Genital Herpes Infection: Progress and Problems (Jun 2023)
Epidemiology, clinical presentation, and antibody response to primary infection with HSV type 1 and type 2 in young women (Feb 2013)
HSV type 2 serological testing and psychosocial harm: a systematic review (Dec 2011)
Genital HSV-1 infections (Jun 2006)
Genital herpes in a primary care clinic: demographic and sexual correlates of HSV type 2 infection (Mar 1997)
Viral Shedding 1 Year Following First-Episode Genital HSV-1 Infection (Nov 2022)
Genital Shedding of HSV Among Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Persons With HSV-2 Infection (Apr 2011)
Persistent genital HSV-2 shedding years following the first clinical episode (Jan 2011)
Frequent release of low amounts of HSV from neurons: results of a mathematical model (Nov 2009)
Rapidly cleared episodes of HSV reactivation in immunocompetent adults (Oct 2008)
GSK provides update on phase I/II therapeutic herpes simplex virus (HSV) vaccine trial (Sep 2024)
Current status and prospects for development of an HSV vaccine (Mar 2014)
Efficacy results of a trial of a herpes simplex vaccine (Jan 2012)
Population level impact of an imperfect prophylactic vaccine for HSV-2 (May 2010)