Charles T. Campbell
Professor and the B. Seymour Rabinovitch Endowed Chair in Chemistry
Adjunct Professor of Chemical Engineering
Adjunct Professor of Physics
B.S. Chemical Engineering, U. of Texas at Austin, 1975
Ph.D. Chemistry, U. of Texas at Austin, 1979
Research Interests
The Campbell research group pursues basic experimental research concerning environmental and energy-related catalysis, interfaces in solar cells and microelectronics, and array-based biochemical analyses. The main unifying themes of this broad-ranging work are: (1) development of tools that measure effects at surfaces more sensitively than anywhere else in the world, and (2) reactivity and physical chemistry at solid surfaces.

Contact Info
Phone: (206) 616-6085
E-mail: charliec@uw.edu
Mailing Address:
Dept. of Chemistry, Box 351700
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-1700