Secure Toilets

MIT Technology Review

MIT Technology Review

Before you go crazy outfitting your home with all kinds of internet-enabled appliances in the so-called Internet of Things (IoT) world, read this piece: “More Connected Homes, More Problems,” Rachel Metz, MIT Technology Review, August 13, 2013.

Security researchers are discovering vulnerabilities in many smart home devices such as door locks, energy monitors, and even toilets that could allow electronic intruders to take control of appliances in your home.

While the idea of someone flushing your toilet remotely may not sound so terrible, what if someone was able to unlock your front door and waltz right in when you weren’t home?

And lest you think this is all just a theoretical exercise, the UW’s Yoshi Kohno has demonstrated a car-hacking scenario where an intruder could take control of car systems like brakes remotely, via the auto’s “telematics” system (satellite navigation, e.g.). 

I personally have seen that demonstrated by some of his grad students. It is scary and creepy. It made me glad that 1) I have a twelve year old car with no telematics, and 2) I’m a bike commuter.

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