Dear Animal Care Team,

The University of Washington’s Dare 2 Care (D2C) Compassion in Science Committee would like to personally take this opportunity to recognize and thank each of you for your contributions and exemplary resiliency while our community has struggled with the COVID-19 pandemic. D2C, as well as UW Leadership, has seen how dedicated you are to your job and how you have consistently shown up to work and to care for your animals and to support critical research studies. The emotional toll that the pandemic and the ensuing quarantine has taken is apparent and we recognize your determination and dedication. The University has asked a lot of all of its staff that have to come into work and comply with the necessary physical and social distancing requirements that we are all living with. We know this hasn’t been easy.

Local restaurants, The London Plane and Ba Bar, in partnership with the Seattle Science Foundation, are demonstrating their acknowledgement of the important work that you are providing every day in taking care of the animals and supporting the research by providing multiple appreciation lunches in your honor by donating over 365 lunches. We are so grateful for their support and goodwill through these challenging times. This very important recognition of your contributions is a true honor that can only be appreciated in the moment when you see our community finding ways to support one another.

Thank you for being you and going above and beyond to do your job in such a challenging time.  And many thanks to The London Plane and Ba Bar in partnership with the Seattle Science Foundation.

With best regards,