WINTER 2019 – ESRM 430 Remote Sensing of the Environment

ESRM 430 – Remote Sensing of the Environment – offered in Winter

In this class you will be exposed to the principles of remote sensing using  a combination of traditional and latest techniques including: working with point-clouds and SfM, image analysis including per-pixel classification, object based image analysis and Google Earth Engine time series. We will also be working with a conventional set of aerial and high resolution satellite imagery in the first half of the course and with LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data in the second half of the course,  you will have the opportunity to apply these principles and obtain hands-on experience.  Environmental applications including watershed analysis,  change analysis, forest resources, wildlife, point and non-point pollution, environmental monitoring, land-use planning, urban-suburban-forestry interfaces, and outdoor recreation will be discussed and illustrated throughout the course.

We are currently updating the course website but for more information: