Political Economy Forum

What is Liberalism & what is science?

In this slideshow on liberalism & science, Professor Victor Menaldo addresses several questions. They include:

  1. What is liberalism?
  2. What is the origin of liberalism?
  3. What is academic freedom?
  4. How are liberalism & academic freedom useful?
  5. Who benefits from liberalism & academic freedom?
  6. What is science?
  7. How do we use the scientific method to find answers to questions about the material & social world?

Possible discussion issues that flow from this slideshow are:

  • Are liberalism & science unchanging ways of doing things, or do they evolve?
  • What are the alternatives to liberalism & science?
  • Are there other ways of running a classroom in the social sciences outside of liberalism & science?
  • How does science work in non-liberal societies?
  • What are the weaknesses of liberalism & science?