George, M.N., M.J. O’Donnell, M. Concodello and E. Carrington, 2022. Mussels repair shell damage despite limitations imposed by ocean acidification Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(3), 359; doi:10.3390/jmse10030359.
Horton, J., E. Carrington and J.M. Gosline, 2022. Tough and stretchy: Mechanical properties of the alimentary tract in a fish without a stomach. Integrative Organismal Biology, doi:10.1093/iob/obac003.
Mangano, M.C., M. Berlino, L. Corbari et al., 2021. The aquaculture supply chain in the time of COVID-19 pandemic: vulnerability, resilience, solutions and priorities at the global scale. Environmental Science and Policy, in press.
Harris, L.S.T., J. Fennell, R.J. Fales and E. Carrington, 2021. Spatial-temporal growth, distribution, and diffusion of marine microplastic research and national plastic policies. Water, Air & Soil Pollution 232, 400
Higham, T.E. L.A. Ferry et al., 2021. Linking ecomechanical models and functional traits to understand phenotypic diversity. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 36(9):860-873, doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2021.05.009.
Gilman, S., H. Hayford and E. Carrington, 2021. Tidal cues reduce thermal risk of climate change in a foraging marine snail. Climate Change Ecology,
Roberts, E.A., L. Newcomb, M. McCartha, K. Harrington, S. LaFramboise, E. Carrington, K. Sebens, 2021. Resource allocation to a structural biomaterial: induced production of byssal threads decreases growth of a marine mussel. Functional Ecology, 35:1222-1239,
Harris, L., Gill, H. and E. Carrington, 2021. Impacts of microplastic on the benthic-pelagic coupling role of marine mussels. Marine Pollution Bulletin,
Sarà, G., MC Mangano et al., (E. Carrington is one of 54 authors) 2021. The synergistic impacts of anthropogenic stressors and Covid-19 on aquaculture – a current global perspective. Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture,
Sansoucy, M., R. Tremblay, E. Carrington, I. Marcotte, L. Sleno, 2021. Investigating byssogenesis with proteomic analysis of byssus, foot and mantle in Mytilus mussels by LC-MS/MS. Proteomics,
Harris, L. and E. Carrington, 2020. Impacts of microplastic versus natural abiotic particles on the filter feeding of a marine mussel. Limnology & Oceanography Letters, doi: 10.1002/lol2.10120.
George, M.N., J. Andino, E. Carrington, 2019. Microscale pH and dissolved oxygen excursions within mussel raft aggregations: implications for byssal thread adhesion and mussel attachment. J. of Shellfish Research, 38(3):795-809. doi:10.2983/035.038.0329.
Newcomb L.A., M.N. George, M.J. O’Donnell, and E. Carrington, 2019. Only as strong as the weakest link: combined effects of temperature and pCO2 on mussel attachment. Conservation Physiology, 7(1): coz068, doi: 10.1093/conphys/coz068.
George, M.N., B. Pedigo, E. Carrington, 2018. Hypoxia weakens mussel attachment by interrupting DOPA cross-linking during adhesive plaque curing. J. Royal Society, Interface, doi: 10.1098/rsif.2018.0489
George, MN and E. Carrington, 2018. Environmental post-processing increases the adhesion strength of mussel byssus adhesive. Biofouling doi:10.1080/08927014.2018.1453927
Sebens, KP, G Sarà, and E. Carrington, 2018. Estimation of fitness from energetics and life-history data: an example using mussels. Ecology and Evolution, doi: 10.1002/ece3.4004
Hayford, HA, M. O’Donnell and E. Carrington, 2018. Radio tracking detects thermoregulation at a snail’s pace. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 499:17-25. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2017.12.005.
Guenther, R.J., K. Miklasz, E. Carrington and P. Martone, 2017. Macroalgal spore dysfunction: ocean acidification delays and weakens adhesion. J. Phycology. doi:10.1111/jpy.12614.
Bouhlel, Z, B. Genard, N. Ibrahim, E. Carrington, JMF Babarro, A Lok, A.A.V. Flores, C.Pellerin, R. Tremblay and I. Marcotte, 2017. Interspecies comparison of the mechanical properties and biochemical composition of byssal threads. J. Exp. Biol., doi: 10.1242/jeb.141440.
Stickle, W.B., E. Carrington and H. Hayford, 2017. Seasonal changes in the thermal regime and gastropod tolerance to temperature and desiccation stress in the rocky intertidal zone. J. Exp. Ecol. Mar. Biol. 488:83–91.
Helmuth, B, F Choi, A Matzelle…E. Carrington et al. (with 48 authors), 2016. Long-term, high frequency in situ measurements of intertidal mussel bed temperatures using biomimetic sensors. Scientific Data, doi:10.1038/sdata.2016.87.
Bashevkin, S. D. Lee, P. Driver, E. Carrington and S.B. George, 2016. Low salinity affects the vertical distribution of Pisaster ochraceus (Echinodermata: asteroidea) larvae in haloclines: implications for life in the plankton. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 542:123-140.
Krumhansl, K.A., K.W. Demes, E. Carrington and C.D.G. Harley, 2015. Divergent growth strategies in red algae vs. kelps influence biomechanical properties. Am. J. Bot. doi: 10.3732/ajb.1500289.
Newcomb, L. J. Hall-Spencer, M. Milazzo and E. Carrington, 2015. Ocean acidification bends the mermaid’s wineglass. Biology Letters. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2014.1075.
Gilman, S. H. Hayford, C. Craig and E. Carrington, 2015. Body temperatures of an intertidal barnacle and two whelk predators in relation to shore height, solar aspect and microhabitat. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 536: 77–88, 2015 doi: 10.3354/meps11418.
Nishizaki, M.T. and E. Carrington, 2015. The effect of water temperature and velocity on barnacle growth: quantifying the impact of multiple environmental stressors. J. Thermal Biology doi:10.1016/j.jtherbio.2015.02.002.
Murray, J.W., E. Roberts, E. Howard, M. O’Donnell, C. Bantam, E. Carrington, M. Foy, B. Paul, A. Fay, 2015. An inland sea high nitrate-low chlorophyll (HNLC) region with naturally high pCO2. Limnol. Oceanogr., doi: 10.1002/lno.10062.
Hayford, H., S.E. Gilman and E. Carrington, 2015. Foraging behavior minimizes heat exposure in a complex thermal landscape. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 518:165-175. doi: 10.3354/meps11053
Carrington, E., J.H. Waite, G. Sara and K. Sebens, 2015. Mussels as a model system for integrative ecomechanics. Annual Review of Marine Science 7: 443-469. doi:10.1146/annurev-marine-010213-135049.
Tallis, H, J Lubchenco…with E. Carrington and 237 other co-signatories, 2014. Working together: a call for inclusive conservation. Nature 515:27-28. doi:10.1038/515027a.
George, MN and E. Carrington, 2014. Spine reorientation influences drift particle capture efficiency in sea urchins. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 461:102-106. doi: 10.1016/j.jembe.2014.08.001.
Pfister, CA. A. Esbaugh, C. Frieder, H. Baumann, E. Bockmon, M. White, B. Carter, H. Benway, C. Blanchette, E. Carrington, J. McClintock, D. McCorkle, W. McGillis, T. A. Mooney, P. Ziveri, 2014. Detecting the unexpected: a research framework for ocean acidification. Environmental Science and Technology 48:9982-9994. doi:10.1021/es501936p.
Nishizaki, M.T. and E. Carrington, 2014. Temperature and water flow influence feeding behavior and success in the barnacle Balanus glandula. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 507: 207–218. doi: 10.3354/meps10848.
Colvard, N, E. Carrington and B Helmuth, 2014. Temperature-dependent photosynthesis in the intertidal alga Fucus gardneri and sensitivity to ongoing climate change. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 458:6-12. doi: 10.1016/j.jembe.2014.05.001
Nishizaki, M T and E Carrington, 2014. The effect of water temperature and flow on respiration in barnacles: patterns of mass transfer versus kinetic limitation. J. Exp. Biol., 217:2101-2109. doi: 10.1242/jeb.101030.
Carrington, E., 2013. High-endurance algae. Nature 503:345-346.
Vaughn, D, O. Turnross and E. Carrington, 2013. Sex-specific temperature dependence of foraging and growth of intertidal snails. Marine Biology, DOI 10.1007/s00227-013-2316-3.
Babarro, J.M.F and E. Carrington, 2013. Attachment strength of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis: effect of habitat and body size. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol, 443:188-196.
Demes, K.W., C.D.G. Harley, L.M. Anderson and E. Carrington, 2013. Shifts in morphological and mechanical traits compensate for performance costs of reproduction in a wave-swept seaweed. Journal of Ecology, 101:963-970.
Demes, K.W., J.N. Pruitt, C.D.G. Harley, E. Carrington, 2013. Survival of the weakest: Increased frond mechanical strength in a wave-swept kelp inhibits self-pruning and increases whole-plant mortality. Functional Ecology, 27:439-445.
O’Donnell, M.J., George, M.N*. and E. Carrington, 2013. Ocean acidification weakens mussel byssus attachment. Nature Climate Change, 3:587-590. (Cover photo in early June 2013 issue)
Demes, K.W., E. Carrington, J. Gosline, P.T. Martone, 2011. Variation in anatomical and material properties explains differences in hydrodynamic performances of foliose red macroalgeae (Rhodophyta). Journal of Phycology 47:1360–1367.
Babarro, JMF and E. Carrington, 2011. Byssus secretion of Mytilus galloprovincialis: Effect of site at macro and microgeographical scales within Ría of Vigo (NW Spain). Marine Ecology Progress Series 435:125-140.
Carrington, E., G.M. Moeser, J. Dimond, J.J. Mello, and M.L. Boller*, 2009. Seasonal disturbance to mussel beds: field test of a mechanistic model predicting wave dislodgment. Limnology and Oceanography 54: 978-986.
Carrington, E., G.M. Moeser, S.B. Thompson, L.C. Coutts and C.A. Craig, 2008. Mussel attachment on rocky shores: the effect of flow on byssus production. Integrative and Comparative Biology 48:801-807.
Schmidt, P.S., E. Serrao, G. Pearson, C. Riginos, P. Rawson, T.J. Hilbish, S. Brawley, G.C. Trussell, E. Carrington, D. Wethey, J.W. Grahame, F. Bonhomme and D.M. Rand, 2008. Ecological genetics in the North Atlantic: environmental gradients and adaptation at specific loci. Ecology. 89:S91-S107.
Lachance, A-A., B. Myrand, R. Tremblay, V. Koutitonsky, and E. Carrington, 2008. Biotic and abiotic influences on the attachment strength of blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) from suspended culture. Aquatic Biology, 2:119-129.
Dimond, J. and E. Carrington, 2008. Symbiosis regulation in a facultatively symbiotic temperate coral: zooxanthellae division and expulsion. Coral Reefs 27:601-604.
Carrington, E., 2008. Along the silk road, spiders make way for mussels. Trends in Biotechnology 26: 55-57.
Boller, M.L. and E. Carrington, 2007. Interspecific comparison of hydrodynamic performance and structural properties among intertidal algae. Journal of Experimental Biology 210:1874-1884.
Dimond, J. and E. Carrington, 2007. Temporal variation in the symbiosis and growth of the temperate scleractinian coral, Astrangia poculata. Marine Ecology Progress Series 348:161-172.
Brazee, S.L., and E. Carrington, 2006. An interspecific comparison of the mechanical properties of mussel byssus. Biological Bulletin, 211:263-274.
Boller, M. L., and E. Carrington, 2006a. The hydrodynamic effects of shape and size change during reconfiguration of a flexible macroalga. Journal of Experimental Biology 209: 1894-1903. (With accompanying commentary by K. Philips, p iii).
Boller, M.L., and E. Carrington, 2006b. In situ measurements of hydrodynamic forces imposed on Chondrus crispus Stackhouse. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 337:159–170.
Moeser, G.M., and E. Carrington, 2006. Seasonal variation in mussel byssal thread mechanics. Journal of Experimental Biology 209: 1996-2003.
Moeser, G.M., H. Leba and E. Carrington, 2006. Seasonal influence of wave action on thread production in Mytilus edulis. Journal of Experimental Biology 209:881-890.
Helmuth, B., J.G. Kingsolver, and E. Carrington, 2005. Biophysics, physiological ecology, and climate change: does mechanism matter? Annual Review of Physiology 67:177-201.
Carrington, E. and J.M. Gosline, 2004. Mechanical design of mussel byssus: load cycle and strain rate dependence. American Malacological Bulletin, 18:135-142.
Gosline, J., M. Lillie, E. Carrington, P. Guerette, C. Ortlepp, and K. Savage. 2003. Elastic proteins: biological roles and mechanical properties. pp 15-38 in Shewry, P. R. & Bailey, A.J. (eds.), Elastomeric Proteins, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.
Sebens, K.P., B. Helmuth, E. Carrington, and B. Agius, 2003. Effects of water flow on growth and energetics of the scleractinian coral Agaricia tenuifolia, in Belize. Coral Reefs 22:35-47.
Gosline, J., M. Lillie, E. Carrington, P. Guerette, C. Ortlepp, and K. Savage, 2002. Elastic proteins: biological roles and mechanical properties. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 357:121-132.
Carrington, E. 2002. Seasonal variation in the attachment strength of blue mussels: causes and consequences. Limnology and Oceanography 47:1723-1733.
Carrington, E. 2002. The ecomechanics of mussel attachment: from molecules to ecosystems. Integrative and Comparative Biology 42:846-852.
Carrington, E., S.P. Grace, and T. Chopin, 2001. Life history phases and the biomechanical properties of the red alga Chondrus crispus (Rhodophyta). Journal of Phycology 37:699-704.
Bell, E.C., 1999. Applying flow tank measurements to the surf zone: predicting dislodgment of the Gigartinaceae. Phycological Research 47: 159-166.
Bell, E.C., and J.M. Gosline, 1997. Strategies for life in flow: tenacity, morphometry, and probability of dislodgment of two Mytilus species. Marine Ecology Progress Series 159:197-208.
Shaughnessy, F., R. DeWreede, and E.C. Bell, 1996. Consequences of morphology and tissue strength to blade survivorship of two closely related Rhodophyta species. Marine Ecology Progress Series 136:257-266.
Bell, E.C., and J.M. Gosline, 1996. Mechanical design of mussel byssus: material yield enhances attachment strength. Journal of Experimental Biology 199:1005-1017.
Bell, E.C., 1995. Environmental and morphological influences on thallus temperature and desiccation of the intertidal alga Mastocarpus papillatus Kützing. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 191:29-55.
Bell, E.C., and M.W. Denny, 1994. Quantifying “wave exposure”: a simple device for recording maximum water velocity and results of its use at several field sites. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 181:9-29.
Bell, E.C., 1993. Photosynthetic response to temperature and desiccation of the intertidal alga Mastocarpus papillatus Kützing. Marine Biology 117:337-346.
Carrington, E., 1990. Drag and dislodgment of an intertidal macroalga: consequences of morphological variation in Mastocarpus papillatus Kützing. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 139:185-200.
Denny, M.W., V. Brown, E. Carrington, G. Kraemer, and A. Miller, 1989. Fracture mechanics and the survival of wave-swept macroalgae. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 127:211-228.