/ Organic Chemistry Seminar: Prof. Wei-chen Chang

Organic Chemistry Seminar: Prof. Wei-chen Chang

November 3, 2022
10:30 am - 11:30 am

Chemistry Building (CHB)

Event interval: Single day event
Campus location: Chemistry Building (CHB)
Campus room: 102
Event Types: Lectures/Seminars
Link: https://chemistry.sciences.ncsu.edu/people/wchang6/

"Non-Heme Iron Enzymes Enable Structural Complexity and Diversity in Natural Products Through Oxidative C-C Bond Forming Reactions"
Associate Professor Wei-Chen Chang – Department of Chemistry, North Carolina State University 
Host: Lauren Rajakovich

Developing effective strategies to enable regio- and stereo-selective C-C bond formation is an important research area in chemical synthesis and biosynthesis. In nature, several C-C bond forming reactions are utilized in introducing structural complexity and diversity in natural products. For example, in hormaomycin, belactosin, deoxypodophyllotoxin and dehydrofosmidomycin, this strategy is used to install cyclopropane, cyclohexane, and alkyl chain elongation. Despite diverse reaction outcomes, our studies reveal that a common strategy is employed, in which a preinstalled chemical handle interacts with the substrate radical/cation to yield the desired products.