“WaterWorks” environmental engineering program (application due: 6/15)

Please help spread the word about the Summer 2015 WaterWorks environmental engineering workshop program for high school teachers and students hosted by CEE Professor Michael Dodd.

This annual “WaterWorks” program is presented as two week-long workshops, one week for high school science teachers (August 17-21) and one for 11th-12th grade students (August 24-28).

It is designed to introduce participants to various aspects of water supply and treatment through a mix of labs, lectures, and field trips. A short overview of the program is included in the attached edition of the Bridge newsletterApplication deadline is 6/15.

Each participating teacher will receive an honorarium of $500 and a starter kit of lab supplies to take back to their schools to implement lab modules developed during the workshop. Clock hours will also be available upon completion of the workshop.   Students will not only benefits from this unique experience, it can also help enhance college applications.

For more information regarding the program and instructions on how to apply, see program website at: http://faculty.washington.edu/doddm/Personal/WaterWorks.html

Please pass this along to anyone (family, friends, colleagues, etc.) who you think might be interested.  For more information, contact:

Michael Dodd, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; University of Washington  305 More Hall, Box 352700Seattle, WA 98195-2700

phone: 206-685-7583fax: 206-543-1543  email: doddm@u.washington.edu  webpage: http://faculty.washington.edu/doddm/Personal/Main.html