CEE Undergraduate Weekly (1.9.19) “The Welcome to 2019 Edition”
Welcome to WIN19!
We wanted to get a few items on your radar as you hit the ground running:
- Info on the Additional Writing Requirement
- Sign up for the Engineering Peer Educators Leadership Opportunity
- The CEE Career Fair is Thurs, Jan 17th and we need student volunteers. Email ceadvice@uw.edu if interested!
- Two new 1cr CEE 4XX Construction Classes to be offered in SPR19
Additional Writing Requirement
- There are a number of ways to satisfy this requirement this quarter, all of which are outlined here:
CEE Career Fair – Th, Jan 17th
Career Fair Volunteers Needed
- We are in urgent need of student volunteers for the 13th Annual CEE Career Fair, which will take place Thursday, January 17 from 1:30-4:30pm in the HUB Ballroom. We will need volunteers throughout the day, particularly around 11:30 to 2pm, and then again from around 4:30-6pm.
Please email ceadvice@uw.edu if you are interested!
Resume Guidelines (attached)
- If you need last minute help with your resumes for the CEE Career Fair on (1/17/19), you might find the attached sample resumes from the Career Center @Engineering helpful. The Violet Gold is directed at Senior/Juniors, and the Purple Gold is directed at Sophomores/Freshmen, but these are simply samples, guidelines to help you.
If you need help with your resume or job search, visit the Career Center @Engineering in the basement (“garden level”) of Loew Hall.
This note, including the resume samples, is posted on the CEE News Blog.
Handshake with the Career Center @ Engineering
- Have you created a Handshake account through the UW Career Center @Engineering yet?
Handshake replaces Resume Book, so you can allow employers attending the CEE Career Fair to view your resume online.
New CEE 400-level Construction Courses to be offered in SPR19
- We are going to be offering two new 1-credit CEE 400-level Construction classes in Spring 2019.
- Both of these classes will be available to CEE Juniors and Seniors and can be used toward your non-core Technical Electives or your Upper Division elective requirements.
Largely conducted online, these courses will meet approximately every other week in the late afternoon.
- CEE 401: Pavement Design for Roads (1cr)
Pavement design and construction to include both low and high-volume roads; both gravel and bituminous-surfaced pavements. Pavements as a critical element for infrastructure projects. Aids student ability to participate in a variety of road projects, including design and construction.
- CEE 402: Energy Infrastructure (1cr)
Energy infrastructure, focusing largely on balance of plant topics. Includes elements of site selection, design, and construction. Electrical production facilities and transmission. Emphasis on renewable energy facilities. Aids student ability to participate in a variety of projects involving energy infrastructure.
- Specific information about both of these classes will be available once Spring quarter’s time schedule goes live (~ Jan 25, 2019)
- Here you will find postings about jobs, internships, research opportunities, scholarships, new courses, and much more, organized in easily accessible categories.
We want to remind you that during times of added stress, it is important to maintain proactive self-care (get plenty of sleep, stay hydrated, practice stress reliving techniques, etc.).
For recommendations and tips, please see the UW Counseling Center’s website including these stress management resources.
-Brian & Mariko
CEE Undergraduate Advising
Civil & Environmental Engineering
College of Engineering
University of Washington
More Hall, Box 352700
CEE Advising Appointments
(Ensure your time zone is set to Pacific Standard Time)
**If you do not see a time that works with your schedule, please email ceadvice@uw.edu with your availability.