Yuka and Jon join the group for the summer
Yukako “Yuka” Sakazaki (BS Caltech 2017) and Jonathan “Jonny K” Kephart (BS University of Wyoming, 2017) arrive at UW to spend the summer getting our lab started! [foogallery id=”414″]
Yukako “Yuka” Sakazaki (BS Caltech 2017) and Jonathan “Jonny K” Kephart (BS University of Wyoming, 2017) arrive at UW to spend the summer getting our lab started! [foogallery id=”414″]
Alexandra moved cross-country and arrives at UW. What a beautiful summer morning on the UW campus! Check out the Chemistry Building and Mount Rainier. It’s time to put her “professional shopper” hat on and start setting up the lab. [foogallery… Continue Reading