Core Values

In the Velian Group, we are collectively committed to maintaining an inclusive and supportive atmosphere within our group, department and university. We celebrate individual differences and recognize that they promote increased creativity, strengthen work ethic, and enhance scientific capabilities. We believe that equality in science is grounded in policies upheld by individual researchers and research groups.

We believe in treating each other with respect and kindness. Every individual has a unique background, and we commit to respecting those differences without condition. We commit to looking out for one another, and tirelessly maintaining a supportive atmosphere within the group.

First and foremost, we seek to actively learn how to become better advocates of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and to stay accountable in this endeavor to ourselves, and to each other.

These core values were written, edited, and approved by the graduate students, postdocs and undergraduates in our group. We commit to revisit these values regularly and update them as appropriately. Most recent revision: 03/16/2023

Diversity, Inclusion, Equity

We aspire to create an environment where everyone feels safe and accepted regardless of race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, nationality, socioeconomic status, disability, immigration status, age or any other dimension of diversity. We acknowledge that people have historically been excluded from STEM based on these factors. 

We commit to:

  • embrace everyone’s identity and celebrate our differences
  • listen and strive to understand and learn about challenges people of historically excluded minorities face on a societal level, but also locally at UW and within the STEM community at large.
  • promote diversity and inclusion through teaching and outreach
  • immediately address and confront micro-aggressions, hurtful comments and violent actions through whatever avenue is most suitable, to maintain a safe and welcoming group culture.
  • be active allies in the fight for equality and anti-racism in our local, national, and global communities.

Learning and Teaching

We take our roles as instructors and mentors seriously.  As instructors we treat our students with respect and encourage growth through positivity and guidance. We understand that as instructors we have an obligation to promote diversity and inclusion in the classroom, a role we take seriously, and commit to continue to improve at. Namely, acknowledging and addressing biases, conscious and unconscious, in the classroom.

As mentors in a laboratory environment we strive to be gracious and patient, acknowledging that we too have faced challenges as researchers. We are also committed to educating mentees on proper practices in order to promote safety in the lab space.

As academics, we aspire to be enthusiastic and open-minded learners, and we respectfully accept constructive criticism about all aspects of our work, with every intention of improving as chemists, teachers, and human beings.

Participation in the Community and Outreach

By prioritizing active engagement in the Chemistry Department and outreach in our local community, we seek to become ambassadors of diversity and inclusion. 

Here are some of the organizations at UW we value most:

Open Communication

We are committed to respectful, open communication within the group, and outside of it. We practice and encourage transparency. We look for honesty and constructive criticism, and we assume positive intent from our colleagues. We have a zero-tolerance policy towards any racist, sexist, ableist and homophobic remarks, as well as sexual harassment or violence. Overall, we aim to promote and maintain a healthy work environment, where everyone feels safe and motivated.