Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine Clerkship

Grading & Final Exam Information


Credit for the Course

To receive credit for the course you MUST:
1) Demonstrate clinical knowledge of anesthesiology practice in the OR setting.
2) Return the book to the person who loaned it to you.
3) Attend every day of your rotation. If you must be absent due to circumstances beyond your control (e.g. illness), contact the hospital where you are rotating.

Please view the Goals & Objectives page to see what you will be expected to be able to do at the end of the clerkship.

Each day, you should receive feedback from the resident and attending. If not, please ask!

All two week courses are graded pass/fail. If you are taking the two week course, you do not take the clerkship oral exam.

For the four week courses, if you would like the opportunity to obtain an “Honors” level grade, you must take the Clerkship Oral Exam.

Anesthesiology Mid-Rotation Feedback Form (for four-week Advanced courses only)

Students enrolled in four-week clerkships must complete the Mid-Rotation Feedback Form with an attending. This form is used to check-in with a supervisor around the mid-point of the clerkship and review topics and goals to pursue for the remainder of the course. The form may be filled out virtually or by hand (printed). Please click here to view the Mid-Rotation Feedback Form and email to upon completion.

Anesthesiology Clerkship Final Oral Exam (for four-week Advanced courses only)

At the end of the four-week rotation, you will have the opportunity to participate in a 30-45 minute oral exam (with an additional 15 minutes for feedback) to evaluate the knowledge that you have gained over the rotation. This oral exam is mandatory for those seeking an honors-level grade, but is open to anyone who wishes to raise their grade to the next level (e.g. “Pass” to “High Pass”). This should be scheduled by the third week of the rotation with Dr. Kooner or Dr. Henry. All anesthesiologists must take an oral exam as part of their board certification. An oral exam tests your knowledge, adaptability, and ability to communicate with other health professionals – skills important for all physicians, regardless of specialty.

In this exam, you will be presented with a clinical scenario for which you will be asked a series of questions about pre-operative evaluation and intra- and post- operative management, followed some “grab bag” questions that cover basic anesthesia knowledge. The topics will be taken from those on the teaching topics list marked as covered to ensure that you have been exposed to the tested material. The exam will be one-on- one with an attending anesthesiologist. The final grade will be pass/fail and based on the following:

1) Clarity – Ability to organize and express thoughts clearly
2) Judgment/Knowledge – Sound decision-making and medical knowledge
3) Application – Appropriate application of medical knowledge to given set of clinical circumstances
4) Adaptability – Ability to adapt to changing clinical circumstances
You will receive your grade and feedback immediately upon the completion of the exam.

Below is a link to the ABA video of the traditional oral board exam as an example of more advanced version of the clerkship oral exam:
ABA Oral Board Exam Video

Schedule Your Honors Exam:

You will schedule your honors exam with either one of the our Co-Directors of Clinical Medical Student Education at the UW School of Medicine. Please schedule your exam prior to the end of the second week of the rotation (the exam doesn’t have to be before the end of the second week, it just needs to be scheduled by then). However, the exam does need to be completed prior to the end of the rotation, unless agreed upon in advanced.

  • To schedule with Dr. Preetma Kooner, please email her here:
  • To schedule with Dr. Maria Henry, please email her here:


All grades and evaluations are submitted through E*Value. You should receive 1-2 automated evaluations once you complete your clerkship. One will be to evaluate the clerkship experience, and the other will be to select the residents, fellows, and/or attendings you’ve worked with, named “Who did you work with?” (WDYWW). Please select anywhere from 1-3 attendings as well as any resident or fellow you may have worked with. The WDYWW evaluation may not be applicable to some sites where there is a designated evaluator for the clerkship.

Need to add an evaluator?

If you worked with someone who is NOT on the list to add to your WDYWW evaluation, please email us at with their name and email (if known). We will work on getting them added to your evaluation.