Winter 2024: Important advances in climate change ecology

As part of Claire’s graduate seminar on research approaches to climate change ecology, students were asked to select a paper from the last year that they felt pushed the field forward. Students also wrote up a “News and Views” style press release for these papers outlining why they were such exciting contributions. The list of papers can be found below, along with links to the students’ perspectives.

Brown, P.T., Hanley, H., Mahesh, A., Reed, C., Strenfel, S.J., Davis, S.J., Kochanski, A.K. and Clements, C.B. (2023). Climate warming increases extreme daily wildfire growth risk in California. Nature, 621(7980), 760-766. News and Views by Caden Chamberlain and link to paper.

Christie, K., Pierson, N. R., Holeski, L. M., & Lowry, D. B. (2023). Resurrected seeds from herbarium specimens reveal rapid evolution of drought resistance in a selfing annual. American Journal of Botany110(12), e16265. News and Views by Amelia Keyser-Gibson and link to paper.

Cimatti, M., Chaplin-Kramer, R., & Di Marco, M. (2023). The role of high-biodiversity regions in preserving Nature’s Contributions to People. Nature Sustainability6(11), 1385-1393. Link to paper.

Cunningham, C. X., Williamson, G. J., Nolan, R. H., Teckentrup, L., Boer, M. M., & Bowman, D. M. (2024). Pyrogeography in flux: Reorganization of Australian fire regimes in a hotter world. Global change biology30(1), e17130. Link to paper.

DuBose, T. P., Moore, C. E., Silknetter, S., Benson, A. L., Alexander, T., O’Malley, G., & Mims, M. C. (2023). Mismatch between conservation status and climate change sensitivity leaves some anurans in the United States unprotected. Biological Conservation, 277, 109866. News and Views by Fern Crossway and link to paper.

Fayet, A. L., Sanchez, C., Appoo, J., Constance, J., Clucas, G., Turnbull, L. A., & Bunbury, N. (2023). Marked differences in foraging area use and susceptibility to predation between two closely-related tropical seabirds. Oecologia203(1), 167-179. Link to paper.

Käber, Y., Bigler, C., HilleRisLambers, J., Hobi, M., Nagel, T.A., Aakala, T., Blaschke, M., Brang, P., Brzeziecki, B., Carrer, M. and Cateau, E. (2023). Sheltered or suppressed? Tree regeneration in unmanaged European forests. Journal of Ecology111(10), 2281-2295. Link to paper.

Peltier, D.M., Carbone, M.S., Enright, M., Marshall, M.C., Trowbridge, A.M., LeMoine, J., Koch, G. and Richardson, A.D. (2023). Old reserves and ancient buds fuel regrowth of coast redwood after catastrophic fire. Nature Plants9(12), 1978-1985. Link to paper.

Van Nuland, M. E., Daws, S. C., Bailey, J. K., Schweitzer, J. A., Busby, P. E., & Peay, K. G. (2023). Above-and belowground fungal biodiversity of Populus trees on a continental scale. Nature Microbiology8(12), 2406-2419. News and Views by Morgan Raimondo and link to paper.

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