Continuing Medical Education

Mission Statement


The University of Washington School of Medicine (UWSOM) and its Continuing Medical Education (CME) Program is dedicated to improving the general health and well-being of the public. In pursuit of this mission, the School is committed to excellence in biomedical education, research and healthcare. A regionally, nationally, and internationally recognized program in CME which provides unbiased, current and high quality education is an important component  of the School’s core academic activities.

Target Audience

The CME Program provides educational opportunities for School of Medicine faculty, community-based physicians, health care professionals and healthcare teams regionally, nationally and internationally.

Types of Activities

Types of offerings may include live and internet-based activities, regularly scheduled series, and enduring materials.


The CME Program consists of educational activities which serve to maintain, develop or increase the knowledge, skills and professional performance and relationships that  physicians and other healthcare professionals utilize to provide services for patients, the public or the profession.  The IOM and ACGME core competencies are utilized as the basis for developing content areas for the overall CME Program.  The scope of activities offered includes primary care, specialty, subspecialty and research topics in the field of medicine.

Expected Results

The CME Program is evaluated through review of improvements in one or more of the following areas: 1) clinician knowledge or perceived competence in clinical practice, 2) performance, or 3) patient health outcomes.  The CME program operates in a financially responsible manner and as a self-sustaining unit of the School of Medicine.