Category Archives: BIRCH

UW BIRCH JIG-Quant (Year 3)

We are getting ready to resume our BIRCH JIG-Quant meetings. If you are an early career HIV and/or mental health researcher (post-doc, research or academic faculty) and you’d like to participate in a monthly meeting focused on quantitative methods (broadly defined), please get in touch.

UW BIRCH Quantitative Methods Junior Investigator Group (JIG-Quant)

The UW BIRCH Methods Core is seeking a handful of early-stage investigators (at least post-doc/MD) to join a junior investigator group focused on quantitative research methods (JIG-Quant) for behavioral research around HIV and mental health. Please forward this notice to any early stage investigators who may be interested. Following the structure of the CFAR Behavioral Science Core’s successful junior investigator group, we will focus on quantitative methods topics to assist participants in securing funding, actively publishing, and otherwise advancing in their careers.

The group will meet monthly (day and time, to be determined). JIG-Quant members are asked to commit to one year of attendance, presenting at least once, and supporting others who present their work. Meetings shall be informal and all levels of expertise are welcome. A willingness to discuss, question, and learn together will be expected. Work at any stage is welcome.

We endorse an anti-racist and decolonizing approach to research and in our practices. We seek to provide a supportive environment for BIPOC investigators and members of underrepresented groups.

A major benefit of the group is building an interdisciplinary network of peers at the UW working in similar areas who are available for support and collaboration.

Interested investigators should send 1) a biosketch or CV, and 2) a brief statement about one’s research plans and methods interests to Brian Flaherty: Please CC UW BIRCH as well (