De Yoreo Research Group


For an up-to-date list, please visit Google Scholar.


In press

B. Jin, F. Yan, X. Qi, B. Cai, J. Tao, X. Fu S. Tan P. Zhang, J. Pfaendtner, N. Y. Naser, F. Baneyx, J. J DeYoreo,  and C-L. Chen, “Peptoid-Directed Formation of Five-Fold Twinned Au Nanostars through Particle Attachment and Facet Stabilization” Angew. Chemie. (In press).

J. J. De Yoreo, “Casting a bright light on Ostwald’s rule of stages” Proc. Nat’l Acad. Sci. (In press)

Y. Wang, S. Xue, Q. Lin, D. Song, Y. He, L. Liu, J. Zhou, M. Zong, J. J. De Yoreo, J. Zhu, K. M. Rosso, M. L. Sushko, X. Zhang “Particle-based hematite crystallization is invariant to initial particle morphology” Proc. Nat’l Acad. Sci. (In press).

M. Zhao, K. Lachowski, S. Zhang, S. Alamdari, J.Sampath, P. Mu, C. Mundy, J. Pfaendtner, J. J. De Yoreo, C-L. Chen, L. D. Pozzo, A. Ferguson, “Hierarchical Self-Assembly Pathways of Peptoid Helices and Sheets” Biomacromolecules (In press).

X. Zhang, A. S. Lea, A. M. Chaka, J. S. Loring, S. T. Mergelsberg, E.Nakouzi, O. Qafoku, J. J. De Yoreo, H.T. Schaef, K. M. Rosso, “In Situ Imaging of amorphous intermediates during brucite carbonation in supercritical CO2Nat. Mater. (In press).


R. M. Smith, M. Amiri, N. P. Martin, G. Zhu, J. J. De Yoreo and M. Nyman, “Solvent-driven transformation of Zn/Cd2+-deoxycholate assemblies” Inorg. Chem. 61,1275-1286. (2022)


B. Jin, Z. Liu, C. Shao, J. Chen, L. Liu, R. Tang and J.J. De Yoreo, “The Phase Transformation Mechanism of Amorphous Calcium Phosphate to Hydroxyapatite Investigated by Liquid-Cell TEM” Crys. Growth Des. 21, 5126−5134 (2021).

N. M. Adhikari, A. Tuladhar, Z. Wang, J. J. De Yoreo, and K. M. Rosso, “No Hydrogen Bonding between Water and Hydrophilic Single Crystal MgO Surfaces?” J. Phys. Chem. C 125, 26132–26138 (2021).

B. Jin, Y. Wang, C. Jin, J. J. De Yoreo and R Tang, Revealing Au13 as Elementary Clusters during the Early Formation of Au Nanocrystal, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 12, 5938–5943 (2021).

J. L. Prelesnik, R. G. Alberstein, S. Zhangc, H. Pyles D. Baker, J. Pfaendtner, J.J., De Yoreo, F. A. Tezcan, R. C. Remsing, and C. J. Mundy, “Ion-Dependent Protein-Surface Interactions from Intrinsic Solvent Response” Proc. Nat’l Acad. Sci. 118, (2021). e2025121118. /

E. Nakouzi, S. Yadav, B.A. Legg, S. Zhang, J. Tao, C.J. Mundy, G.K. Schenter, J. Chun, and J.J. De Yoreo, “Visualizing Solution Structure at Solid-Liquid Interfaces Using Three-Dimensional Fast Force Mapping”, J. Vis. Exp. 174, e62585, (2021).

C. Jia, L. Wu, J. Fulton, X. Liang, J.J. De Yoreo, B. Guan, “Structural Characteristics of Amorphous Calcium Sulfate: Evidence for the Role of Water Molecules” J. Phys. Chem. C 125, 3415−3420 (2021).

J. Hammons, M.D. Baer, T. Jian, J. Lee, T. Weiss, J.J. De Yoreo, A. Noy, C-L. Chen, A. van Buuren, “Early-Stage Aggregation and Crystalline Interactions of Peptoid Nanomembranes” J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 12, 6126−6133 (2021).

S. Kalinin, S. Zhang, S. M. P. Valleti, H. Pyles, D. Baker, J.J. De Yoreo, M. Ziatdinov, “Disentangling Rotational Dynamics and Ordering Transitions in a System of Self-Organizing Protein Nanorods via Rotationally Invariant Latent Representations” ACS Nano 15, 6471-6480 (2021)

M. Wang, S. Yang, S. Zhang, X. Zhang, X. Cai, Y. Lin, J.J. De Yoreo, C-L. Chen, “Programmable two-dimensional nanocrystals assembled from POSS-containing peptoids as highly efficient artificial light-harvesting systems” Science. Adv. 7, eabg1448 (2021).

Y. Song, M. Wang, S. Akkineni, W. Yang, J. Hettige, H. Jin, Z. Liao, P. Mu, F. Yan, M.D. Baer, J.J De Yoreo, D. Du, Y. Lin, C-L. Chen, “Highly bright and photostable two-dimensional nanomaterials assembled from sequence-defined peptoids” ACS Mater. Lett. 3, 420−427 (2021).

J. Ma, B. Cai, S. Zhang, T. Jian, J. J. De Yoreo, C-L. Chen and F. Baneyx, “Nanoparticle-Mediated Assembly of Peptoid Nanosheets Functionalized with Solid-Binding Proteins: Designing Heterostructures for Hierarchy” Nano Lett. 21, 1636–1642 (2021).

G. Zhu, M. L. Sushko, J. S. Loring, B. A. Legg, M. Song, J. A. Soltis, X. Huang, K. M. Rosso, and J. J. De Yoreo, “Self-similar Mesocrystals Form Via Interface-Driven Nucleation and Oriented Attachment” Nature 590, 416-422 (2021)

A.J. Ben-Sasson, W. Sheffler, M.C. Johnson, J. Watson, L. Somasundaram, F. Jiao, J. Chen, A.A. Drabek, S.M. Jarrett, J.M. Kollman, S.C. Blacklow, J.J De Yoreo, H. Ruohola-Baker, E. Derivery, and D. Baker, “Design of a two-component co-assembling two dimensional protein material” Nature 589, 468–473 (2021)

M. Monahan, B. Cai, T. Jian, S. Zhang, G. Zhu,C-LChen, J.J. De Yoreo, B.M. Cossairt, Peptoid-Directed Assembly of CdSe Nanoparticles” Nanoscale 13, 1273-1282 (2021)

E. Nakouzi, A.G. Stack, S. Kerisit, B.A. Legg, C.J. Mundy, G.K. Schenter, J. Chun, and J.J. De Yoreo, “Moving beyond the solvent-tip approximation to determine site-specific variations of interfacial water structure through 3D force microscopy” J. Phys. Chem. C 125, 1282–1291 (2021)

M. Ziatdinov, S. Zhang, O. Dollar, J. Pfaendtner, C.J. Mundy, X. Li, H. Pyles, D. Baker, J.J. De Yoreo, and S.V. Kalinin “Quantifying the dynamics of protein self-organization using deep learning analysis of atomic force microscopy data” Nano Lett. 21, 158–165 (2021)

D. Müller, A. Dumitru, C. Lo Giudice, H. Gaub, P.  Hinterdorfer, G. Hummer, J.J. De Yoreo, Y. Dufrêne and D. Alsteens, “Atomic force microscopy-based force spectroscopy and multiparametric imaging of biomolecular and cellular systems” Chem. Rev. 121, 11701–11725 (2021)

J. Chen and J.J. De Yoreo, “Non-classical Crystallization Pathways in Biomolecular Self-assembly” in X. Zhang, Crystallization via Nonclassical Pathways Vol II, ACS Symposium Series (American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 2021)


J.J. De Yoreo, “A perspective on multi-step pathways of nucleation” in X. Zhang, Crystallization via Nonclassical Pathways, ACS Symposium Series (American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 2020)

J. J. De Yoreo and B.A. Legg, “What atoms do when they get together” Nat. Chem. 12, 883–885(2020).

L. Liu, D. Song, B. Jin, M. A. Sinnwell, J. Liu, J. J. De Yoreo and M. L. Sushko, “Role of Solvent-Surfactant Duality of Ionic Liquids in Directing Two-Dimensional Particle Assembly” J. Phys. Chem. C. 124, 24215–24222 (2020).

C. Jia, L. Wu, Q. Chen, P. Ke, J.J. De Yoreo, B. Guan, “Structural evolution of amorphous calcium sulfate nanoparticles into crystalline gypsum phase” CrysEngComm 22, 6805-6810 (2020). Cover article

Fernandez-Martinez, J. Tao, A. F. Wallace, I. C. Bourg, M. R. Johnson, J. J. De Yoreo,G. Sposito, G. J. Cuello, and L. Charlet, “Curvature-induced hydrophobicity at imogolite-water interfaces” Environ. Sci.: Nano 7, 2759-2772(2020).

S.T. Mergelsberg, J.J. De Yoreo, Q. R. S. Miller, F. M. Michel, J. D. Rimstidt, P. M. Dove, “Metastable Solubility and Local Structure of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate” Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 289, 196-206 (2020).

J. Tao, M-S.Lee, M. L. Sushko,Z. Zhang, D. Banerjee, S. Akkineni, M. Bowden, P.K. Thallapally, Y. Shin, M.A. Sinnwell, J.J. De Yoreo and J. Liu, “Controlling metal–organic framework/ZnO heterostructures kinetics through selective ligand binding to ZnO surface steps” Chem. Mater. 32, 6666–6675(2020).

A.J Krzysko; E. Nakouzi; X. Zhang; T. R Graham; K.M. Rosso; G.K. Schenter; J. Ilavsky; I. Kuzmenko; M.G. Frith; C.F. Ivory; S.B. Clark; J.S. Weston; K.M. Weigandt; J.J. De Yoreo; J.Chun; L. Anovitz, “Correlating inter-particle forces and particle shape to shear-induced aggregation/fragmentation and rheology for dilute anisotropic particle suspensions: a complementary study via capillary rheometry and in situ small and ultra-small angle X-ray scattering” J. Coll. Interf. Sci. 576, 47–58 (2020).

Ritchhart, M. Monahan, J. Mars, M. Toney, J.J. De Yoreo, and B. M. Cossairt, “Covalently Linked, Two-Dimensional Quantum Dot Assemblies” Langmuir, 36, 9944–9951 (2020).

S. Zhang, R. G. Alberstein, J.J. De Yoreo*, F. A. Tezcan*, “Assembly of a patchy protein into variable 2D lattices via tunable, multiscale interactions” Nat. Commun.11, 3770 (2020). *Co-corresponding authors.

K.K. Sand, S. Jelavić, S. Dobberschütz, P. D. Ashby, M.J. Marshall, K. Dideriksen, S.L.S. Stipp, R.W. Friddle and J.J. De Yoreo, “Mechanistic insight into biomolecular control of iron oxide growth” Nanoscale Adv. 2, 3323 (2020).

L. Kessenich, N. Pokhrel, J. Kibue, M. Flury, L. Maibaum, J.J. De Yoreo, “Negatively-charged lipids exhibit negligible effects on the water repellency of montmorillonite film” ACS Omega 5, 12154-12161 (2020).

S. Zhang, J. Chen, J. Liu, H. Pyles, D. Baker, C-L. Chen, J.J. De Yoreo, “Engineering biomolecular self-assembly at solid-liquid interfaces” Adv. Mater. 33, 1905784 (2020)

B. Bard, X. Zhou, X. Xia, G. Zhu, M.B. Lim, S. Min Kim, M.C. Johnson, J.M. Kollman, M.A. Marcus, S.R. Spurgeon, D.E. Perea, A. Devaraj, J. Chun, J.J. De Yoreo, and P.J. Pauzauskie, “A Mechanistic Understanding of Non-Classical Crystallization in Hydrothermally Synthesized Sodium Ytrium Fluoride Nanowires” Chem. Mater. 32, 2753–2763(2020)

A. Legg, M. D. Baer, J. Chun, G. K. Schenter, S. Huang, Y. Zhang, Y. Min, K. Voïtchovsky, C. J. Mundy, J. J. De Yoreo “Visualization of aluminum ions at the mica water interface links hydrolysis state to surface potential and particle adhesion” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 142, 6093-6102 (2020)

S. Kerisit and J.J. De Yoreo, “Effect of Hydrophilicity and Interfacial Water Structure on Particle Attachment” J. Phys. Chem. C 124, 5480−5488 (2020).

M.C. De Siena, S.E. Creutz, A. Regan, P. Malinowski, Q. Jiang, K.T. Kluherz, G. Zhu, Z. Lin, J.J. De Yoreo, X. Xu,  J-H. Chu, and D.R. Gamelin, “2D van der Waals Nanoplatelets with Robust Ferromagnetism” Nano Lett. 20, 2100-2106 (2020).

L. Liu, E. Nakouzi, C.J. Mundy,M. L. Sushko, J. Chun, G.K. Schenter and J.J. De Yoreo, “Connecting energetics to dynamics in particle growth by oriented attachment using real-time observations” Nat. Commun.11, 1045 (2020)

Hellner, S. Alamdari, H. Pyles, S. Zhang, A. Prakash, K. G. Sprenger, J. J. De Yoreo, D. Baker, J. Pfaendtner, and F. Baneyx, “Sequence-structure-binding relationships reveal adhesion behavior of the Car9 solid-binding peptide: an integrated experimental and simulation study” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 142, 2355–2363 (2020).

Z. Liu, Z. Zhang, Z. Wang, B. Jin, D. Li, J. Tao, R. Tang and J.J. De Yoreo, “In situ TEM reveals pseudomorphic amorphous-to-crystalline CaCO transformation induced by Mg2+Proc. Nat’l Acad. Sci USA 117, 3397–3404 (2020).

J.M. Lucero, J.B. Jasinski, M. Song, D. Li, L. Liu, J. Li, J.J. De Yoreo, P.K. Thallapally, M.A. Carreon, “Synthesis of Porous Organic Cage CC3 via Solvent Modulated Evaporation” Inorg. Chim. Acta 501, 119312 (2020).

X. Liang; J. Post, B. Lanson, X. Wang, M. Zhu, F. Liu, W. Tan, X. Feng, G. Zhu, X. Zhang, J.J. De Yoreo, “Coupled Morphological and Structural Evolution of δ-MnO2 to α-MnO2 through Multistage Oriented Assembly Processes: the Role of Mn(III)” Environ. Sci.: Nano 7, 238-249 (2020)


W. de Poel, S.J.T. Brugman, K.H.A. van de Ven, A. Gasseling, J. de Lange, E.R. Townsend, A.H.J. Engwerda, M. Jankowski, M.A.R. Blijlevens, B.L. Werkhoven, J. Drnec, F. Carlà, Roberto Felici, Aashish Tuladhar, J.J. De Yoreo, J.A.A.W. Elemans, W.J.P. van Enckevort, A.E. Rowan, E. Vlieg, “Organothiol Monolayer Formation Directly on Muscovite Mica” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 59, 2323-2327 (2019).

M. Zong; X. Zhang, Y. Wang, X. Huang, J. Zhou, Z. Wang, J.J. De Yoreo, X. Lu, K. Rosso, , “Synthesis of 2D Hexagonal Hematite Nanosheets and Crystal Growth Mechanism” Inorg. Chem. 58, 16727-16735 (2019).

J. Stubbs; B. Legg, S-S Lee, P. Dera, J.J. De Yoreo, P. Fenter and P. Eng,“Epitaxial Growth of Gibbsite Sheets on the Basal Surface of Muscovite Mica” J. Phys. Chem. C 123, 27615-27627 (2019).

L. Liu, M.L. Sushko, E.C. Buck, X. Zhang, L. Kovarik, Z. Shen, J. Tao, E. Nakouzi, J. Liu, and J.J. De Yoreo, “Revisiting the Growth Mechanism of Hierarchical Semiconductor Nanostructures: The Role of Secondary Nucleation in Branch Formation” J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 10, 6827−6834 (2019).

J.A. Soltis, M.E. McBriarty, S.N. Kerisit1, E. Nakouzi, J. J. De Yoreo, and E. S. Ilton, “Can Mineral Growth by Oriented Attachment Lead to Incorporation of Uranium(VI) into the Structure of Goethite?” Environ. Sci: Nano 6, 3000-3009(2019).

Cui, W.; Zhang, X.; Pearce, C.; Chen, Y.; Zhang, S.; Liu, W.; Engelhard, M.; Kovarik, L.; Zong, M.; Zhang, H.; Walter, E.; Zhu, Z.; Heald, S.; Prange, M.; De Yoreo, J.J.; Zheng, S.; Zhang, Y.; Clark, S.; Li, P.; Wang, Z.; Rosso, K., “Cr(III) adsorption by cluster formation on boehmite nanoplates in highly alkaline solution” Environ. Sci. Technol. 53, 11043−11055 (2019).

L. Kessenich, N. Pokhrel, E. Nakouzi, C. J. Newcomb, M. Flury, L. Maibaum, J.J. De Yoreo, “Connecting wettability, topography, and chemistry in a simple lipid-montmorillonite system” J. Coll. Interf. Sci. 555, 498-508 (2019).

F. Jiao, X. Wu, T. Jian, S. Zhang, H. Jin, P. He, C-L. Chen, J.J. De Yoreo “Hierarchical Assembly of Peptoid-Based Cylindrical Micelles Exhibiting Efficient Resonance Energy Transfer in Aqueous Solution” Angew. Chem. 58, 12223-12230 (2019).

H. Pyles, S. Zhang, J.J. De Yoreo* and D. Baker*, “Design of epitaxial protein assemblies on inorganic crystal lattices” Nature 371, 251-256 (2019) *Co-corresponding authors.

N. Deng, A.G. Stack, J. Weber, B. Cao, J.J. De Yoreo, Y. Hu “Organic-Mineral Interfacial Chemistry Drives Heterogeneous Nucleation of Sr-Rich (Bax, Sr1-x)SO4 from Undersaturated Solution” Proc. Nat’l. Acad. Sci. 116, 13221-1322 (2019).

Z. Chen, M.C. Johnson, J. Chen, M.J. B., S.E. Boyken, B. Lin, J.J. De Yoreo, J.M. Kollman, D. Baker, F. DiMaio, “Self-assembling 2D arrays with de novo protein building blocks” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 141, 8891-8895 (2019).

Stel, I. Gunkel, X. Gu, B. Rad, T. P. Russell, J.J. De Yoreo, M. Lingenfelder, “Contrasting chemistry of block copolymer films control the dynamics of protein self-assembly at the nanoscale” ACS Nano 13, 4018-4027, (2019).

Y. Chen, N. M. Washton, R. P. Young, A. Karkamkar, J. J. De Yoreo, K. T. Mueller, “Monitoring Ion Associations and Solvent Dynamics in the Formation of Cage-like Polyanions in Tetraalkylammonium Silicate Solutions” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21, 4714-4720 (2019).

T. Milstein, K. Kluherz, D. Kroupa, C. Erickson, J.J. De Yoreo, D. Gamelin, “Anion Exchange and the Quantum-Cutting Energy Threshold in Ytterbium-Doped CsPb(Cl1-xBrx)3 Perovskite Nanocrystals” Nano Lett. 19, 1931-1937 (2019).

Tuladhar, Z. A. Chase, M. D. Baer, B. A. Legg, A. D. Winkelman, J. Tao, S. Zhang, Z. Wang, C. Mundy, H-f. Wang, and J.J. De Yoreo, “Direct Observation of the Orientational Anisotropy of Interfacial –OH Groups at Muscovite Mica Surface” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 141, 2135−2142 (2019).

G. Zhu, H. Reiner, H. Cölfen, J.J De Yoreo, “Addressing some of the technical challenges associated with liquid phase S/TEM studies of particle nucleation, growth and assembly”, Micron 118, 35-42 (2019)

L.M. Anovitz, X. Zhang, J. Soltis, E. Nakouzi, A.J. Krzysko, J. Chun, G. K. Schenter, T.R. Graham, K.M. Rosso, J.J. De Yoreo, A.G. Stack, M. Bleuel, C. Gagnon, and D.F.R. Mildner, J. Ilavsky, I. Kuzmenko, “Effects of Ionic Strength, Salt, and pH on Aggregation of Boehmite Nanocrystals: Tumbler Small-Angle Neutron and X-ray Scattering and Imaging Analysis” Langmuir 34, 15839–15853 (2019).

K-R. Cho, P. Kulshreshtha, K-J. Wu, J. Seto, S. R. Qiu, J. J. De Yoreo, “The effects of different types of additives on growth of biomineral phases investigated by in situ atomic force microscopy” J. Cryst. Growth. 509, 8-16 (2019)


J. R. Sanborn, X. Chen, Y-C. Yao, J. A. Hammons, R. H. Tunuguntla, Y. Zhang, C.J. Newcomb, J. Soltis, J.J. De Yoreo, A. Van Buuren, A. N. Parikh, and A. Noy, “Carbon Nanotube Porins in Amphiphilic Block Copolymers” Adv. Mater. 30, 1803355 (2018)

J. Chen, E. Zhu, Juan Liu, S. Zhang, Z. Lin, X. Duan, H. Heinz, Y. Huang, J.J. De Yoreo “Building two-dimensional materials one row at a time: Avoiding the nucleation barrier” Science 362, 1135–1139 (2018).

J. Tao, A. Fijneman, J. Wan, S. Prajapati, K. Mukherjee, A. Fernandez-Martinez, J. Moradian-Oldak* and J.J. De Yoreo*, “Control of calcium phosphate nucleation and transformation through co-assembly of enamelin and amelogenin exhibits the “Goldilocks effect” Cryst. Growth. Des. 18, 7391-7400 (2018). *Co-corresponding authors.

H. Shen, J.A. Fallas, E. Lynch, W. Sheffler, B. Parry, N. Jannetty, J.Decarreau, M. Wagenbach, J. Chen, L. Wang, Q. Dowling, G. Oberdorfer, J.J. De Yoreo, L. Wordeman, C. Jacobs-Wagner, J. Kollman, D. Baker “De Novo Design of Self-assembling Helical Protein Filaments” Science 362, 705-709 (2018)

J. Tao, M. H. Nielsen, J. J. De Yoreo, “Nucleation and phase transformation pathways in electrolyte solutions investigated by in situ microscopy techniques” Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 34, 74-88 (2018).

Nakouzi, J. Soltis, B. Legg, G. K. Schenter, X. Zhang, T. R. Graham, K. M. Rosso, L. M. Anovitz, J. J. De Yoreo, J. Chun, “The Impact of Ionic Strength, pH and Particle Anisotropy on the Collective Dynamics of Boehmite Oriented Aggregation and Attachment” ACS Nano, 12,10114–10122 (2018).

Stel, F. Cometto, B. Rad, J. J. De Yoreo and M. Lingenfelder, “Dynamically resolved self-assembly of S-layer proteins on solid surfaces” Chem. Comm., 54, 10264-10267 (2018)

Robertson, G. Zhu, B. L. Mehdi, J. J. De Yoreo, N. D. Browning, “Nanoparticle Immobilization for Controllable Experiments in Liquid-Cell Transmission Electron Microscopy” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 10, 22801–22808 (2018)

X. Zhang, Y. He, J. Liu, M.E. Bowden, L. Kovarik, S. Mao, C.Wang, J.J. De Yoreo and K.M. Rosso, “Accessing crystal-crystal interaction forces with oriented nanocrystal atomic force microscopy probes” Nature Protocols 13,  2005–2030 (2018)

Yan, L. Liu, Y. Gong, P.Z. El-Khoury, Y. Zhang, Z. Zhu, H. Jin, Y. Chen, J.J. DeYoreo, T.R. Walsh, X. Zhang, C-L. Chen, “Controlled synthesis of highly-branched plasmonic gold nanoparticles through peptoid engineering” Nat. Commun.9:2327 (2018)

Y. Cheng, J. Tao, G. Zhu, J.A. Soltis, B.A. Legg, J.J. De Yoreo, M.L. Sushko, J. Liu, “In situ Transmission Electron Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy Study of Particle Mediated Growth of Colloidal Au Nanocrystals: from Classical to Non-Classical Pathways” Nanoscale, 10, 11907–11912 (2018).

S. Chung, W-J. Chung, D. Wang, S-W. Lee and J. J. De Yoreo, “Growth of Au and ZnS nanostructures via engineered peptide and M13 bacteriophage templates” Soft Matter 14, 2996-3002 (2018).

K. Mukherjee Q. Ruan, S. Nutt, J. Tao, J.J. De Yoreo, J. Moradian-Oldak “A peptide-based bioinspired approach to re-growing multilayered aprismatic enamel” ACS Omega 3, 2546–2557 (2018).

M.W. Terban, D. Banerjee, S. Ghose, B. Medasani, A. Shukla, B.A. Legg, Y. Zhou, Z. Zhu, M.L. Sushko, J.J. De Yoreo, J. Liu, P.K. Thallapally, S.J.L. Billinge, “Early stage structural development of prototypical zeolitic imidazolate framework (ZIF) in solution” Nanoscale 10, 4291-4300 (2018).

S-J. Kim, J. Mahmood, C. Kim, G-F. Han, S-W. Kim, S-M.Jung, G. Zhu, J. J. De Yoreo, G. Kim, and J-B. Baek, “Defect-Free Encapsulation of Fe0 in 2D Fused Organic Networks as a Durable Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalyst” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 140, 1737-1742 (2018).

K. Henzler, E.O. Fetisov, M. Galib, M.D. Baer, C. Borga, J.M. Xto, B.A. Legg, S. Pin, J.L. Fulton, G.K. Schenter, N. Govind, J.I. Siepmann, C.J. Mundy, T. Huthwelker, J.J. De Yoreo, “Supersaturated calcium carbonate solutions are classical” Science Adv. 4, eaao6283 (2018).

L. Liu, S. Zhang, M.E Bowden, J. Chaudhuri and J.J De Yoreo, “In-situ TEM and AFM investigation of morphological controls during the growth of single crystal BaWO4” Cryst. Growth Des. 8,1367–1375, (2018). Cover Article.


S. Jelavić, D. J. Tobler, T. Hassenkam, J. J. DeYoreo, S.L.S. Stipp and K.K. Sand, “Prebiotic RNA polymerisation: Energetics of nucleotide adsorption and polymerisation on clay mineral surfaces” ChemComm. 53, 12700-12703 (2017).

Y-C. Chien, J. Tao, K. Saeki, A.F. Chin, J.L. Lau, C-L. Chen, R.N. Zuckermann, S.J. Marshall, G.W. Marshall and J.J. De Yoreo, “Using biomimetic polymers in place of non-collagenous proteins to achieve functional remineralization of collagenous tissues” ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 3, 3469−3479, 2017.

X. Zhang, Z. Shen, J. Liu, S.N. Kerisit, M.E. Bowden, M.L. Sushko, C.J. Mundy, J.J. De Yoreo, K.M. Rosso, “Direction-Specific Interaction Forces Underlying ZnO Crystal Growth by Oriented Attachment” Nat. Commun.8, 835 (2017).

P.J.M. Smeets, A.R. Finney, Wouter J.E.M. Habraken, F. Nudelman, H. Friedrich, J. Laven, J.J. De Yoreo, P.M. Rodger, N.A.J.M. Sommerdijk, “A Classical View on “Non-classical” Nucleation” Proc. Nat’l Acad. Sci. 114, E7882-E7890 (2017).

P.J.M. Smeets, K-R. Cho, N.A.J.M. Sommerdijk and J.J. De Yoreo, “A Mesocrystal-like Morphology Formed by Classical Polymer-Mediated Crystal Growth” Adv. Funct. Mater. 1701658 (2017).

K.K. Sand, R.W. Friddle and J.J. De Yoreo, “Quantifying the free energy landscape between polymers and minerals”, Scientific Reports 7, 8663 (2017). 10.1038/s41598-017-09041-3

C.J. Newcomb, N.P. Qafoku, J.W. Grate, V.L. Bailey, J.J. De Yoreo, “Moving toward a molecular basis for soil organic matter persistence” Nat. Commun.18, 396 (2017).

Li, J. Chun, D. Xiao, W. Zhou, H. Cai, L. Zhang, K. M. Rosso, C. J. Mundy, G. K. Schenter, J. J. De Yoreo, “Trends in mica–mica adhesion reflect the influence of molecular details on long-range dispersion forces underlying aggregation and coalignment” Proc. Nat’l Acad. Sci. 114, 7537-7542 (2017). DOI/10.1073/pnas.1621186114

X. Ma, S. Zhang, F. Jiao, C. Newcomb, Y. Zhang, A. Prakash, Z. Liao, M. Baer, C. Mundy, J. Pfaendter, A. Noy, C-L. Chen and J.J. De Yoreo, “Tuning nucleation pathways through sequence-engineering of biomimetic polymers” Nat. Mater. 16, 767-774 (2017).

R.D. Hufschmid, C.J. Newcomb, J.W. Grate, J.J. De Yoreo, N.D. Browning, N.P Qafoku, “Direct visualization of aggregate morphology and dynamics in a model soil organic-mineral system” Env. Sci. Tech. Lett. 4, 186-191 (2017).

Lu, J. Tao, P. Yan, W. Henderson, Q. Li, Y. Shao, M. Helm, O. Borodin, G. Graff, B. Polzin, C. Wang, M. Engelhard, J-G. Zhang, J.J. De Yoreo, J. Liu, Jun; J . Xiao, “Formation of Reversible Solid Electrolyte Interface on Graphite Surface from Concentrated Electrolytes” Nano Lett. 17, 1602-1609 (2017).

X. Zhang, Y. He, M.L. Sushko, J. Liu, L. Luo, J.J. De Yoreo, S.X. Mao, Chongmin Wang, K.M. Rosso, “Direction-Specific van der Waals Attraction Between Rutile TiO2 Nanocrystals” Science 356, 434-437 (2017)

M.E. McBriarty, J.A. Soltis, S. Kerisit, O. Qafoku, M.E. Bowden, E.J. Bylaska, J.J. De Yoreo, E.S. Ilton, “Trace Element Partitioning in a Multi-Phase Nano-FeOOH System” Env. Sci. Tech. 51, 4970–4977 (2017)

C.R Blue; A. J Giuffre; S.  Mergelsberg; N. Han; J.J De Yoreo, P. M. Dove, “Chemical and physical controls on the transformation of amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) into crystalline CaCO3 polymorphs” Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta 196, 179-196 (2017)

J.J. De Yoreo, N.A.J.M. Sommerdijk and P.M. Dove, “Nucleation pathways in electrolyte solutions” in A.E.S. van Driessche, M. Kellermeier, L.G. Benning and D.Gebauer, Eds., New perspectives on mineral nucleation and growth: From solution precursors to solid materials, Springer International, New York, 2017)

M.H. Nielsen and J.J. De Yoreo, “Liquid Phase TEM Investigations of Crystal, Nucleation, Growth, and Transformation” in A.E.S. van Driessche, M. Kellermeier, L.G. Benning and D.Gebauer, Eds., New perspectives on mineral nucleation and growth: From solution precursors to solid materials, (Springer International, New York, 2017)


B.A. Legg, J.J. De Yoreo, “The Energetics of Prenucleation Clusters in Lattice Solutions”, J. Chem. Phys. 145, 211921 (2016)

J. Scheck, M. Drechsler, X. Ma, M. Stöckl, J. Konsek, J. Schwaderer, S. Stadler, J.J. DeYoreo, and D. Gebauer, “Polyaspartic acid facilitates oxolation in iron(III) oxide pre-nucleation clusters and drives the formation of organic-inorganic composites” J. Chem. Phys. 145, 211917 (2016)

Y. Shin, J. Tao, B.W. Arey, C. Wang, G.J. Exarhos, J.J. De Yoreo, M.L Sushko, J. Liu, “Double epitaxy as a new paradigm for templated growth of highly ordered three-dimensional mesophase crystals” ACS Nano 10, 8670-8675 (2016)

M.P. Andersson, S. Dobberschütz, K.K. Sand, D.J. Tobler, J.J. De Yoreo, S.L.S. Stipp, “A microkinetic model of calcite step growth” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed 55, 11086-11090 (2016)

Jiao, C-LChen and J.J. De Yoreo, Self-repair and patterning of 2D membrane-like peptoid materials” Adv. Funct. Mater. 26, 8960-8967 (2016)

C-L Chen, R.N. Zuckermann and J.J. DeYoreo, “Surface-directed assembly of peptoids into extended networks with hierarchical structures and controlled functionalities”ACS Nano. 10, 5314-5320, (2016) doi/pdf/10.1021/acsnano.6b01333

J.J. De Yoreo “In situ Liquid phase TEM Observations of Nucleation and Growth Processes”, Prog. Cryst. Growth Charact. Mater. 62, 69-88 (2016).

J.J. De Yoreo and N.A.J.M Sommerdijk, “Investigating processes of materials formation via liquid phase and cryogenic TEM”, Nat. Rev. Mater. 1, 16035 (2016).

S. Prajapati, J. Tao, Q. Ruan, J.J De Yoreo, J. Moradian-Oldak, “Matrix Metalloproteinase-20 mediates dental enamel biomineralization by preventing protein occlusion inside apatite crystals” Biomaterials 75, 260 (2016)

K.R. Cho, Y.-Y. Kim, P. Yang, W. Cai, H. Pan, A.N. Kulak, J.L. Lau, P. Kulshreshtha, S.P. Armes, F.C. Meldrum and J.J. De Yoreo, “Direct observation of mineral-organic composite formation reveals occlusion mechanism” Nat. Commun.6:10187 (2016)

M.H. Nielsen and J.J. De Yoreo, “Liquid Phase TEM for Studying Environmental and Biological Mineral Systems” In: F.M. Ross, Ed., Liquid Cell Electron Microscopy, (Cambridge University Press, New York, 2016).


J. Tao, G.W. Buchko, W.J. Shaw, J.J. De Yoreo, B.J. Tarasevich, “Sequence-defined, Energetic Shifts Control the Kinetics and Microstructure of Amelogenin Adsorbed onto Hydroxyapatite (100)” Langmuir 31,10451(2015)

A.J. Giuffre, A.C. Gagnon, J.J. De Yoreo, P.M. Dove, “Isotopic tracer evidence for the amorphous calcium carbonate to calcite transformation by dissolution-reprecipitation” Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta. 165, 407-417 (2015)

J.J. De Yoreo, P.U.P.A. Gilbert, N.A.J.M. Sommerdijk, R.L. Penn, S. Whitelam, D. Joester, H.Z. Zhang, J.D. Rimer, A. Navrotsky, J.F. Banfield, A.F. Wallace, F.M. Michel, F.C. Meldrum, H. Cölfen , P.M. Dove, “Crystallization by Particle Attachment in Synthetic, Biogenic, and Geologic Environments” Science 349, aaa6760 (2015)

C.T. Hendley IV, J. Tao, J.A.M.R. Kunitake, J.J. De Yoreo, L.A. Estroff, “Microscopy Reveals Mechanisms of Organic Controls on Nucleation and Growth of Biominerals” MRS Bull. 40, 480-489 (2015)

P.J.M. Smeets, K-R. Cho, R.G.E. Kempen, N.A.J.M. Sommerdijk and J.J. De Yoreo, “Calcium carbonate nucleation driven by ion binding in a biomimetic matrix revealed by in situ electron microscopy” Nat. Mater. 14, 394-399 (2015)

K. Dideriksen, C. Frandsen, N. Bovet, A. F. Wallace, O. Sel, S. Fakra, T. Arbour, A. Navrotsky, J. J. DeYoreo, J. F. Banfield, “Formation and transformation of a short range ordered iron carbonate precursor” Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 164, 94-109 (2015)

M. Hong, K. T. Moreland, J. Chen, H. H. Teng, R. Thalmann, and J. J. De Yoreo, “The effect of otoconial proteins Fetuin A, osteopontin and otoconin 90 on the nucleation and growth of calcite” Crys. Growth Des. 15, 129-136 (2015)

J. Tao, K. C. Battle, H. Pan, E. A. Salter, Y-C. Chien, A. Wierzbicki and J. J. De Yoreo, “An energetic basis for the molecular-scale organization of bone” Proc. Nat’l Acad. Sci. 112, 326-331 (2015)


C-L. Chen, J. Qi, J. Tao, R.N. Zuckermann and J.J. DeYoreo, “Tuning calcite morphology and growth acceleration by a rational design of highly stable protein-mimetics” Scientific Reports 4, 6266(2014)

M.H. Nielsen, S. Aloni, and J.J. De Yoreo “In situ TEM imaging of CaCO3 nucleation reveals coexistence of direct and indirect pathways” Science 345, 1158-1162, (2014)

Wang, S.L. Capehart, S. Pal, M. Liu, L. Zhang, P.J. Schuck, Y. Liu, Y. Hao, M.B. Francis, J.J. De Yoreo, “Hierarchical Assembly of Plasmonic Nanostructures using Virus Capsid Scaffolds and DNA Origami Tiles” ACS Nano 8 7896-7904 (2014)

H. Zhang, J.J. De Yoreo and J. F. Banfield, “A unified description of attachment-based crystal growth” ACS Nano 8, 6526-6530(2014)

K. T. Moreland, M. Hong, W. Lu, C. W. Rowley, D. M. Ornitz, J. J. DeYoreo and R. Thalmann, “In Vitro Calcite Crystal Morphology is Modulated by Otoconial Proteins Otolin-1 and Otoconin-90” PLOS ONE 9, e95333 (2014).

M.H. Nielsen, D. Li, S.Aloni, T.Y.J. Han, C. Frandsen, J. Seto, J. Banfield, H. Coelfen and J. J. De Yoreo, “Understanding Mechanisms of Nanocrystal Formation and Transformation Via Liquid Cell TEM” Microsc. Microanal. 20425-436 (2014) (Invited article, Special Issue on liquid cell TEM).

L. M. Hamm, A. J. Giuffre, N. Han, D. Wang, J. Tao, J. J. De Yoreo*and P. M. Dove*, “Reconciling disparate views of template-directed nucleation through measurement of calcite nucleation kinetics and binding energies” Proc. Nat’l Acad. Sci. 111, 1304-1309, (2014). (*Co-corresponding authors)

Narayanan, B., Gilmer, G., Tao, J., De Yoreo, J.J. and Ciobanu, C., “Self-assembly of collagen on surfaces: the interplay of collagen-collagen and collagen-substrate interactions” Langmuir 30, 1343–1350 (2014).

T.A. Vu, M. M. Reagan, D. Li, B. Legg, J. J. De Yoreo, J. F. Banfield, and H. Zhang, “Kinetics of crystal growth of nanogoethite in aqueous solutions containing nitrate and sulfate anions” CrysEngCom 16, 1461-1471 (2014).

J.J. De Yoreo, “Mimicking Biomineral Systems: What have we achieved and where do we go from here?” In Marc Knecht and Tiffany Walsh, Eds. Bio-inspired Nanotechnology – From Surface Analysis to Applications, pp. 290-314 (Springer, New York, 2014).


Li, M.H. Nielsen, J.J. De Yoreo, “Design, fabrication, and applications of in situ fluid cell TEM, Methods in Enzymology 532,147-164 (2013).

A.F. Wallace, L.O. Hedges, A. Fernandez-Martinez, P. Raiteri, S. Whitelam, G.A. Waychunas, J.D. Gale, J.F. Banfield, J.J. De Yoreo, “Microscopic evidence for liquid-liquid separation in supersaturated CaCO3 solutions” Science 341, 885-889 (2013).

Kahr, T.L. Bullard, M. Kurimoto , and J. J. De Yoreo, “Complex organic guests in simple crystals: potassium hydrogen phthalate as case study”, Crys. Res. Technol. 48, 667-672 (2013).

X. Long, Y. Ma*, K-R. Cho, D. Li, J.J De Yoreo*, L. Qi, “Hierarchical calcite micropillars and prisms formed on calcite substrates through non-classical crystallization” Cryst. Growth Des. 13, 3856–3863 (2013). (*Co-corresponding authors)

J.J. De Yoreo, S. Chung, and R.W. Friddle, “In situ AFM as a tool for investigating interactions and assembly dynamics in biomolecular and biomineral systems” Adv. Func. Mat. 23, 2525-2538, (2013). (Invited Review, Inside Cover Article)

L.R. Comolli, C.E. Siegerist, S-H. Shin, C.R. Bertozzi, W. Regan, A. Zettl and J.J. De Yoreo, Conformational transitions at an S-layer growing boundary resolved by cryo-TEM Agewandte Chemie Int. Ed. 52, 4829-4832, Inside Cover Article (2013).

A.J. Giuffre, L.M. Hamm, N. Han, J.J. De Yoreo, P.M. Dove, “Polysaccharide chemistry regulates kinetics of calcite nucleation through competition of interfacial energies”. Proc. Nat’l. Acad. Sci. USA 110, 9261-9266 (2013).

L.R. Comolli, S-H. Shin, J.J. De Yoreo, C.R. Bertozzi, R., C.E. Siegerist, A. Hexemer, K.T. Nam, C. Wang, and R. Tscheliessnig, “Self-assembly of “S-bilayers”, a step toward expanding the dimensionality of S-layer assemblies” ACS Nano 7, 4946-4953 Cover (2013).

J.J. De Yoreo, “Nucleation: More than one pathway”, Nature Materials 12, 284 (2013).

C.L. Freeman, Q. Hu, M.H. Nielsen, J. Tao, J.J. De Yoreo and J.H. Harding, “Surface Selectivity of Calcite on Self-Assembled Monolayers” Chem. Mater. 117, 5154-5153(2013).

W.J.E.M. Habraken, J. Tao, L.J. Brylka, H. Friedrich, A.S. Schenk, A. Verch, P.H.H. Bomans, P.M. Frederik, J. Laven, P. van der Schoot, B. Aichmayer, B.G. de With, J.J. DeYoreo* N.A.J.M. Sommerdijk*, “Ion association complexes unite classical and non-classical theories for the biomimetic nucleation of calcium phosphate” (*Co-corresponding authors) Nat. Commun.4, 1507 (2013).

N. Han, C.R. Blue, J.J. De Yoreo and P.M. Dove, “The effect of carboxylates on the Mg content of calcites that transform from ACC, Procedia” Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 7, 223-227 (2013).

J.R. I. Lee, T.Y-J Han, T.M. Willey, M.H. Nielsen, L.M. Klivansky, Y. Liu, S. Chung, L,J. Terminello, T. van Buuren, J.J. De Yoreo, “Cooperative Reorganization of Mineral and Template during Directed Nucleation of Calcium Carbonate” J. Phys. Chem. C 117, 11076-11085 (2013).

J.J. De Yoreo, S. Chung and M.H. Nielsen, “The dynamics and energetics of matrix assembly and mineralization” Cal. Tiss. Int., 93, 316-328 (2013). (Invited Review)

S. Chung, D.N. Leonard, V. Altoe, S. Aloni, J.J. De Yoreo*, and S., Franzen*, “The formation of Pd nanocrystals from Pd2(dba)3 microcrystals” Part. Part. Syst. Char. 30, 280 (2013), Back Cover. (*Co-corresponding authors)

K.R. Cho, A. Salter, Y. Huang, A. Wierzbicki, J.J. De Yoreo, S. Elhadj, S. R. Qiu, “Growth inhibition of calcium oxalate monohydrate crystals by linear aspartic acid enantiomers investigated by in situ atomic force microscopy” CrysEngCom 15, 54 (2013), Cover Article.

L.C. Nielsen, J.J. De Yoreo and D.J. Depaolo, “General model for calcite growth kinetics in the presence of impurity ions” Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 115, 100-114 (2013).

J.J. De Yoreo, G.A. Waychunas, Y-S.Jun and A. Fernandez-Martinez, “In situ investigations of carbonate nucleation on mineral and organic surfaces” In: Geochemistry of Geological CO2 Sequestration, I. Bourg, C. Steefel and A. Navrotsky (Eds.) Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 77 (Mineral Soc. Am., Washington, DC, 2013).

Chung, S-W. and De Yoreo, J.J., “In situ Atomic Force Microscopy as a tool for investigating assembly of protein matrices”, In: Biomineralization Sourcebook: Characterization of Biominerals and Biomimetic Materials, (Eds.: Dimasi, E. and Gower, L.(Taylor & Francis Group, 2013).

Cho, K-R. and De Yoreo, J.J., “Probing protein assembly, biomineralization, and biomolecular interactions by atomic force microscopy”, In: NanoCellBiology: Multimodal Imaging in Biology & Medicine, Eds: Jena, B.P. and Taatjes, D.J., (Pan Stanford Publishing, Singapore, 2013). 400 pages.

P. J. M. Smeets, D. Li, M. H. Nielsen, K. R. Cho, N. A. J. M. Sommerdijk, J. J. De Yoreo, “Unraveling the CaCO3 Mesocrystal Formation Mechanism Including a Polyelectrolyte Additive using in-situ TEM and in-situ AFM” Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on In Situ and Correlated Electron Microscopy.


Li, M.H. Nielsen, J.R. Lee, C. Frandsen, J. Banfield and J.J. De Yoreo, “Direction-specific interactions control crystal growth by oriented attachment.” Science, 336, 1014-1018 (2012).

R.W. Friddle, A. Noy and J.J. De Yoreo, “Interpreting the widespread nonlinear force spectra of intermolecular bonds”. Proc. Nat’l. Acad. Sci. 109, 13573-13578 (2012).

S-H. Shin, S. Chung, B. Sanii, C.R. Bertozzi and J.J. De Yoreo, “Direct observation of kinetic traps associated with structural transformations leading to multiple pathways of S-layer assembly” Proc. Nat’l. Acad. Sci. 109, 12968-12973 (2012).

L.C. Nielsen, D.J. Depaolo, and J.J. De Yoreo, “Self-consistent ion-by-ion growth model for kinetic isotopic fractionation during calcite precipitation” Geochim. Et Cosmochim. Acta 86, 166-181 (2012).

Q. Hu, M.H. Nielsen, C.L. Freeman, L.M. Hamm, J. Tao, J.R.I Lee, T.Y.J. Han, U. Becker, J.H. Harding, P.M. Dove and J.J. De Yoreo, “The thermodynamics of calcite nucleation: Classical vs. Non-classical pathways” Faraday Disc. 159, 509-523 (2012).

K.R. Cho, E.A. Salter, J.J. De Yoreo, A. Wierzbicki, S. Elhadj, Y. Huang, S.R. Qiu, “Impact of chiral molecules on the formation of biominerals: a calcium oxalate monohydrate example” Crys. Growth Des. 12, 5939 (2012).

M. H. Nielsen, J.R.I. Lee, Q. Hu, T.Y-J. Han and J.J. De Yoreo, Structural evolution, formation pathways and energetic controls during template-directed nucleation of CaCO3, Faraday Disc.,159, 105-121 (2012).

Wang, T. Echigo, A.J. Giuffre, L.H. Hamm, J.J. De Yoreo, J. Grotzinger, P.M. Dove “Revisiting geochemical controls on patterns of carbonate deposition through the lens of mineralization pathways”. Faraday Disc. 159, 147-158 (2012).


S. Chung, J.R. Felts, D.Wang, W.P. King, and J.J. De Yoreo,, “Temperature-Dependence of Ink Transport during Thermal Dip-Pen Nanolithography” Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 193101, (2011). (Cover article)

C-L. Chen, K. M. Bromley, J. Moradian-Oldak and J. J. DeYoreo, “In situ AFM Study of Amelogenin Assembly and Disassembly Dynamics on Charged Surfaces Provides Insights on Matrix Protein Self-Assembly” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133, 17406-17413,(2011).

R.W. Friddle, K. Battle, V. Trubetskoy, J. Tao, E.A. Salter, J.J. De Yoreo, A. Wierzbicki, “Single-Molecule Determination of the Face-Specific Adsorption of Amelogenin’s C-terminus on Hydroxyapatite”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 50, 7541 –7545 (2011).

A.E. Stephenson, J.L. Hunter, N. Han, J.J. DeYoreo, P.M. Dove, “Effect of ionic strength on the Mg content of calcite: Toward a physical basis for minor element contents by step growth”, Geochim. Et Cosmochim. Acta. 75,4340–4350(2011).

Cho, K-R., Huang, Y., Plomp, M., Qiu, S.R., Sy, M-S., and De Yoreo, J.J., “The formation pathways of β-oligomers and subsequent nonfibrillar aggregates of recombinant human prion proteins”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133, 8586–8593 (2011).

Chen, C-L., Qi, J., Zuckermann, R.N. and DeYoreo, J.J., “Engineered Biomimetic Polymers as Tunable Agents for Controlling CaCO3 Mineralization”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. Comm. 133, 5214–5217 (2011).


Chung, S., Shin, S-H., Bertozzi, C.R. and De Yoreo, J.J., “Self-catalyzed growth of S layers via an amorphous-to-crystalline transition limited by folding kinetics”. Proc. Nat’l. Acad. Sci. 107, 16536-16541 (2010).

Elhadj, S., Rioux, R.M., Dickey, M.D., DeYoreo, J.J., Whitesides, G.M., “Subnanometer Replica Molding of Molecular Steps on Ionic Crystals” NanoLetters 10, 4140–4145 (2010) (Research Highlight in Nature Materials 9, 878 (2010)).

Friddle, R.W., Weaver, M., Qiu, S.R., Wierzbicki, A. Casey, W.H. and De Yoreo, J.J., “Sub-nanometer AFM imaging of peptide–mineral interactions links clustering and competition to acceleration and catastrophe”. Proc. Nat’l. Acad. Sci. USA 107, 11-15(2010).

Weaver, M.L., Qiu S.R., Friddle, R.W., Casey, W.H., De Yoreo, J.J., “How the overlapping timescales for peptide binding and terrace exposure lead to non-linear step dynamics during growth of calcium oxalate monohydrate”. Crys. Growth Des. 10, 2954-2959(2010).

Cheung, C.L., Rubinstein, A.I., Peterson, E.J., Chatterji, A, Sabirianov, R.F., Mei, W-N., Lin, T., Johnson, J.E., and DeYoreo, J.J. “Steric and Electrostatic Complementarity in the Assembly of Two-Dimensional Virus Arrays” Langmuir 26, 3498-3505 (2010).

Before 2010

Wang, D., Wallace, A.F., DeYoreo, J.J., and Dove, P.M., “Carboxylated biomolecules control magnesium content of amorphous calcium carbonate: Insights for calcification” Proc. Nat’l. Acad. Sci. USA. 106, 21511-21516(2009).

De Yoreo, J.J., Zepeda-Ruiz, L.A., Friddle, R.W., Gilmer, G.H., Chernov, A.A. and Dove, P.M., “Rethinking classical crystal growth models through molecular scale insights: Consequences of kink-limited kinetics”. Crys. Growth Des. 9, 5135–5144(2009).

Wallace, A.F., De Yoreo, J.J. and Dove, P.M., “Kinetics of Silica Nucleation on Carboxyl and Amine-Terminated Surfaces: Insights for Biomineralization” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131, 5244-5250, (2009).

Stadermann, M., Sherlock, S.P., In, J-B., Fornasiero, F., Park, H.G., Artyukhin, A.B., Wang, Y., De Yoreo, J.J., Grigoropoulos, C.P., Bakajin, O., Chernov, A.A, and Noy, A., “Mechanism and Kinetics of Growth Termination in Controlled Chemical Vapor Deposition Growth of Multiwall Carbon Nanotube Arrays” Nanoletters 9, 738–744 (2009).

Weaver, M., Qiu, S.R., Hoyer, J.H., Casey, W.H., Nancollas, G.H. and De Yoreo, J.J., “Surface aggregation of urinary proteins and aspartic acid-rich peptides on the faces of calcium oxalate monohydrate investigated by in situ force microscopy” Calc. Tiss. Int. 84, 462 (2009).

Kahr, B., Bullard, T., Kurimoto, M., De Yoreo, J.J., Complex Organic Guests in Simple Crystals: Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate as Case Study, AIC_IUCR School (2009).

De Yoreo, J.J., “Physical mechanisms of crystal growth modification by biomolecules” In: Wang, M., Nu, D. and Tsukamoto, K., eds., 14th International Summer School on Crystal Growth (American Institute of Physics, New York,) (2009).

Stephenson, A.E., DeYoreo, J.J., Wu, L., Wu, K.J., Hoyer, J., Dove, P.M., “Peptides enhance magnesium signature in calcite: New insights into origins of vital effects” Science 322, 724 (2008).

Dove, P.M., Han, N., Wallace, A.F. and De Yoreo, J.J., “Kinetics of amorphous silica dissolution: The paradox of the silica polymorphs” Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. 105, 9903-9908 (2008).

Elhadj, S., Chernov, A.A., De Yoreo, J.J., “Solvent-mediated repair and patterning of surfaces by AFM” Nanotechnology 19, 105304-105313(2008).

Ristic, R.I., De Yoreo, J.J. and Chew, C.M.. “Does impurity-induced step-bunching invalidate key assumptions of the Cabrera-Vermilyea model?” Crys. Growth Des 8, 1119–1122, 2008.

De Yoreo, J.J., P.M. Dove, A. Wierzbicki, and J.D. Hoyer, Modification of calcium carbonate and calcium oxalate growth morphology and kinetics by carboxyl-rich biomolecules. Jour. Japanese Assoc. Crystal Growth, 35, 24-30 (2008).

De Yoreo, J.J., Wierzbicki A. and Dove, P.M., “New insights into mechanisms of biomolecular control on growth of inorganic crystals” CrysEngComm. 9, 1144-1152 (2007), Invited Highlights article, Inside Cover.

Chung, S-W., Presley, A.D., Elhadj, S., Hok, S., Hah, S-S., Chernov, A.A., Francis, M.B., Eaton, B.E., Feldheim, D.L. and J.J. De Yoreo, “Scanning probe-based fabrication of 3D nanostructures via affinity templates, functional RNA and meniscus-mediated surface remodeling.” Scanning 30, 159-171 (2007)Invited article.

Lee, J.R.I., Han, Y, Willey, T.M., Wang, D., Muelenberg, R.W., Nilsson, J., Dove, P.M., Terminello, L.J., van Buuren, T. and De Yoreo, J.J., “Structural development of Mercaptophenol Self-Assembled Monolayers and the Overlying Mineral Phase During Templated CaCO3 Crystallization from a Transient Amorphous Film” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 129, 10370-10381 (2007).

Chernov, A.A, De Yoreo, J. J., and Rashkovich, L.N., Fluctuations and Gibbs-Thomson law – the simple Physics, J. Optoelectr. Adv. Mat. 9, p. 1191 – 1197 (2007).

M. Weaver, S.R. Qiu, J.H. Hoyer, G.H. Nancollas, W.H. Casey, J.J. De Yoreo, “Dependence of calcium oxalate monhydrate growth dynamics on background electrolyte speciation and citrate concentration” J. Cryst. Growth 306 135–145(2007).

De Yoreo, J.J., “Nanoscale Informal Science Education (NISE) Network Promotes Nanoscience Literacy”, Materials Research Society Bulletin, May 2007.

De Yoreo, J.J., “Biomolecular modification of inorganic crystal growth” In: Perspectives on Inorganic, Organic, and Biological Crystal Growth: From Fundamentals to Applications, Eds: Skowronski, M., DeYoreo, J.J. and Wang, C. , (American Institute of Physics, New York,) Volume 916, (2007).

A.A.Chernov, L.N.Rashkovich, J.J.DeYoreo, “ABCs of kink kinetics and density in a complex solution” In: Perspectives on Inorganic, Organic, and Biological Crystal Growth: From Fundamentals to Applications, Eds: Skowronski, M., DeYoreo, J.J. and Wang, C., (American Institute of Physics, New York,) Volume 916, (2007).

De Yoreo, J.J., Qiu, S.R. and Hoyer, J.R., “Molecular modulation of calcium oxalate crystallization” Am. J. Physiology-R. 291, F1123 – F1132 (2006) (Invited review selected as one of “Editors’ Picks” for 2006).

S. Elhadj, P.M. Dove, A. Wierzbicki, J.R. Hoyer and J.J. De Yoreo, “From amino acids to proteins: Hydrophilicity predicts calcite growth catalysis by biomolecules” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 51, 19237-19242 (2006).

Cheung, C.L., Chung, S-W, Lin, T., Johnson, J.E., and De Yoreo, J.J., “Physical controls on directed virus assembly at nanoscale chemical templates” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128, 10801-10807 (2006).

M. Weaver, S.R. Qiu, J.H. Hoyer, W.H. Casey, G.H. Nancollas, J.J. De Yoreo, “Improved Model for Inhibition of Pathological Mineralization Based on Citrate–Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate Interaction” ChemPhysChem. 7, 2081-2084 (2006).

Weeks, B.L. and De Yoreo, J.J., “Dynamics of meniscus growth at the contact between a scanning probe tip and a gold substrate” J. Phys. Chem. 110, 10231-10233 (2006).

Lee, J.R.I., Willey, T.M., Nilsson, J, Terminello, L.J., De Yoreo, J.J., van Buuren, T., “The effect of ring substitution position on the structural conformation of mercaptobenzoic acid self-assembled monolayers on Au(111)” Langmuir, 22, 11134-11141 (2006).

Rashkovich, L. N., De Yoreo, J. J., Orme, C. A. and Chernov, A. A., “In Situ Atomic Force Microscopy of Layer-by-Layer Crystal Growth and Key Growth Concepts”, Crystallography Reports, 511063–1074 (2006).

L. Wang, S.R. Qiu, W. Zachowicz, X. Guan, J.R. Hoyer, J.J. DeYoreo, and G.H. Nancollas, “Modulation of Calcium Oxalate Crystallization by Linear Aspartic Acid-Rich Peptides” Langmuir 22, 7279-7285 (2006).

S. Elhadj, A. Salter, A. Wierzbicki, J.J. De Yoreo, N. Han, P.M. Dove, Polyaspartate chain length as a stereochemical switch for control of calcite growth and morphology, Cryst. Growth Des. 6, 197-201 (2006).

L. Wang, J.J. De Yoreo­­­, W. Zhang, X. Guan, S.R. Qiu, J. R. Hoyer, and G.H. Nancollas “Constant Composition Studies verify the utility of the Cabrera-Vermilyea (C-V) Model in explaining mechanisms of Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate Crystallization” Cryst. Growth Des. 6, 1769-1775 (2006).

L. Wang, W. Zhang, S.R. Qiu, W.J. Zachowicz, X. Guan, R. Tang, J. R. Hoyer, J.J. De Yoreo­­­, and G.H. Nancollas, “Inhibition of Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate Crystallization by the Combination of Citrate and Osteopontin” J. Cryst. Growth 291, 160-165 (2006).

Huang Y, Chiang CY, Lee SK, Gao Y, Hu EL, De Yoreo J.J., Belcher AM, “Programmable assembly of nanoarchitectures using genetically engineered viruses” Nano Letters 5 (7): 1,429-1,434 (2005).

P.M. Dove, N. Han and J.J. De Yoreo, “Classical nucleation theory predicts the dissolution and growth kinetics of quartz and silicate minerals” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 102, 15,357-15,362 (2005).

Weeks, B.L., Vaughn, M.W. and DeYoreo, J.J., “Direct imaging of meniscus formation in atomic force microscopy” Langmuir 21, 8,096-8,098 (2005).

Fu, S.R. Qiu, C.A. Orme, D.E. Morse, and J.J. De Yoreo, “Atomic Force Microscopy Reveals AP8 Proteins Preferentially Interact with Distinct Steps of Growing Calcite” Adv. Materials 17, 2678-2683 (2005) (Cover article).

S.R. Qiu, A. Wierzbicki, Alan Salter, S. Zepeda, C.A. Orme, J.R. Hoyer, G.H. Nancollas, A.M. Cody, J.J. De Yoreo­­­, “Modulation of calcium oxalate monohydrate crystallization by citrate molecules through selective binding to atomic steps” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127,9036 (2005).

L.E. Wasylenki, P.M. Dove, and J.J. De Yoreo Effects of temperature and transport conditions on calcite growth in the presence of Mg2+: Implications for paleothermometry” Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, 69, 4227-4236 (2005).

L.E. Wasylenki, P.M. Dove, D.S. Wilson and J.J. De Yoreo, “Nanoscale Effects of Strontium on Calcite Growth: An In Situ AFM Study in the Absence of Vital Effects”, Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, 69, 3017 (2005).

C.M. Schaldach, G. Bench, J.J. DeYoreo, T. Esposito, D.P. Fergenson, J. Ferreira, E. Gard, P. Grant, C. Hollars, J. Horn, T. Huser, M. Kashgarian, J. Knezovich, S.M. Lane, A.J. Malkin, M. Pitesky, C. Talley, H.J. Tobias, B.W. Woods, K.J. Wu, S.P. Velsko, “State of the art in characterizing threats: Non-DNA methods for biological signatures”, In: S. Schutzer, R.G. Breeze, B. Budowle (eds.), Microbial Forensics (Elsevier Academic Press, New York, 2005).

De Yoreo, J.J. and Dove, P.M., “Shaping Crystals with Biomolecules”, Science 306, 1301 (2004).

S.R. Qiu, A. Wierzbicki, C.A. Orme, A.M. Cody, J.R. Hoyer, G.H. Nancollas, S. Zepeda, J.J. De Yoreo­­, “Molecular Modulation of Calcium Oxalate Crystallization by Osteopontin and Citrate”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 101, 1811 (2004) (Cover article).

E.J. Peterson, B.L. Weeks, J.J. De Yoreo, P.V. Schwartz, “The Effect of Environmental Conditions on Dip-Pen Nanolithography of Mercaptohexadecanoic Acid”, J. Phys. Chem. B 108, 15206 (2004).

Chernov, A.A., De Yoreo, J.J., Rashkovich, L.N., and Vekilov, P.G., “Step and kink dynamics in inorganic and protein crystallization”, Materials Research Society Bulletin, 29, 927-934,2004.

J. A. Camarero, B. J. Hackel, J. J. De Yoreo and A. R. Mitchell (2004) Fmoc-based synthesis of peptide alpha-thioesters using an aryl hydrazine support, J. Org. Chem., 69, 4145-4151, (2004).

T.N. Thomas, T.A. Land, W.H. Casey, and J.J. De Yoreo, “The emergence of supersteps on KH­2PO4 surfaces”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 92, 216103 (2004).

T. Huser, CW Hollars, WJ Siekhaus, JJ De Yoreo, TL Suratwala. TA Land, “Characterization of proton exchange layer profiles in KD2PO4 crystals by micro-Raman spectroscopy”, Appl Spectrosc. 58, 349-351 (2004).

A.G. Stack, J. R. Rustad, J.J. De Yoreo, T.A. Land & W.H. Casey, “The growth morphology of the {100} surface of KDP (Archerite) on the molecular scale”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 108, 18284 (2004).

T.N. Thomas, T.A. Land, J,J. DeYoreo, and W.H. Casey , “In situ AFM Investigation of the {100} Face of KDP in the Presence of Fe(III), Al(III), and Cr(III)” Langmuir, 20, 7643-7652 (2004).

C.M. Chew, R.I. Ristic, R.D. Dennehy and J.J. De Yoreo, “Crystallization of Paracetamol under Oscillatory Flow Mixing Conditions” Cryst. Growth and Design, 4, 1045-1052 (2004).

K.J. Davis, P.M. Dove, L.E. Wasylenki, and J.J. De Yoreo, Morphological consequences of differential Mg2+ incorporation at structurally distinct steps on calcite, Amer. Min. 89, 714 (2004).

T.N. Thomas, T.A. Land, T. Martin, W.H. Casey, and J.J. De Yoreo, “In situ AFM investigation of step kinetics and hillock morphology of the {100} face of KDP J. Cryst. Growth, 260, 566-579 (2004).

B.L. Weeks, A. Noy, A.E. Miller, J. E. Klare, B.W. Woods, J.J. De Yoreo, ” Dip-Pen Nanolithography Using MHA and Optical Inks ” In: J. Schwartz, C.I. Contescu, K. Putyera, Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 1st Edition, Marcel Dekker (New York, 2004) pp. 923 – 931.

B.W. Weeks, C.L. Cheung, and J.J De Yoreo, “Formation of nanostructures by chemical patterning using scanned probe lithography”, in X. Y. Liu and J.J. De Yoreo, From Solid-Fluid Interfaces to Nanostructural Engineering, Vol. II: Assembly in Hybrid and Biological Systems, (Kluewer Academic Publishers, New York, 2004) pp. 281-302.

P.M. Dove, J.J. De Yoreo, K.J. Davis, “Inhibition of CaCO3 crystallization by small molecules: the magnesium example”, in X. Y. Liu and J.J. De Yoreo, From Solid-Fluid Interfaces to Nanostructural Engineering, Vol. II: Assembly in hybrid and biological systems, (Kluewer Academic Publishers, New York, 2004) pp. 55-82.

J. A. Camarero, J. J. De Yoreo and D. Fushman Using NMR and segmental isotopic labeling to elucidate the role of the N-terminal region of s70-like factors in regulating binding of bacterial RNA polymerase to DNA promoter, in Peptide Revolution: Genomics, Proteomics & Therapeutics (Ed.; M. Chorev and T. K. Sawyer), Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York, 2004).

J. A. Camarero, B. H. Hackel, J. J. De Yoreo and A. R. Mitchell A new method for the preparation of peptide C-terminal a-thioesters compatible with Fmoc-solid-phase peptide synthesis, in Peptide Revolution: Genomics, Proteomics & Therapeutics (Ed.; M. Chorev and T. K. Sawyer), Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York, 2004).

Camarero JA, Cheung CL, Coleman MA, de Yoreo JJ, “Chemoselective attachment of biologically active proteins to surfaces by native chemical ligation” In: ARCHITECTURE AND APPLICATION OF BIOMATERIALS AND BIOMOLECULAR MATERIAL, Wong JY, Plant AL, Schmidt CE, Shea L, Coury AJ, Chen CS, Barron AE, Klok HA, Saltzman WM, ChilkotiA, Luo D, Uhrich K, Eds. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings (Materials Research Society, Warrendale, PA, 2004) pp.237-239.

Cheung, C.L., Camarero, J.A., Woods, B.W., Lin, T., Johnson, J.E., and De Yoreo, J.J., “Fabrication of assembled virus nanostructures with chemoselective linkers by scanning probe nanolithography”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. Comm. 125, 6848 (2003).

B.L. Weeks, J.A. Camarero, A. Noy, A.E. Miller, L. Stanker, J.J. De Yoreo, A microcantilever-based pathogen detector, Scanning 25, 297-299, 2003.

Noy, A., Zapeda, S., Orme, C.A., Yeh, Y. and De Yoreo, J.J., “Entropic barriers in nanoscale adhesion studied by variable temperature force microscopy”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 125, 1356 (2003).

De Yoreo, JJ, Vekilov P, “Principles of crystal nucleation and growth”. In: Biomineralization. Dove PM, De Yoreo JJ, Weiner S (eds) Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 54 (Mineralogical Society of America, Washington, DC, 2003) pp. 57-93.

Weeks, B.L., Miller, A., Noy, A, and De Yoreo, J.J., “Effect of dissolution kinetics in controlling feature size during dip-pen nanolithography” Phys. Rev. Lett., 88, 255505 (2002).

Noy, A.E. Miller, J.E. Klare, B.L. Weeks, B.W. Woods, and J.J. De Yoreo, ‘Fabrication and imaging of luminescent nanostructures and nanowires using dip-pen nanolithography’, Nano Letters, 2, 109 (2002).

J.J. De Yoreo, A. Burnham, P.K. Whitman, “Developing KDP and DKDP crystals for the world’s most powerful laser”, (Invited review paper), Int. Mat. Rev. 47, 113-152 (2002).

E.K. Wheeler, P.K. Whitman, T.A. Land, J.J. De Yoreo, C.B. Thorsness, J.H. McWhirter, M.L. Hanna, E.L. Miller, “Investigation of etch pits on KDP crystal surfaces with porous sol-gel coatings”, Appl. Phys. A, 74, 813 (2002).

Orme, C.A., Noy, A., Wierzbicki, A., McBride, M. Y., Grantham, M., Dove, P.M. and De Yoreo, J.J., Selective binding of chiral amino acids to the atomic steps of calcite”, Nature 411, 775 (2001).

S.G. Demos, M. Staggs, J.J. De Yoreo and H.B. Radousky, “Imaging of laser-induced reactions of individual defect nanoclusters”, Optics letters 26, 1975 (2001).

Garces, N. Y., Stevens, K. T. , Halliburton, L. E., Yan, M., Zaitseva, N. P. and De Yoreo, J. J., “Optical absorption and electron paramagnetic resonance of Fe ions in KDP crystals” J. Cryst. Growth, 225, 435-439, (2001).

Smolsky IL, Voloshin AE, Rudneva EB, Zaitseva NP, De Yoreo, JJ “Mechanisms of striation formation in layer growth of crystals from solutions”, In: Givargizov EI and Melnikova AM, Eds. GROWTH OF CRYSTALS, Vol. 21 (KLUWER ACADEMIC/PLENUM PUBL, 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, 2002) pp. 117-130

Noy, A.E. Miller, J. E. Klare, B. Woods, B.L. Weeks, J.J. De Yoreo, Fabrication of luminescent nanostructures by dip-pen nanolithography, SPIE Proceedings, v.4809, 249-12. B. (2002).

De Yoreo, J.J., Orme, C.A., and Land, T.A., “Using atomic force microscopy to investigate solution crystal growth”, In: Advances in crystal growth research, Eds: Sato, K., Nakajima, K., and Furukawa, Y., (Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 2001) pp. 361-380.

Teng, H., Dove, P.M. and De Yoreo, J.J., “Kinetics of calcite growth: Interpreting Chemical Affinity-based rate laws through the lens of direct observation”, In: Morphology and dynamics of crystal surfaces in complex molecular systems, Jim De Yoreo, William Casey, Alexander Malkin, Elias Vlieg, Michael Ward, Eds., Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 620, (Materials Research Society, Warrendale, PA, 2001).pp. M2.6.1-M2.6.12.

Davis, K.J., Dove, P.M. and De Yoreo, J.J., “Resolving the control of magnesium on calcite growth: Thermodynamics and kinetic consequences of impurity incorporation for biomineral formation”, In: Morphology and dynamics of crystal surfaces in complex molecular systems, Jim De Yoreo, William Casey, Alexander Malkin, Elias Vlieg, Michael Ward, Eds., Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 620, (Materials Research Society, Warrendale, PA, 2001).pp. M9.5.1-M9.5.7.

Davis, K.J., Dove, P.M. and De Yoreo, J.J., “Resolving the controversial role of Mg2 in calcite biomineral formation”, Science.290, 1134 (2000).

Teng, H., Dove, P.M. and De Yoreo, J.J., Kinetics of calcite growth: Surface processes and relationships to macroscopic rate laws, Geochim.. et Cosmochim. 64, 2265 (2000).

Land, T.A., Martin T.L., Potapenko, S., Palmore, G.T. and De Yoreo, J.J., “Recovery of surfaces from impurity poisoning during crystal growth”, Nature 399, 442 (1999).

Land, T.A. and De Yoreo, J.J., “In situ AFM investigation of growth source activity on single crystals of canavalin”, J. Cryst. Growth 208, 623 (1999).

Stevens, K.T., Garces, N.Y., Halliburton, L.E., Yan, M., De Yoreo, J.J. and Catella, G.C., Identification of the self-trapped hole center in KD2PO4App. Phys. Lett. 75, 1503 (1999).

Teng, H., Dove, P.M. and De Yoreo, J.J., “Reversal of calcite morphologies induced by microscopic growth kinetics: insight into biomineralization”, Geochim.. et Cosmochim.. 63, 2507 (1999).

De Vries, S.A., Goedtkindt, P., Bennett, S.L., Huisman, W.J., Zwanenburg, Feidenhans’l, R., Bennett, S.L., M.J., Smilges, D.M., Stierle, A., De Yoreo, J.J., van Enckevort, W.J.P., Bennema, P. and Vlieg, E., “X-ray diffraction studies of KDP crystal surfaces”, J. Cryst. Growth J. 205, 202 (1999).

Demos, S.G. , M. Staggs, Yan, , M. , Radousky, H.B. and De Yoreo, J.J., “Investigation of optically active defect clusters in KH2PO4 under laser photoexcitation”, J. App. Phys. 85, 3988 (1999).

Land, T.A., De Yoreo, J.J., Martin T.L., and Palmore, G.T., “A comparison of growth hillock structure and step dynamics on KDP {100} and {101} surfaces using atomic force microscopy”, Crystallography Reports 44, 655 (1999).

Demos, S.G. , M. Staggs Yan, , M. , Radousky, H.B. and De Yoreo, J.J., “Microscopic fluoresence imaging of bulk defect clusters in KH2PO4”, Optics Lett. 24, 268 (1999).

Auerbach, J.M., Barker, C.E., Couture, S.A., Eimerl, D., De Yoreo, J.J., Hackel, L.A., Hibbard, R.L., Liou, L.W., Norton, M.A., Perfect, S.A., Wegner, P.J., “Modelling of Frequency doubling and tripling with converter refractive index spatial non-uniformities due to gravitaitonal sag”, in: Third International Conference on Solid State Lasers for Application to Inertial Confinement Fusion, Proc. Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., SPIE, 3492, Ed. W.H. Lowdermilk (SPIE, Bellingham, 1999) 1090 p.

Wegner, Paul J.; Auerbach, Jerome M.; Barker, Charles E.; Burkhart, Scott C.; ; Couture, Scott A.; Deyoreo, Jim J., Hibbard, R. L.; Liou, Lisa W.; Norton, Mary A.; Whitman, Pamela A.; Hackel, Lloyd A., “Frequency converter development for the National Ignition Facility”, in: Third International Conference on Solid State Lasers for Application to Inertial Confinement Fusion, Proc. Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., SPIE, 3492, Ed. W.H. Lowdermilk (SPIE, Bellingham, 1999) 1090 p.

Demos, Stavros G.; Staggs, Michael C.; Radousky, Harry B.; De Yoreo, James J., “Investigation of teady-state and transient defect populations in KH2PO4 subsequent to high-fluence laser irradiation”, in Laser Material Crystal Growth and Nonlinear Materials and Devices Proc. Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., SPIE, 3610, Eds. Schaffers, Kathleen I.; Myers, Lawrence E. (SPIE, Bellingham, 1999).

Palmore, G.T.R., Luo, T.J., McBride, M.T., Voong, N.T., Land, T.A., and De Yoreo, J.J., “Using the atomic force microscope to study the assembly of molecular solids”, Trans. Am. Cryst. Assoc. 33, 45 (1998).

Teng, H., Dove, P.M., Orme, C. and De Yoreo, J.J., “Thermodynamics of calcite growth: Baseline for understanding biomineral formation”, Science 282, 724 (1998).

Demos, S.G. , Yan, M. Staggs, M. , De Yoreo, J.J. and Radousky, H.B., “Raman scattering investigation of KDP subsequent to high fluence laser irradiation”, App. Phys. Lett. 72, 2367 (1998).

De Vries, S.A., Goedtkindt, P., Bennett, S.L., Huisman, W.J., Zwanenburg, M.J., Smilges, D.M., De Yoreo, J.J., van Enckevort, W.J.P., Bennema, P. and Vlieg, E., “Surface atomic structure of KH2PO4 crystals in aqueous solution: An explanation for the growth shape”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 2229 (1998).

Setzler, S.D., Stevens, K.T., Halliburton, L.E., Yan, M., Zaitseva, N.P. and De Yoreo, J.J., Hydrogen atoms in KH2PO4 crystals, Phys. Rev. B, 57, 2643 (1998).

Demos, Stavros G.; Staggs, Michael C.; Yan, Ming; Radousky, Harry B.; De Yoreo, James J., “Observation of photoexcited emission clusters in the bulk of KDP and laser conditioning under 355-nm irradiation”, in Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials, M. J. Proc. Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., SPIE, 3578, Eds. Exarhos, Gregory J.; Guenther, Arthur H.; Kozlowski, Mark R.; Lewis, Keith L.; Soileau, (SPIE, Bellingham, 1998).

Runkel, Mike; Williams, W. W, and De Yoreo, James J, “Predicting bulk damage in NIF triple harmonic generators”, in Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials, M. J. Proc. Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., SPIE, 3578, Eds. Exarhos, Gregory J.; Guenther, Arthur H.; Kozlowski, Mark R.; Lewis, Keith L.; Soileau, (SPIE, Bellingham, 1998).

Runkel, Mike; Yan, Ming, De Yoreo, James J, and Zaitseva, N.P., in Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials, M. J. Proc. Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., SPIE, 3244, Eds. Exarhos, Gregory J.; Guenther, Arthur H.; Kozlowski, Mark R.; Lewis, Keith L.; Soileau, (SPIE, Bellingham, 1998).

De Yoreo, J.J., Land, T.A., Rashkovich, L.N., T.A. Onischenko, Lee, J.D., O.V. Monovski and N.P. Zaitseva, “Effect of dislocation cores on growth hillock vicinality and normal growth rates of KDP {101} surfaces”, J. Cryst. Growth, 182, 442 (1997).

Land, T.A., J.J. De Yoreo and J.D., Lee, “In situ AFM investigation of canavalin crystallization kinetics”, Surf. Sci. 384, 136 (1997).

Yu. G. Kuznetsov, A.J. Malkin, T.A. Land, J.J DeYoreo, A.P. Barba and A. McPherson. Molecular resolution imaging of macromolecular crystals by atomic force microscopy. Biophysical Journal, 72, 2357-2364 (1997).

Zaitseva, N.P., De Yoreo, J.J., Dehaven, M.R., Vital, R.L., Montgomery, K.E., Richardson, M., and Atherton, L.J., “Rapid growth of large-scale (40-55cm) KH2PO4 crystals”, J. Cryst. Growth 180, 255 (1997).

De Yoreo, J.J., Land, T.A. and Lee, J.D. “Limits on surface vicinality and growth rate due to hollow dislocation cores on KDP {101}”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 4462 (1997).

Woods, B.W., Yan, M., Staggs, M., Zaitseva, N., Kozlowski, M. and De Yoreo, J.J., “Investigation of damage in KDP using light scattering techniques”, 28th Annual Boulder Damage Symposium Proceedings,SPIE, 2966, 20 (1997).

Yan, M., Torres, R., Woods, B.W., Hutcheon, I., Zaitseva, N.P. and De Yoreo, J.J., “Investigation of Impurities and laser-induced damage in growth sectors of rapidly grown KDP crystals”, 28th Annual Boulder Damage Symposium Proceedings,SPIE, 2966, 11 (1997).

Smolsky, I., De Yoreo, J.J., Zaitseva, N.P., Land, T.A., and Rudneva, E.B., “Oriented liquid inclusions in KDP”, J. Cryst. Growth 169, 741 (1996).

T.A. Land, A.J. Malkin, Yu. G. Kuznetsov, A. McPherson and J.J. De Yoreo, “Mechanisms of protein and virus crystal growth: An atomic force microscopy study of Canavalin and STMV crystallization”, J. Cryst. Growth 166, 893 (1996).

De Yoreo, J.J., Rek, Z.U., Zaitseva N.P. and Woods, B.W., “Sources of optical distortion in rapidly grown crystals of KH2PO4“, J. Cryst. Growth 166, 291 (1996).

M. Yan, J.J. De Yoreo, N. Zaitseva and R. Torres “Impurity contamination in fast grown KDP” in “Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials”, SPIE proc., 2714, 196 (1996)

M. Runkel, B. Woods, M. Yan, J.J. De Yoreo and M. Kozlowski “Analysis of high resolution scatter images from laser damage experiments performed on KDP” in “Laser- Induced Damage in Optical Materials”, SPIE proc., 2714, 185 (1996).

Land, T.A., Malkin, A.J., Kutznesov, Yu. G., De Yoreo, J.J. and McPherson, A., “Mechanisms of protein crystal growth: An atomic force microscopy study of Canavalin crystallization”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 2774 (1995).

Malkin, A.J., Land, T.A., Kutznesov, Yu. G., McPherson, A. and De Yoreo, J.J., “Investigations of virus crystal growth by in situ atomic force microscopy”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 2778 (1995).

Malkin, A.J., Kutznesov, Yu. G., Land, T.A., De Yoreo, J.J., and McPherson, A. “In situ atomic force microscopy investigation of macromolecular crystallization “, Nature Structural Biology, 2, 956 (1995).

De Yoreo, J.J., Navrotsky, A., “Scanning calorimetric determinations of the heat contents of diopside-rich systems during melting and crystallization”, Geochim. et Cosmchim. acta, 59, 2701 (1995).

Rhodes, M.A., Woods, B., De Yoreo, J.J., Roberts, D., and Atherton, L.J., “Performance of large-aperture optical switches for high-energy inertial-confinement fusion lasers”, App. Optics, 34, 5312 (1995).

Woods, B.W., Yan, M., and De Yoreo, J.J., “Optical scatter – an optical tool for investigating laser induced damage in KDP”, ICF Quarterly 6, 27, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-LR-105821-96-4 (1995).

De Yoreo, J.J., Rek, Z.U., Zaitseva N.P. and Woods, B.W., “Sources of Strain in rapidly grown crystals of KH2PO4“, SSRL 1995 Annual Report.

Land, T.A., De Yoreo, J.J., Lee, J.D. and Ferguson, J.R., “Growth morphology of vicinal hillocks on the {101} face of KDP: Evidence for surface diffusion”, in: B.G. Demczyk et al., ed., Evolution of thin film and surface morphology, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 355, 45 (1995).

De Yoreo, J.J., Land, T.A., and Dair, B., “Growth morphology of vicinal hillocks on the {101} face of KDP: From step-flow to layer-by-layer growth”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 73, 838 (1994).

Campbell, J.H., Atherton, L.J., De Yoreo, J.J. Kozlowski, M.R., Maney, R.T., Montesanti, R.C., Sheehan, L.M., and Barker, C.E., “Large-aperture, high-damage-threshold optics for Beamlet”, ICF Quarterly Report 5, 52, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-LR-105821-95-1 (1994).

De Yoreo, J.J., Zaitseva, N.P., Rek, Z.U., Land, T.A. and Woods, B.W., “The connection between optical distortion and elemental growth processes in single crystals of KHP2O4“, ICF Quarterly Report 4, 132, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-LR-105821-94-4 (1994).

Rainer, F. Atherton, L.J., De Yoreo, J.J., “Laser damage to production- and research-grade KDP crystals, 26th Annual Boulder Damage Symposium Proceedings,, SPIE 1994.

Atherton, L.J., Rainer, F., De Yoreo, J.J., Thomas, I.M., Zaitseva, N.P. and De Marco, F., “Thermal and laser conditioning of production- and rapid-growth KDP and KD*P crystals, 26th Annual Boulder Damage Symposium Proceedings,, SPIE 1994.

De Yoreo, J.J. and Woods, B.W., “A study of residual stress and the stress-optic effect in mixed crystals K(DxH1-x)2PO4“, J. Appl. Phys., 73, 7780 (1993).

De Yoreo, J.J., Britten, J., Montgomery, K, Zaitseva, N.P., Woods, B.W., Atherton, L.J., Ebbers, C.A. and Rek, Z.U., “Development of large aperture KDP crystals”, ICF Quarterly report 3, 103, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-LR-105821-93-3 (1993).

Rhodes, M.A., De Yoreo, J.J., Woods, B.W., and Atherton, L.J., Large-aperture optical switches for high-energy, multipass laser amplifiers, ICF Quarterly report 2, 23, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-LR-105821-92-1 (1992) pp. 50.

De Yoreo, J.J., Atherton, L.J., and Roberts, D.H. “Elimination of scattering centers from Cr:LiCaAlF6“, J. Cryst. Growth, 113, 691 (1991).

Atherton, L.J., De Yoreo, J.J., Payne, S.A., Roberts, D.H., Cooper, J.F., and Martin, R.W., “Growth of Cr:LiCaAlF6“, AACG Newsletter, 21, 10 (1991).

De Yoreo, J.J., Lux, D.R., and Guidotti, C.V., “Thermal modelling in low-pressure metamorphic belts”, Tectonophysics, 188, 209 (1991).

De Yoreo, J.J. and Woods, B.W., “Investigation of strain birefringence and wavefront distortion in 001 plates of KD2PO4“, in Inorganic crystals for optics, electro-optics and frequency conversion, Proc. Int. Soc. Optic. Engin., SPIE Vol. 1561, P.F. Bordui, Ed., SPIE, Bellingham, WA (1991), p.50.

De Yoreo, J.J., Navrotsky, A., and Dingwell, D.B. “Energetics of the charge-coupled substitution Si4+ Þ Na1+ + T3+ in the glasses NaTO2 – SiO2 (T = Al, Fe, Ga, B)”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 73, 2068 (1990).

Lange, R.A., De Yoreo, J.J., and Navrotsky, A., “Scanning calorimetric measurement of the heat capacity during incongruent melting of diopside”, Am. Min., 76, 904, (1990).

De Yoreo, J.J., Lux, D.R., Guidotti, C.V., Decker, E.R., and Osberg, P.H., “The Acadian thermal history of western Maine”, J. Met. Geol., 7, 169 (1989).

De Yoreo, J.J., Lux, D.R., and Guidotti, C.V., “The role of crustal anatexis and magma migration in regions of thickened continental crust”, in: Daly, J.S., Cliff, R.A., and Yardley, B.W.D. (eds.), Evolution of Metamorphic Belts, Geological Society Special Publication, No. 43, pp. 187-202 (1989).

De Yoreo, J.J., Lux, D.R., and Guidotti, C.V., “A thermal model for Carboniferous metamorphism near the Sebago batholith in western Maine”, in: Marvinny, D. and Loiselle, M. (eds.), Studies in Maine Geology:, 3, 1 (1989).

De Yoreo, J.J., “Thermal models for granite genesis following crustal thickening”, EOS, Transactions, Am. Geophys. U., 69, 770 (1988).

Lux, D.R., De Yoreo, J.J., Guidotti, C.V., and Decker, E.R., “The role of plutonism in low-pressure/high-temperature metamorphic belt formation”, Nature, 323, 794 (1986).

De Yoreo, J.J., Pohl, R.O., Meissner, M., and Knaak, W., “Low temperature properties of crystalline (KBr)1-x(KCN)x: a model glass”, Phys. Rev. B., 34, 8828 (1986).

De Yoreo, J.J. and Pohl, R.O., “The thermal conductivity of disordered crystalline solids: the search for a model glass”, in: Yarborough, D.W. (ed.), Proceedings of the 19th International Thermal Conductivity Conference, 1986, 565 p. (1988).

Guidotti, C.V., Gibson, D., Lux, D.R., De Yoreo, J.J., and Chenny, J., “Carboniferous metamorphism on the north side of the Sebago batholith”, 78th New England Intercollegiate Geologic Conference Guidebook, C-4, (1986).

Meissner, M., Knaak, W., Sethna, J.P., Chow, K., De Yoreo, J.J., and Pohl, R.O., “Explanation for the universal and dynamical properties of a particular glass”, Phys. Rev. B., 32, 6091 (1985).

De Yoreo, J.J., Pohl, R.O., and Burns, G., “Low temperature thermal properties of ferroelectrics”, Phys. Rev. B., 32, 5780 (1985).

Pohl, R.O., De Yoreo, J.J., Meissner, M., and Knaak, W., “Are we beginning to understand the vibrational anomalies of glasses?”, in: D. Adler, H. Fritzsche, and S.R. Ovshinsky (eds.), Physics of Disordered Materials, 529 p. (1985).

Burns, G., Dacol, F.H., and De Yoreo, J.J., “Low temperature behavior of heat capacity and thermal conductivity in crystalline ferroelectric materials”, Proceedings of the Sixth International Meeting on Ferroelectricity, Kobe 1985, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 24, 975 (1985).

Burns, G., Dacol, F.H., and De Yoreo, J.J., “LiNbO + 9% Mg”, Proceedings of the Sixth International Meeting on Ferroelectricity, Kobe 1985, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 24, 977 (1985).

Meissner, M., De Yoreo, J.J., Pohl, R.O., and Susman, S., “Low energy excitations in KBr:KCN in the orientational glass state”, in: W. Eisenmenger, K. Labman and S. Cottinger (eds.), Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter (Springer-Verlag, Berlin) 392 p. (1984).

De Yoreo, J.J., Pohl, R.O., Lasjaunias, J.C., and Lohneysen, H.V., “Search for glassy anomalies in KCl:OH”, Solid State Commun. 49, 7 (1984).

De Yoreo, J.J., Meissner, M., Pohl, R.O., Rowe, J.M., Rush, J.J., and Susman, S., “Low energy excitations in KBr:KCN in the orientational glass state”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 51, 1050 (1983).

De Yoreo, J.J., and Karp, A.H., “The Magellanic Cloud cepheids: An extrinsic model of the anomalies”, Ap. J., 232, 205 (1979).

Edited Books

J.J. De Yoreo, Research methods in Biomineralization Science Methods in Enzymology 532 (Elsevier, Waltham, MA, 2013).

Skowronski, M., DeYoreo, J.J., and Wang, C., Eds. Perspectives on Inorganic, Organic, and Biological Crystal Growth: From Fundamentals to Applications, (American Institute of Physics, New York,) Volume 916, (2007).

X. Y. Liu and J.J. De Yoreo, Eds., From Solid-Fluid Interfaces to Nanostructural Engineering, Vol. I: Interfacial Structures Versus Dynamics, Kluewer Academic Publishers (New York, 2004) 285pp.

X. Y. Liu and J.J. De Yoreo, Eds., From Solid-Fluid Interfaces to Nanostructural Engineering, Vol. II: Assembly in Hybrid and Biological Systems, Kluewer Academic Publishers (New York, 2004) 307pp.

Dove PM, De Yoreo JJ, Weiner S., Eds., Biomineralization, Mineral Soc. Am., 54 (Washington, DC, 2003).

J.J De Yoreo, W.H. Casey, A.J. Malkin, E. Vlieg, M. Ward, Eds., Morphology and dynamics of crystal surfaces in complex molecular systems, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 620, (Materials Research Society, Warrendale, PA, 2001).

Book Chapters

M.H. Nielsen and J.J. De Yoreo, “Liquid Phase TEM for Studying Environmental and Biological Mineral Systems” In: F.M. Ross, Ed., Liquid Cell Electron Microscopy, (Cambridge University Press, New York, 2016).

J.J. De Yoreo, “Mimicking Biomineral Systems: What have we achieved and where do we go from here?” In Marc Knecht and Tiffany Walsh, Eds. Bio-inspired Nanotechnology – From Surface Analysis to Applications, pp. 290-314 (Springer, New York, 2014).

J.J. De Yoreo, G.A. Waychunas, Y-S.Jun and A. Fernandez-Martinez, “In situ investigations of carbonate nucleation on mineral and organic surfaces” In: Geochemistry of Geological CO2 Sequestration, I. Bourg, C. Steefel and A. Navrotsky (Eds.) Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 77 (Mineral Soc. Am., Washington, DC, 2013).

Chung, S-W. and De Yoreo, J.J., “In situ Atomic Force Microscopy as a tool for investigating assembly of protein matrices”, In: Biomineralization Sourcebook: Characterization of Biominerals and Biomimetic Materials, (Eds.: Dimasi, E. and Gower, L.(Taylor & Francis Group, 2013).

Cho, K-R. and De Yoreo, J.J., “Probing protein assembly, biomineralization, and biomolecular interactions by atomic force microscopy”, In: NanoCellBiology: Multimodal Imaging in Biology & Medicine, Eds: Jena, B.P. and Taatjes, D.J., (Pan Stanford Publishing, Singapore, 2013). 400 pages.

Kahr, B., Bullard, T., Kurimoto, M., De Yoreo, J.J., Complex Organic Guests in Simple Crystals: Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate as Case Study, AIC_IUCR School (2009).

De Yoreo, J.J., “Physical mechanisms of crystal growth modification by biomolecules” In: Wang, M., Nu, D. and Tsukamoto, K., eds., 14th International Summer School on Crystal Growth (American Institute of Physics, New York,) (2009).

De Yoreo, J.J., “Biomolecular modification of inorganic crystal growth” In: Perspectives on Inorganic, Organic, and Biological Crystal Growth: From Fundamentals to Applications, Eds: Skowronski, M., DeYoreo, J.J. and Wang, C. , (American Institute of Physics, New York,) Volume 916, (2007).

A.A.Chernov, L.N.Rashkovich, J.J.DeYoreo, “ABCs of kink kinetics and density in a complex solution” In: Perspectives on Inorganic, Organic, and Biological Crystal Growth: From Fundamentals to Applications, Eds: Skowronski, M., DeYoreo, J.J. and Wang, C., (American Institute of Physics, New York,) Volume 916, (2007).

C.M. Schaldach, G. Bench, J.J. DeYoreo, T. Esposito, D.P. Fergenson, J. Ferreira, E. Gard, P. Grant, C. Hollars, J. Horn, T. Huser, M. Kashgarian, J. Knezovich, S.M. Lane, A.J. Malkin, M. Pitesky, C. Talley, H.J. Tobias, B.W. Woods, K.J. Wu, S.P. Velsko, “State of the art in characterizing threats: Non-DNA methods for biological signatures”, In: S. Schutzer, R.G. Breeze, B. Budowle (eds.), Microbial Forensics (Elsevier Academic Press, New York, 2005).

B.L. Weeks, A. Noy, A.E. Miller, J. E. Klare, B.W. Woods, J.J. De Yoreo, ” Dip-Pen Nanolithography Using MHA and Optical Inks ” In: J. Schwartz, C.I. Contescu, K. Putyera, Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 1st Edition, Marcel Dekker (New York, 2004) pp. 923 – 931.

B.W. Weeks, C.L. Cheung, and J.J De Yoreo, “Formation of nanostructures by chemical patterning using scanned probe lithography”, in X. Y. Liu and J.J. De Yoreo, From Solid-Fluid Interfaces to Nanostructural Engineering, Vol. II: Assembly in Hybrid and Biological Systems, (Kluewer Academic Publishers, New York, 2004) pp. 281-302.

P.M. Dove, J.J. De Yoreo, K.J. Davis, “Inhibition of CaCO3 crystallization by small molecules: the magnesium example”, in X. Y. Liu and J.J. De Yoreo, From Solid-Fluid Interfaces to Nanostructural Engineering, Vol. II: Assembly in hybrid and biological systems, (Kluewer Academic Publishers, New York, 2004) pp. 55-82.

J. A. Camarero, J. J. De Yoreo and D. Fushman Using NMR and segmental isotopic labeling to elucidate the role of the N-terminal region of s70-like factors in regulating binding of bacterial RNA polymerase to DNA promoter, in Peptide Revolution: Genomics, Proteomics & Therapeutics (Ed.; M. Chorev and T. K. Sawyer), Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York, 2004).

J. A. Camarero, B. H. Hackel, J. J. De Yoreo and A. R. Mitchell A new method for the preparation of peptide C-terminal a-thioesters compatible with Fmoc-solid-phase peptide synthesis, in Peptide Revolution: Genomics, Proteomics & Therapeutics (Ed.; M. Chorev and T. K. Sawyer), Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York, 2004).

De Yoreo, JJ, Vekilov P, “Principles of crystal nucleation and growth”. In: Biomineralization. Dove PM, De Yoreo JJ, Weiner S (eds) Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 54 (Mineralogical Society of America, Washington, DC, 2003) pp. 57-93.

Smolsky IL, Voloshin AE, Rudneva EB, Zaitseva NP, De Yoreo, JJ “Mechanisms of striation formation in layer growth of crystals from solutions”, In: Givargizov EI and Melnikova AM, Eds. GROWTH OF CRYSTALS, Vol. 21 (KLUWER ACADEMIC/PLENUM PUBL, 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, 2002) pp. 117-130

De Yoreo, J.J., Orme, C.A., and Land, T.A., “Using atomic force microscopy to investigate solution crystal growth”, In: Advances in crystal growth research, Eds: Sato, K., Nakajima, K., and Furukawa, Y., (Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 2001) pp. 361-380.

De Yoreo, J.J., Lux, D.R., and Guidotti, C.V., “The role of crustal anatexis and magma migration in regions of thickened continental crust”, in: Daly, J.S., Cliff, R.A., and Yardley, B.W.D. (eds.), Evolution of Metamorphic Belts, Geological Society Special Publication, No. 43, pp. 187-202 (1989).

De Yoreo, J.J., Lux, D.R., and Guidotti, C.V., “A thermal model for Carboniferous metamorphism near the Sebago batholith in western Maine”, in: Marvinny, D. and Loiselle, M. (eds.), Studies in Maine Geology:, 3, 1 (1989).

Pohl, R.O., De Yoreo, J.J., Meissner, M., and Knaak, W., “Are we beginning to understand the vibrational anomalies of glasses?”, in: D. Adler, H. Fritzsche, and S.R. Ovshinsky (eds.), Physics of Disordered Materials, 529 p. (1985).

Meissner, M., De Yoreo, J.J., Pohl, R.O., and Susman, S., “Low energy excitations in KBr:KCN in the orientational glass state”, in: W. Eisenmenger, K. Labman and S. Cottinger (eds.), Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter (Springer-Verlag, Berlin) 392 p. (1984).


P. J. M. Smeets, D. Li, M. H. Nielsen, K. R. Cho, N. A. J. M. Sommerdijk, J. J. De Yoreo, “Unraveling the CaCO3 Mesocrystal Formation Mechanism Including a Polyelectrolyte Additive using in-situ TEM and in-situ AFM” Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on In Situ and Correlated Electron Microscopy.

Camarero JA, Cheung CL, Coleman MA, de Yoreo JJ, “Chemoselective attachment of biologically active proteins to surfaces by native chemical ligation” In: ARCHITECTURE AND APPLICATION OF BIOMATERIALS AND BIOMOLECULAR MATERIAL, Wong JY, Plant AL, Schmidt CE, Shea L, Coury AJ, Chen CS, Barron AE, Klok HA, Saltzman WM, ChilkotiA, Luo D, Uhrich K, Eds. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings (Materials Research Society, Warrendale, PA, 2004) pp.237-239.

Noy, A.E. Miller, J. E. Klare, B. Woods, B.L. Weeks, J.J. De Yoreo, Fabrication of luminescent nanostructures by dip-pen nanolithography, SPIE Proceedings, v.4809, 249-12. B. (2002).

Teng, H., Dove, P.M. and De Yoreo, J.J., “Kinetics of calcite growth: Interpreting Chemical Affinity-based rate laws through the lens of direct observation”, In: Morphology and dynamics of crystal surfaces in complex molecular systems, Jim De Yoreo, William Casey, Alexander Malkin, Elias Vlieg, Michael Ward, Eds., Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 620, (Materials Research Society, Warrendale, PA, 2001).pp. M2.6.1-M2.6.12.

Davis, K.J., Dove, P.M. and De Yoreo, J.J., “Resolving the control of magnesium on calcite growth: Thermodynamics and kinetic consequences of impurity incorporation for biomineral formation”, In: Morphology and dynamics of crystal surfaces in complex molecular systems, Jim De Yoreo, William Casey, Alexander Malkin, Elias Vlieg, Michael Ward, Eds., Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 620, (Materials Research Society, Warrendale, PA, 2001).pp. M9.5.1-M9.5.7.

Auerbach, J.M., Barker, C.E., Couture, S.A., Eimerl, D., De Yoreo, J.J., Hackel, L.A., Hibbard, R.L., Liou, L.W., Norton, M.A., Perfect, S.A., Wegner, P.J., “Modelling of Frequency doubling and tripling with converter refractive index spatial non-uniformities due to gravitaitonal sag”, in: Third International Conference on Solid State Lasers for Application to Inertial Confinement Fusion, Proc. Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., SPIE, 3492, Ed. W.H. Lowdermilk (SPIE, Bellingham, 1999) 1090 p.

Wegner, Paul J.; Auerbach, Jerome M.; Barker, Charles E.; Burkhart, Scott C.; ; Couture, Scott A.; Deyoreo, Jim J., Hibbard, R. L.; Liou, Lisa W.; Norton, Mary A.; Whitman, Pamela A.; Hackel, Lloyd A., “Frequency converter development for the National Ignition Facility”, in: Third International Conference on Solid State Lasers for Application to Inertial Confinement Fusion, Proc. Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., SPIE, 3492, Ed. W.H. Lowdermilk (SPIE, Bellingham, 1999) 1090 p.

Demos, Stavros G.; Staggs, Michael C.; Radousky, Harry B.; De Yoreo, James J., “Investigation of teady-state and transient defect populations in KH2PO4 subsequent to high-fluence laser irradiation”, in Laser Material Crystal Growth and Nonlinear Materials and Devices Proc. Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., SPIE, 3610, Eds. Schaffers, Kathleen I.; Myers, Lawrence E. (SPIE, Bellingham, 1999).

Demos, Stavros G.; Staggs, Michael C.; Yan, Ming; Radousky, Harry B.; De Yoreo, James J., “Observation of photoexcited emission clusters in the bulk of KDP and laser conditioning under 355-nm irradiation”, in Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials, M. J. Proc. Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., SPIE, 3578, Eds. Exarhos, Gregory J.; Guenther, Arthur H.; Kozlowski, Mark R.; Lewis, Keith L.; Soileau, (SPIE, Bellingham, 1998).

Runkel, Mike; Williams, W. W, and De Yoreo, James J, “Predicting bulk damage in NIF triple harmonic generators”, in Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials, M. J. Proc. Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., SPIE, 3578, Eds. Exarhos, Gregory J.; Guenther, Arthur H.; Kozlowski, Mark R.; Lewis, Keith L.; Soileau, (SPIE, Bellingham, 1998).

Runkel, Mike; Yan, Ming, De Yoreo, James J, and Zaitseva, N.P., in Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials, M. J. Proc. Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., SPIE, 3244, Eds. Exarhos, Gregory J.; Guenther, Arthur H.; Kozlowski, Mark R.; Lewis, Keith L.; Soileau, (SPIE, Bellingham, 1998).

Woods, B.W., Yan, M., Staggs, M., Zaitseva, N., Kozlowski, M. and De Yoreo, J.J., “Investigation of damage in KDP using light scattering techniques”, 28th Annual Boulder Damage Symposium Proceedings,SPIE, 2966, 20 (1997).

Yan, M., Torres, R., Woods, B.W., Hutcheon, I., Zaitseva, N.P. and De Yoreo, J.J., “Investigation of Impurities and laser-induced damage in growth sectors of rapidly grown KDP crystals”, 28th Annual Boulder Damage Symposium Proceedings,SPIE, 2966, 11 (1997).

M. Yan, J.J. De Yoreo, N. Zaitseva and R. Torres “Impurity contamination in fast grown KDP” in “Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials”, SPIE proc., 2714, 196 (1996)

M. Runkel, B. Woods, M. Yan, J.J. De Yoreo and M. Kozlowski “Analysis of high resolution scatter images from laser damage experiments performed on KDP” in “Laser- Induced Damage in Optical Materials”, SPIE proc., 2714, 185 (1996).

Woods, B.W., Yan, M., and De Yoreo, J.J., “Optical scatter – an optical tool for investigating laser induced damage in KDP”, ICF Quarterly 6, 27, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-LR-105821-96-4 (1995).

De Yoreo, J.J., Rek, Z.U., Zaitseva N.P. and Woods, B.W., “Sources of Strain in rapidly grown crystals of KH2PO4“, SSRL 1995 Annual Report.

Land, T.A., De Yoreo, J.J., Lee, J.D. and Ferguson, J.R., “Growth morphology of vicinal hillocks on the {101} face of KDP: Evidence for surface diffusion”, in: B.G. Demczyk et al., ed., Evolution of thin film and surface morphology, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 355, 45 (1995).

Campbell, J.H., Atherton, L.J., De Yoreo, J.J. Kozlowski, M.R., Maney, R.T., Montesanti, R.C., Sheehan, L.M., and Barker, C.E., “Large-aperture, high-damage-threshold optics for Beamlet”, ICF Quarterly Report 5, 52, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-LR-105821-95-1 (1994).

De Yoreo, J.J., Zaitseva, N.P., Rek, Z.U., Land, T.A. and Woods, B.W., “The connection between optical distortion and elemental growth processes in single crystals of KHP2O4“, ICF Quarterly Report 4, 132, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-LR-105821-94-4 (1994).

Rainer, F. Atherton, L.J., De Yoreo, J.J., “Laser damage to production- and research-grade KDP crystals, 26th Annual Boulder Damage Symposium Proceedings,, SPIE 1994.

Atherton, L.J., Rainer, F., De Yoreo, J.J., Thomas, I.M., Zaitseva, N.P. and De Marco, F., “Thermal and laser conditioning of production- and rapid-growth KDP and KD*P crystals, 26th Annual Boulder Damage Symposium Proceedings,, SPIE 1994.

De Yoreo, J.J., Britten, J., Montgomery, K, Zaitseva, N.P., Woods, B.W., Atherton, L.J., Ebbers, C.A. and Rek, Z.U., “Development of large aperture KDP crystals”, ICF Quarterly report 3, 103, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-LR-105821-93-3 (1993).

Rhodes, M.A., De Yoreo, J.J., Woods, B.W., and Atherton, L.J., Large-aperture optical switches for high-energy, multipass laser amplifiers, ICF Quarterly report 2, 23, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-LR-105821-92-1 (1992) pp. 50.

De Yoreo, J.J. and Woods, B.W., “Investigation of strain birefringence and wavefront distortion in 001 plates of KD2PO4“, in Inorganic crystals for optics, electro-optics and frequency conversion, Proc. Int. Soc. Optic. Engin., SPIE Vol. 1561, P.F. Bordui, Ed., SPIE, Bellingham, WA (1991), p.50.

De Yoreo, J.J. and Pohl, R.O., “The thermal conductivity of disordered crystalline solids: the search for a model glass”, in: Yarborough, D.W. (ed.), Proceedings of the 19th International Thermal Conductivity Conference, 1986, 565 p. (1988).

Guidotti, C.V., Gibson, D., Lux, D.R., De Yoreo, J.J., and Chenny, J., “Carboniferous metamorphism on the north side of the Sebago batholith”, 78th New England Intercollegiate Geologic Conference Guidebook, C-4, (1986).

Burns, G., Dacol, F.H., and De Yoreo, J.J., “Low temperature behavior of heat capacity and thermal conductivity in crystalline ferroelectric materials”, Proceedings of the Sixth International Meeting on Ferroelectricity, Kobe 1985, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 24, 975 (1985).

Burns, G., Dacol, F.H., and De Yoreo, J.J., “LiNbO + 9% Mg”, Proceedings of the Sixth International Meeting on Ferroelectricity, Kobe 1985, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 24, 977 (1985).