DOE Millennial Nuclear Caucus Event (4/4/19)

Subject: DOE Millennial Nuclear Caucus Event

Millennials will shape our energy landscape for years to come, leading our country into the next generation of nuclear advancement and energy dominance.”  Secretary of Energy Rick Perry

Dear Dr. Reinhall, Dr. Yang, Dr. Lowes, and Dr. Pfaendtner,

I am the Nuclear Energy Sector Manager at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.  On behalf of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy (DOE-NE), we are excited to announce that a DOE Millennial Nuclear Caucus event will take place April 4, 2019, at Discovery Hall in Richland, Washington.

This unique event brings together the next generation of leaders in nuclear innovation. The event will feature discussions on the path forward for the nuclear industry and the role innovative technology will play. Participants at the events represent the full spectrum of the nuclear field, including young leaders supporting the existing fleet, those designing small modular and advanced reactors, and those advocating for a thriving nuclear future.

We believe that this is a great opportunity for your students to attend an event that will bring together the next generation of leaders in nuclear innovation. We would like to partner with you to ensure that you are able to participate in this event.

Participants will have an opportunity to see firsthand the capabilities here at PNNL, hear from leaders in the nuclear energy space, private industry in our communities, learn of internships and job opportunities within PNNL and private industry, network with leaders and meet other young professionals in the nuclear energy space.

Our current plans are for the event at Discovery Hall to begin at 12:00 pm.  We will be offering tours of PNNL facilities and will have an expo area with interactive exhibits and career/intern booths.  At 4:00 pm we will have a keynote speaker followed by a panel session comprised of millennials actively working in the nuclear energy field.  This will be followed at 5:00 pm by a networking reception.  We have confirmed that Framatome and Energy Northwest will participate in our event.  We are pursuing other participants, including NuScale and Terrapower.

Please contact us for more information on how you can ensure you do not miss out on this opportunity to work with us to ensure your students engage in the chance to participate in bringing together the next generation of leaders in nuclear innovation.

To learn more about what we’re doing at PNNL in the nuclear energy area please visit   To learn more of the Millennial Nuclear Caucus please visit them at:

We look forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards,




Mark Nutt
Nuclear Energy Sector Manager

Energy and Environment Directorate


Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
902 Battelle Boulevard
P.O. Box 999, MSIN K9-69

Richland, WA  99352 USA


Tel:  509-375-2984

Cell: 630-596-7365