10/20: Mark Smith on his new book manuscript

On 7/10/20 the UW Political Economy Forum had the pleasure to welcome Professor Mark Smith to our weekly seminar. We tried something new this time : we did things over Zoom and recorded our conversation, which is available to anybody who wants to listen.

Mark is Professor of Political Science at UW and the author of  Secular Faith: How Culture Has Trumped Religion in American Politics