/ Organic Chemistry Seminar: Prof. Ramesh Jasti

Organic Chemistry Seminar: Prof. Ramesh Jasti

January 23, 2025
10:30 am - 11:30 am

Chemistry Building (CHB)

Event interval: Single day event
Campus location: Chemistry Building (CHB)
Campus room: CHB 102
Accessibility Contact: chem59x@uw.edu
Event Types: Lectures/Seminars
Link: https://jastilab.uoregon.edu/

Development of New Synthetic Methods and Their Application in Carbon Nanoscience 

Professor Ramesh Jasti – Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of Oregon

Graphitic nanomaterials (e.g. carbon nanotubes, graphene, and their related derivatives) have outstanding properties for a broad spectrum of applications ranging from electronics, molecular sensors, nanoporous filters, as well as energy generation and storage. These materials, however, are difficult to prepare in a uniform manner. The structural variation dramatically affects properties and performance. I will describe my research group’s efforts to develop molecular syntheses and assembly strategies to prepare these types of structures with angstrom-level precision. Specifically, I will focus on my group’s most recent developments in new synthetic methodology that give access to unprecedented architectures.