Interdisciplinary Writing Program spring courses

The Interdisciplinary Writing Program spring course offerings are here! The IWP offers composition seminars linked with lecture courses across disciplines. In these seminars students grapple in writing with the texts, questions, and issues of the linked lecture. Our 5-credit courses will earn either a “C” or a “W” credit (whichever is needed), and students can take up to three IWP courses total. Students who take our classes report that they learn more (and get better grades) in their linked lectures, they love the intensive one-on-one instructor feedback on their writing, and they establish communities of support not often felt in the large lecture hall.

*And big news!* This spring we will be piloting an unlinked writing course, “Writing in the Discipline of English” (ENGL 297 A). This discipline-specific writing course will work with texts and methods from English Studies, but will not be linked with a specific lecture. Please recommend this course to any student who is interested in English or the humanities, and is seeking to satisfy a “C” or “W” credit. The course, like all our courses, is open to all.

Please contact me or Karen Wennerstrom at if you want to learn more. 


Lecturer & Director, Interdisciplinary Writing Program

Department of English

University of Washington, Seattle

A-11 E Padelford Hall