November 14th – APWA UW Chapter November Networking Night

The 2018 APWA UW Chapter November Networking Night also known as MPAC Night is scheduled for November 14th at 05:00pm at the Intellectual House. This year’s speakers include Sound Transit Deputy CEO Mike Harbour and King County Metro General Manager Rob Gannon. We will also have a special guest from WSDOT, Assistant Secretary of Transportation for Urban Mobility and Access Patty Rubstello delivering opening remarks.

This is a excellent networking opportunity for all students regardless of specialization or interest, undergraduate or graduate level. Many different professionals in the civil engineering industry attend this event. Sound Transit will have a table staffed with HR personnel and possibly a manager from their design, engineering, and construction management (DECM) department to engage with students about internships and full time employment opportunities being offered. Sound Transit hires a wide spectrum of the civil engineering field including structural engineers, civil engineers who are focused in construction management , and of course conventional civil engineers.

Rob Gannon and Mike Harbour are very well respected in their fields. Mike graduated from Vanderbilt University with a BSCE and now is the Deputy CEO of Sound Transit. Network with professionals in industry and join Rob Gannon and Mike Harbour as they speak about the challenges their agencies face, how they are planning and constructing for transit demand, and how their agencies are leaders in the transportation field.

The registration fee $5/student pays for your catered dinner at the event.

Register here:

Michael Dyer

APWA UW Chapter President