CEE Ugrad Weekly: SPR19 Registration. Courses of Interest, Ugrad News Blog

CEE Undergraduate Weekly (1.24.19)  “Spring Quarter Registration Edition”

Hello –

We hope you all had a great time at last week’s CEE Career Fair and were able to make some valuable connections.

This week, we want to focus on registration for SPR19, including a few important updates and course announcements.  As always, let  us know if you have questions and feel free to schedule an appointment below in our signature:

SPR19 Registration & Planning

The SPR19 time schedule goes live tomorrow (Fri, 1/25) and Period I registration starts on February 15th.

All CEE course information can be found on our CEE Curriculum & Course Planning page.


SPR19 Course Updates:

  • CEE 420 (Engineering with Developing Communities) & CEE 429 (Sustainable Infrastructure) will both have open enrollment on a first come, first served basis.  If you are unable to register for this course on your registration day, please submit an add code request so we can gauge student interest.

New CEE 400-level Construction Courses to be offered in SPR19

We are going to be offering two new 1-credit CEE 400-level Construction classes in Spring 2019. Both of these classes will be available to CEE Juniors and Seniors and can be used toward your non-core Technical Electives or your Upper Division elective requirements. Largely conducted online, these courses will meet approximately every other week in the late afternoon:


  • CEE 401: Pavement Design for Roads with Professor Joe Mahoney (1cr, temporarily listed as CEE 498 E, 11782)
  • Pavement design and construction to include both low and high-volume roads; both gravel and bituminous-surfaced pavements. Pavements as a critical element for infrastructure projects. Aids student ability to participate in a variety of road projects, including design and construction.


  • CEE 402: Energy Infrastructure with Professor Joe Mahoney (1cr, temporarily listed as CEE 498 F, 11783)
  • Pavement design and construction to include both low and high-volume roads; both gravel and bituminous-surfaced pavements. Pavements as a critical element for infrastructure projects. Aids student ability to participate in a variety of road projects, including design and construction.


CEE 498 Special Topics Offerings

  • CEE 498 A: Advanced Surveying with Professor David Shean (5cr; SLN 11778)
  • This course will cover modern surveying techniques for 3D modeling and precision mapping, including Structure from Motion (SfM) surveys using images from consumer cameras and drones, real-time kinematic (RTK) GPS surveys, and terrestrial laser scanning (TLS).  Student will propose, design, and perform surveys for independent group project(s).  Prerequisites include CEE317 and CEE424, or permission from instructor


  • CEE 498 B: Advanced Remote Sensing and Earth Observation with Professor David Butman (4cr; SLN 11779)
  • This course covers the theory and application of satellite remote sensing as a tool for environmental science. Topics include the fundamentals of electromagnetic radiation, reflection and absorption, black body radiation, use of the Plank Function, satellite and sensor technology, map projections, integration of GIS data, and digital image analysis.


CEE Undergraduate News Blog

  • Here you will find postings about jobs, internships, research opportunities, scholarships, new courses, and much more, organized in easily accessible categories


If you need to chat, please check the Ugrad resources page for drop-in hours and our calendars below for individual appointments.

If you do not see a time that works for you, please email ceadvice@uw.edu with your availability.


Brian & Mariko



CEE Undergraduate Advising

Civil & Environmental Engineering

College of Engineering

University of Washington


More Hall, Box 352700


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