Summary of BCTP Curriculum Requirements and Milestones
Year 1 & 2
- Attend Breakfast Club seminar
- Attend and present at Journal clubs- SLURP
- Participate in monthly BCTP faculty mentoring meetings
- Cardiovascular BioE course (winter quarter)
- Professional & career development course
- Preceptorship program, a core of half-day workshops (typically three workshops)
- Organize (fall/winter) and participate in the Annual Symposium (Spring), research talk and poster session
- Technology Commercialization Training (optional)
- Responsible Conduct of Research
- Have, update, and discuss their Individual Development Plan (IDP)
- Mentoring training and Outreach (Summer and on-going)
- Submit a yearly progress report
- Complete feedback surveys
Upon completion of the program:
- Submit a final report
- Complete feedback surveys
- Occasional engage with the current trainees (career panels, research talks, etc)
- Occasional informal “coffee talks” with current trainees