ESRM 490A/SEFS 590A – Biology and Ecology of Fungi
Fall Quarters (5 credits)
Fungi are critical components of the natural world. They are major mutualists (and pathogens) of plants and animals, they regulate processes of decomposition, and they can even shape dynamics of plant competition and coexistence. While fungi are ubiquitous in nature, much of their true diversity lives microscopically. In this course, we will dive into a wide range of topics including the diversity of fungi in the natural world and their interactions with nearly every facet of life on Earth. The learning goal of this course are:
- Understanding Fungal Diversity and Function: Students will examine the roles of fungi in ecosystems, including their functions as pathogens, decomposers, and symbiotic partners.
- Develop Skills in Fungal Identification and Experimentation: Through hands-on lab work and field trips, students will practice key techniques such as culturing fungi and using dichotomous keys.
- Recognizing Major Fungal Lineages: Students will observe and assess the evolutionary diversity of major fungal groups through laboratory sessions and field trips.
- Application of Modern Molecular Tools: Students will conduct DNA extractions and analyze data from DNA sequencing to explore fungal communities in real lab samples.
- Cultural and Societal Understanding of Fungi: Students will investigate the significance of fungi in modern industry and society.
- Data Interpretation and Scientific Communication: By the end of the course, students will interpret and present scientific information using real data
SEFS 550B – Approaches to Ecological Research in a Changing Climate
Winter Quarters (2 credits)
We are living through an unprecedented time in history which necessitates that researchers understand and investigate the impacts of rapid global change on organisms and ecological systems. As we grapple with these challenges, it is important to take a step back to understand the origins and reaches of the “Capitalocene” and how it influences our research. This seminar is aimed to (i) introduce frameworks for studying ecology in the era of climate change and (ii) develop communication skills that will be important to succeed in your career as a scientist. Specific learning goals for this seminar are:
- Contextualize the origins of climate change and how this impacts ecology
- Articulate the different ways in which organisms and communities may respond to climate change
- Compare and contrast different research approaches to studying ecological responses
- Form hypotheses and experimental plans to test responses to climate change in your own field
ESRM 201 – Pacific Northwest Ecosystems
Spring Quarters (5 credits)
Pacific Northwest Ecosystems (ESRM 201) is a course designed to introduce you to the principles of ecology across an urban to wild land gradient and across the west to east gradient over the Cascades Mountain Range. Students will be exposed to basic ecological theory and northwest plant communities as well as to the interaction of plants, soil, soil organisms, climate, hydrology, fire, insects and diseases on the landscape.