Understanding continuous speech with competing background sounds is challenging, particularly for older adults. One stimulus property that may aid listeners understanding of to-be-attended (target) material is temporal regularity (rhythm). In the context of speech-in-noise understanding, McAuley and colleagues recently showed a target rhythm effect whereby recognition of target speech was better when natural speech rhythm of a target talker was intact than when it was temporally altered. The current study replicates the target rhythm effect using a synthetic vowel sequence paradigm in young adults (Experiment 1) and then uses this paradigm to investigate potential age-related changes in the effect of rhythm on recognition (Experiment 2). Listeners identified the last three vowels of temporally regular (isochronous) and irregular (anisochronous) synthetic vowel sequences in quiet and with a competing background sequence of vowel-like harmonic tone complexes presented at various tempos. The results replicated the target rhythm effect whereby temporal regularity in the vowel sequences improved identification accuracy of young listeners compared to irregular vowel sequences. The magnitude of the effect was not found to be influenced by background tempo, but faster background tempos led to greater vowel identification accuracy independent of regularity. Older listeners also demonstrated a target rhythm effect but received less benefit from the temporal regularity of the target sequences than did young listeners. This study highlights the importance of rhythm for understanding age-related differences in selective listening in complex environments and provides a novel paradigm for investigating effects of rhythm on perception.
Dylan V. Pearson, Yi Shen, J. Devin Mcauley, Gary R. Kidd