Milestones and Achievements

Dr. Thais Calderon has been selected to teach alongside Dr. Butler, Dr. Sears, Dr. Gosman and other DEI PRS Leaders at the 2024 ACEPS Meeting as part of the Prepped initiative.
PREPPED is a PRS program for URiM Third years to give them the tools and tips to excel in sub-Is. Applicants from all over the country and the PREPPED leadership committee is able to select 20-39 candidate

Dr. Estell Williams was elected to a 3-year term on the Washington State Medical Association Foundation.
Dr. Giana Davidson and Research Team Awarded the Donaghue Foundation’s Greater Value Portfolio Grant

Dr. Giana Davidson, Associate Professor and Section Chief for Emergency General Surgery, has received funding from The Donaghue Foundation, expanding the current AHRQ funded
Pharmacy Integrated Transitions (PIT) R01 Randomized Trial. While the PIT program aims to improve coordination between hospitals and skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) by decreasing medication–related problems, this new funding will incorporate the narrative voice of Spanish-speaking patients and focus on the transition failures that drive disparate outcomes.
Dr. Davidson says, “I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with this multidisciplinary team and the Donaghue Foundation. This ancillary funding centers those that are at highest risk for errors in communication—even when we follow current best practice guidelines, we are failing to take care of people in our communities.” Dr. Mariam Hantouli, a co–investigator and research faculty in the Department of Surgery stated, “This funding allows for mixed methodology that focuses on patient experience and centers equity in development of implementation guidelines and future interventions.”
Dr. Elina Serrano Published in JAMA

Dr. Elina Serrano, Et Al -Trial Participation and Outcomes Among English Speaking and Spanish-Speaking Patients with Appendicitis Randomized to Antibiotics. Link to the article published in JAMA
Department of Surgery Obtains Rainbow Institutional Membership in the Association of Out Surgeons and Allies

Harveshp Mogal, MS, MS, DABS, FSSO
For too long, the culture within the House of Folks. The Association of Out Surgeons and Allies
Surgery has perpetuated the marginalization of folks who have traditionally been considered a part of the fringes of society. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, queer, intersex, asexual, pansexual, and allied (LGBTQ+) folks have historically belonged to this class, and while the percentage of people identifying as LGBTQ+ within the general population has grown over the past few decades, the representation of LGBTQ+ folks within various strata of the House of Surgery remains dismal. Academic surgery has finally reached a phase of reckoning, during which the recognition of these disparities and taking concrete actions to correct them, has become imperative. Gaining a compassionate understanding of the identity and lived experiences of LGBTQ+ people is only a start. Importantly, we need an intentional effort on the part of leaders at all levels within our institutions and societies to create an environment that is not only safe, but celebrates the inclusion of LGBTQ+
(AOSA) is an organization of LGBTQ+ Surgeons and allies that strives to promote acceptance, inclusion, and equity in the surgical specialties to further learner engagement, support individual clinicians and researchers, and build a thriving community of academic LGBTQ+ surgeons and leaders. Becoming an institutional member of the AOSA demonstrates the UW Department of Surgery’s commitment to the inclusivity of LGBTQ+ trainees and faculty. Through our active partnership with AOSA, we hope to further the understanding of the LGBTQ+ experience in surgery, implement strategies that promote inclusivity at the individual, department and institutional level and provide opportunities for education, mentorship, training, and advancement of LGBTQ+ folks at all levels of career development. Through these efforts, we are committed to bridging the inclusivity gap for LGBTQ+ folks within surgery.
Marlie Elia, GS R2, Manuscript accepted to Urology: Increased Nephrolithiasis Prevalence in People with Disabilities: A National Health and Nutrition Survey Analysis Article Type: SI: Disparities Special Issue
Denzel Woode, Beth Ann Reimel, Jorge Reyes, Elina Quiroa, Tam Pham, Estelle Williams -Presenting at
WA Chapter of ACS-DEI in the Department of Surgery:Exploring Our Present and Building Our Future
Peter Wu, Associate Professor, VA Puget Sound Health Care System (VA), received the American College of Surgeon’s Commission on Cancer’s (CoC) State Chair Outstanding Performance Award for exhibiting outstanding leadership, innovation and making significant contributions to cancer care improvement in Washington state. The award will be presented to Dr. Wu at the CoC’s virtual State Chair Town Hall meeting in October 2021.
Dr. Wu also received a $20,000 American Cancer Society award to support his “Return to Screening Quality of Improvement Project” to address the impact of Covid-19 on colorectal cancer screening at the VA Puget Sound Health Care System.
Dr. Kathleen Berfield, Assistant Professor, Thoracic surgery has been named the Chair of the inaugural National Surgery Office Thoracic Surgical Advisory Board (SAB). As Chair of the Thoracic SAB, she will lead other Thoracic surgeons within the Veterans Health Administration and serve as subject matter experts to the National Surgery Office and Veterans Health Administration leadership. Dr. Berfield, previously served on the Cardiothoracic Surgery SAB and started her 3- year term as Chair for Thoracic Surgery on June 1st.
Dr. Andre Dick, Associate Professor, Medical Specialties named Interim Surgeon in Chief at Seattle Children’s
Dr. Estell Williams, Assistant Professor, Medical Specialties named Roberto Felipe Maestas Legacy Award Honoree
February 2013 Hogan Endowment fund received ($5000.00) Endowment vested Jan 1, 2013. It was decided to use it to support STUDENT (primarily) or RESIDENTS (secondary) activities that promote /enhance diversity
June 2015 Creation of the Carlos A. Pellegrini Diversity Visiting Student Internship Program A program designed to give students with diverse backgrounds a chance to experience the exceptional training the University of Washington has to offer through a financially sponsored Sub I. Supported through ongoing contributions from the DOS Discretionary funds.
April 2016 Creation of the Douglas E. Wood Endowed Fellowship for Diversity in Surgical Education and Leadership designed to support the Department of Surgery’s ability to recruit and retain under-represented minorities in surgery and surgical specialties, and to provide leadership training and advancement for under-represented minorities in surgery. Dr. Andre Dick received an acknowledgment letter of service with the UW School of Medicine Deans Standing council on Minority Affairs
Dr. Elina Quiroga accepted as a member of the Diversity and Inclusion Council of the Society of Vascular Surgery (2016-2019) Dr. Quiroga is now a member of the Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Taskforce of the Society of Vascular Surgery.
Dr. Elina Quiroga appointed as a member of the Executive Committee of the Committee of Faculty Minority Affairs of the UWSOM. ( June 2020)
Dr. Elina Quiroga receiving the 2020 Minority Faculty Mentoring Award from the UWSOM CMFA, CEDI, and Dean
Dr. Andre Dick was one of four speakers invited to present at the CMFA Center for Diversity and Inclusion retreat.
Program Director’s development Series: Dr. Elina Quiroga was an invited speaker. Topic: Recruiting for Diversity: Surgery
Diversity Leadership Symposium, hosted by UWSOM and CEDI.
Dr. Elina Quiroga discussed the Diversity Sub-Internship program
Regular presentations/updates at DOS symposia, Dr. Estell Williams.
A recurrent column in Surgical Synopsis.
Research, Disparities in care.