Review: It’s Hard to Understand What Exactly is Going On in ‘Bliss’

In the press notes for his new movie Bliss, I Origins director Mike Cahill states that it’s “your typical sci-fi story, but it’s also a love story, but it’s also a father-daughter story at the same time.” That is probably as good and as efficient a summary as you are going to find for this sometimes engaging but wholly frustrating and incomplete Amazon Prime release. Starring the always-appealing Owen Wilson (who unfortunately never says “wow” in this movie) and Salma Hayek, Bliss is an unusual cinematic journey, in that has a decent premise and story but slowly descends into a strange rough patch-filled madness that even the cast and crew themselves don’t seem to understand. Continue reading “Review: It’s Hard to Understand What Exactly is Going On in ‘Bliss’”