Welcome to Dr. Christina Termini- the newest BCTP Faculty Mentor!

The BCTP is thrilled to welcome a new Faculty Mentor, Dr. Christina Termini, Assistant Professor, Translational Science and Therapeutics Division at Fred Hutch. Dr. Termini expands the vascular component of the BCTP and brings with her a dedication to building an inclusive scientific community. We are excited to integrate her into our BCTP community as a Faculty Mentor!

Christina Termini faculty portrait, June 22, 2022, at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle, Washington.

Research description: The Termini lab studies the fundamental mechanisms that control the maintenance and regeneration of the blood and vascular systems. We focus on how the cellular interplay between endothelial, stromal, and hematopoietic cells controls bone marrow homeostasis and recovery from stressors like radiation and chemotherapy. We analyze these processes through the lens of a specialized class of glycoproteins called proteoglycans, which are molecular coordinators of cellular signaling.

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