Greg Arietta’s Top Ten Films of 2018

The past two years that I’ve made top tens, I found the compilation process much easier than it was this year. This is perhaps because I saw more films this year, but I think the difficulty can be attributed to the sheer amount of great films that were released. And I mean really great. Of the 111 theatrical releases I saw, I would say my top 20 are all really strong films that I would go to bat for any time, and 20 through 30 are great in their own right. It was really hard to whittle this list down to just ten films, so before we get into those select few, I think it best if we pay our dues to the honorable mentions that would be right up there in the top ten if they were released in a different year.

Morgan Neville’s overshadowed doc of the year, They’ll Love Me When I’m Dead, serves as an excellent companion piece to Orson Welles’s The Other Side of the Wind, providing necessary context to the film and its director in his final years. Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse is without a doubt the best superhero film in years and one I welcome with open arms. The Ballad of Buster Scruggs is a wonderful anthology film that lets the Coens tell six moral tales in a Western sandbox that becomes a quintessential western in the process. Roma is a graceful love letter film that evokes the Italian neorealist aesthetic of the 1950s. Thoroughbreds serves as a great example of wealth and privilege run amuck. And I can’t even condense my love for Hereditary, Isle of Dogs, Support the Girls, Shirkers, or Disobedience without making this intro longer than the list itself.

From a wide variety of genres, directors, and studios, there was a film for everyone in 2018. I look at this list and often have difficulty justifying my picks’ positioning above the honorable mentions, and as I said last year, any day of the week or mood will cause me to shift some of these around, but as it stands, this is my top ten, and to me, these are as good as it gets for 2018, so let’s begin.

10. First Man (Damien Chazelle, 2018)

Damien Chazelle’s follow-up to La La Land may be a straight-laced biopic, but First Man certainly lands with assured reverence for its subject matter. Telling the story of Neil Armstrong’s accent to the moon, First Man effectively sets the intimate and personal struggles of one man against one of the most historic moments in human history. Aided by superb camera work from Linus Sandgren and a celestial score from Justin Hurwitz, First Man gets up close and personal with danger, presenting the uncertainty and doubt that surrounded the space program from the start. Perhaps Chazelle’s greatest feat with this biopic is his ability to balance the grand with the minute to create a truly theatrical experience. We may have seen space before on the big screen, but never has the odyssey to the moon been so personal, dangerous, and dazzling. 

9. First Reformed (Paul Schrader, 2018)

On the surface, Paul Schrader’s latest, First Reformed, is your classic environmental political statement film about society’s inability to solve one of the most pressing issues of our time. But more importantly and more poignantly, beneath that you have a film that dives deep into questions of faith and existence. The indomitable anxiety derived from impending demise and the subsequent notion that you can do nothing about it is a sinister idea, and it is precisely what makes First Reformed so thought-provoking. What can we do to combat challenges to our faith? What is there to believe in when society is unwavering in its decline? Can we ever find salvation in the belief that things will get better? These existential questions (and many more) elevate First Reformed into a contemplative piece about our very being, and while there is a general sense of reckoning with the end of days in the film, there is a tinge of hope: in the end, we all may be doomed, but it is that which is pure that can make us keep on living. 

8. Annihilation (Alex Garland, 2018)

Annihilation came out in early 2018, and Paramount literally sent it out to die. Like Silence before it, Paramount had little faith in this psychological thinkpiece and even wanted to change the euphoric ending, but I don’t think they knew what they had on their hands. Alex Garland of Ex Machina and 28 Days Later fame made the best science fiction film of the year and it just came and went. At the heart of the film is how our choices can lead us to our . . . well, annihilation. A team investigating something called “the Shimmer” has a progressive battle with themselves as their DNA is constantly rewritten by alien forces, but this science fiction element is only the external layer for something much deeper. Upon closer inspection, it’s also a remarkable allegory for our own self-destructive behavior, and how we try to break the cycle for the sake of self-betterment, but constantly find ourselves at odds with that desire. Symbolic, hypnotic, and captivating, Annihilation proves that there’s more to it than meets the eye. If anything, the film needs to be seen for the ending alone. It’s one of the most illustrious, artistic, and thought-provoking endings of the genre that I can name.

7. Burning (Lee Chang-dong, 2018)

The most eloquent film on this list, Lee Chang-dong’s Burning is a slow-paced psychological thriller about the obsessions that form from intimate infatuations. What I find so appealing about this film is its disciplined nature and what we can derive from it. Implied meaning, subtle character reactions, and reading between the lines are ways in which the viewer can get the most mileage out of the film. The saying, “the devil is in the details” has never been truer, as Lee uses every ounce of his film to set up future revelations and actions. The film thoroughly develops the irrationality that comes with obsession and anchors it with contemporary themes of social isolation and dissatisfaction of younger generations. Steven Yeun gives a chilling performance as a privileged Gatsby-type and Jun Jong-seo enchants as the object of affection. Like most films on this list, the film demands a rewatch to get the most out of it but only takes one to realize the expert-level artistry on display. 

You can read my complete thoughts on the fiery obsessions of Burning here.

6. Maniac (Cary Fukunaga, 2018) 

I’ve already explained why I classify a serial such as this as a film in my review, but consider its species akin to Twin Peaks: The Return. This ten-part series is the brainchild of Cary Fukunaga (True Detective, Beasts of No Nation) and it carries the thematic sophistication of his prior work, but this time with a humorous, often quirky edge to it. At the heart of the work is its dissection of mental illness and the importance of meaningful human connections. The length of the series allows Fukunaga to psychoanalyze assorted mental ailments in nuanced, sincere, and tactful ways that can be otherwise difficult in a shorter form. Plus, the reuniting of Jonah Hill and Emma Stone (Superbad) as Owen and Annie results in two strong performances that compliment the material. It’s one of the few multi-part series that I actually want to watch again, and with so many other films, new and old, out there right now that I need to catch up on, wanting to rewatch an eight-hour series says a lot. 

5. Ready Player One (Steven Spielberg, 2018)

My hottest take on this list is Steven Spielberg’s Ready Player One. It’s not a particular favorite of many, but what makes this film shine is its leanness and ability to construct an economical hero’s journey. It has peripheral themes of culture and gatekeeping, but I think the self-labeled “movie” is not concerned with that. It wants to tell a straightforward narrative that is an action blockbuster first and foremost, and that’s the most compelling part. In the sea of superhero films that have come to shape public opinion on what the blockbuster should be (which I would argue is harmful), audiences have seemingly been conditioned to reject something like this. It’s superhero or bust, and Spielberg is getting a raw deal. The motion capture sequences make great use of volume and space, and Spielberg’s sensibilities for staging and camera placement are as strong as ever. Ready Player One is a great blockbuster from the man who birthed the genre, and thirty-three years after Jaws, I think he’s still got it.

4. Suspiria (Luca Guadagnino, 2018)

Luca Guadagnino had a lot of clout coming off of 2017’s Call Me By Your Name, so when he announced he would be doing a remake of Dario Argento’s 1977 cult original, there was more than a little intrigue. The original is by no means a sacred text. In fact, it’s probably a film that lends itself to being remade, and what we got was one of the most provocative art horror films in recent years that delineates itself from the original in radical ways. A reinvented visual flare, irregular editing patterns, and an eerie Cold War atmosphere are some of the more notable additions to this remake about a coven of dancing witches. Its pacing is slow, prolonging the runtime, but the contrast with the hyperkinetic dance sequence and demonic moments of horror is so potent in building an overall product. It was met with mixed reviews at release, but I believe as time goes on, we’ll be looking back at Guadagnino’s Suspiria in a more positive, artistic light.

You can read my full thoughts about Suspiria in my review here.

3. The Miseducation of Cameron Post (Desiree Akhavan, 2018)

Before Boy Erased there was Desiree Akhavan’s adaptation of The Miseducation of Cameron Post. While they both take aim at gay conversion camps, the later does it in a much more meaningful, potent, and nuanced way that tells a much richer and emotionally conflicted narrative. Following the titular Cameron Post (Chloë Grace Moretz) who is sent to a conversion camp after being caught with the prom queen, the film deconstructs the problematic nature of these camps by showing the hypocrisy of it all. Its greatest strength comes in its subtlety, showing the camp’s problematic nature through personal strife, governmental acceptance, and ironic humor. The weight of judgment isn’t a hammer but a scale that slowly shifts as more and more examples of abuse pile up. And perhaps most importantly it shows that everyone is in this together, never condemning the attendees and always pushing towards their communal resistance of these camps. It’s a profound and emotional film about a very relevant, contemporary issue, and shows that there is no reason to change who you are.

2. You Were Never Really Here (Lynne Ramsay, 2018)

Lynne Ramsay is a director that only makes a film every couple years, but when she does, people should really take notice. She makes delicately crafted and incredibly impactful films that really grab you, and her latest feature, You Were Never Really Here, is no different. Taking the form of a dark and brooding character study, the film is about the physical manifestation of internal demons and the effects it can have of day-to-day life. It’s is incredibly invasive in the way it builds these ideas, using sharp editing, course sound, and visceral imagery to convey the destructive nature of post-traumatic stress in such a tactile way. Joaquin Phoenix’s performance as the lead, Joe, is further proof that he’s one of the greatest working actors today. He delivers a remarkably weighty and empathetic tour de force performance. On the auditory end of it, Johnny Greenwood, who made one of the best scores from last year with Phantom Thread, gives another award-worthy score that perfectly complements the distraught and troubled nature central to our protagonist, and Ramsay knocks it out of the park with a superbly directed feature that reveals new layered meaning with each watch. The film is dark and disturbing, but that is entirely necessary for what is trying to achieve. Oh, and the film’s ending will hit you like a brick. It is so immensely profound and potent. 

You can read my full thoughts about this masterpiece in my review here.

1. Mission: Impossible – Fallout (Christopher McQuarrie, 2018) 

Without hyperbole, exaggeration, or myth-making, Mission: Impossible — Fallout is unequivocally one of the greatest action films ever made. Soaring to new heights for the franchise and raising the watermark for action stunts, writer/director Christopher McQuarrie has concocted a film that blows everything else out of the water. As noted in my review, the film fires on all cylinders in every aspect. The subversive nature of failure and success has the audience barreling blindly through the film, never knowing for certain what will happen next, if victory is assured, or if failure awaits. In a landscape where blockbusters are cookie-cutter and everything falls into line, Fallout excels at breaking norms, tropes, and expectations by giving the film true, tangible tension that makes the stakes feel real. It also helps that Tom Cruise, who is 56 might I add, dances with the devil as he carries out mind-boggling stunts that will leave you speechless once you learn that they were all done practically and without a double, bringing you even closer to action and danger that presents itself. Everything about this film makes it one of the most refined action films ever produced. Unmatched in theatrical experience and equally as potent upon rewatch, Mission: Impossible — Fallout is not only one of the best action films ever made, but it also just so happens to be my favorite film of the year.

If you’re interesting in seeing a full breakdown of all the films I saw in 2018, you can check out my Letterboxd list here.

Review: Mission: Impossible – Fallout Delivers Across the Board

Action. Emotion. Stakes. Three elements that are at the core of Mission: Impossible – Fallout,  a remarkably well-crafted, intricate, and sublime action film that puts itself at the top of the modern blockbuster heap. In the driver seats are Tom Cruise and writer-director Christopher McQuarrie who deliver on the long awaited promise of the franchise and shatter the barrier that has limited past installments to create a truly marvelous film. This being the only film in the franchise where the director hasn’t been swapped out, McQuarrie is able to continue the momentum set out in Rogue Nation and move it above and beyond expectations.  Top to bottom, Fallout is a blitz on the senses that delivers across the board and will leave you in utter amazement.

Fallout picks up where Rogue Nation left off. With the Syndicate dismantled, a subsect of their followers called the Apostles is on the rise led by Solomon Lane (Sean Harris) and a mystery man named John Lark. Looking to create unity through suffering, the terrorist group seeks out plutonium cores to create three nuclear bombs. After failing to secure the cores, Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise), his IMF crew, and a cavalier CIA agent August Walker (Henry Cavil) must go on a globe trotting adventure to stop the Apostles and prevent nuclear destruction.

Never forced and never out of place, the film operates like a well tuned symphony of action and reprieve, pausing only enough for you to take a breather and then resuming organically to create a constantly balanced ebb and flow across six set pieces. It’s a chaotic rush against time to prevent nuclear destruction and the pace of the film moves quickly, elegantly, and without a single hitch. Narratively, the story  is complex, but easily understood if you hone in (though having seen Mission Impossible 3 through 5 really helps in understanding off hand comments, relations, and characters), and even though it fits the bill for your cliche action movie plot — that being a terrorist trying to detonate a bomb — the film’s injection of Hunt’s morality helps elevate the stakes.

And stakes are what make this installment so immaculate. From the opening moments you know what is at risk, what our characters stand for, and what they stand to lose, perfectly establishing the looming threat that envelops the entire film and making every action scene matter. Unlike the Marvel goop that is churned out, action is meaningful and carries a significance; Hunt is not just fighting for the sake of inserting action into the film, he’s fighting to save the world, those around him, and uphold his standard of morality. 

Whereas past installments had one or two sequences that really flexed their might, this one has six, all of which have their own perks and highlights. An early on HALO jump only lasts about a minute and a half, but exudes so much technical mastery and cinematic tension, you might feel like it lasts for twice that. A sequence in a Paris night club has a hefty bathroom brawl that’ll make you feel every punch and kick thanks to superb editing and sound design. A motorcycle chase that has a firm grasp on delivering high octane speed while maintaining the clarity of it all. And a helicopter finale that leverages time constraints and parallel editing to generate a white knuckle experience. constantly moving forward and never doddling, every set piece is well realized and every set piece has something to gain or lose that matters to our characters and plot.

Hunt himself is a notable step up from past iterations. In the past, we’ve always seen Hunt as the spy who was one step ahead of everyone and someone who had a moral compass, and in this one, it is really emphasizes those traits through intelligent twists and meaningful moments of morality. Throughout you get the sense that Hunt isn’t just blindly pulling the trigger, but rather, cautiously calculating the value of life, seen not only through his pursuit to save millions from terrorism, but also through his camaraderie with teammates Luther (Ving Rhames), Benji (Simon Pegg), and Isla (Rebecca Fergusson). It’s multidimensional, meaningful, and naturally impacts the narrative at hand.

Cruise deserves special accolades for the sheer extremities he’s going through on screen. When we talk about actors going the distance for their performance, no one is coming close to the ‘method’ he is achieving. A long purveyor of doing his own stunts, Cruise is literally doing multiple death defying stunts all on his own. When you see him jump out of a plane at 25,000 feet, he’s doing that. When you see him jump a 20 foot gap between buildings and BREAK HIS ANKLE, he’s doing that. When you see him fly a helicopter into a cork screw nose dive all by himself, he’s doing that. It’s really a baffling notion to think about, and if anything, it only adds to the jaw dropping ‘WOW’ factor of the film.

Tonally, the film is spot on. The franchise has a history of being a fun action spy romp, and this film continues that legacy, but this time with a greater sense of urgency, seriousness, and conviction. This film is fun in all the right ways, knowing when to crack a well timed joke and knowing when to hold in order to maintain the tension at hand and continue the suspense. Aesthetically, the film is also a standout. The score carries an ominous and fast-paced tone that is conveyed with high tempo stings and momentous drums. When listening to past installments, the music is banal, orchestral passivity, but Fallout’s score makes active engagements to heighten what’s on screen; it’s a score where you can really feel when action takes place. Visually, the film looks much better than past installments. In the last two , you’ve had a very clean, bright images that made better for a network TV show, but here you have various color grades. Everything is a little darker, a little more contrasty, and a little more cinematic. The culmination is a film that looks and sounds as every bit impressive as the action taking place on screen.

Not only is this film the clear front runner in the series by a wide margin, but the film is down right marvelous. It’s stupendous. A bonafide achievement in the action genre. From the continual ante of set pieces to the injection of meaningful stakes to its effective theme on the value of life, Fallout fires on all cylinders. Cruise, McQuarrie, and the rest of the crew have made something that is truly an edge of the seat blockbuster for the ages. The consensus in the Twittersphere is that Mission: Impossible – Fallout is the best action film since Mad Max: Fury Road, and after seeing it, it’s hard to disagree.

Score: 5/5