2019 UW Environmental Career Fair! Wed. Feb 20th – Hosted by College of the Environment

Step up your job search game by attending the 2019 UW Environmental Career Fair!

Wednesday, February 20, 2019
11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Mary Gates Hall Commons, UW Seattle Campus
Hosted by the UW College of the Environment

We still have a handful of tables available for employers, which we hope to fill part with any federal agencies who could not register during the government shut-down. Please contact me as soon as possible if you have suggested employers to add to the line-up.

We could use a few more volunteers to help staff the College of the Environment table during the event, between 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM. Please let me know by February 8 if you would like to volunteer for a 1 hour shift.


Thank you!





Michelle R. Hall

Director of Student and Academic Services

College of the Environment | University of Washington

206.543.6233 | hallm@uw.edu


Ocean Sciences Building, Suite 200 |Box 355355

Seattle, WA  98195-5355