UW Film Club Podcast #58 – Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

“We are the UW Film Club Podcast and we are here to make you think about death and get sad and stuff.”

It’s the start of week 9! And in this time of stress as we start to prepare for finals, let’s get nostalgic! We’re taking it back to 2010 with the release of the “epic of epic epicness” – Scott Pilgrim vs. the World! An homage to video game culture while also being a hilarious comedy, Edgar Wright’s directorial vision and ensemble cast elevates this box office flop to true cult classic status. In this podcast, we talk about the strength of the main character’s arc, its effortless usage of visual comedy & storytelling, and what the film is saying about modern relationships. Are you ready to play? Then boot up the 58th episode of the UW Film Club Podcast now!

On this episode: Jim Saunders and Payton Bissell

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