Dr. Christopher Shaffer received his Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from the University of Wisconsin, Madison in 2010. His Ph.D. thesis was titled the “Synthesis and Photochemistry of Reactive Organic Molecules of Relevance to Astrochemistry.” He worked as a post-doctorate in the Tureček Lab from May 2013 to Sep 2015. During the time here, he developed new methodologies for peptide and protein mass spectrometry, constructed a new laser system for ion spectroscopy experiments, and redesigned a mass spectrometer for tandem CID, ETD, and UVPD activation. Now he is the Staff Chemist at Sherwin-Williams.

Selected Publications:

  1. Shaffer, C. J., Marek, A., Pepin, R., Slovakova, K., & Turecek, F. (2015). Combining UV photodissociation with electron transfer for peptide structure analysis. Journal of Mass Spectrometry50(3), 470-475.
  2. Nguyen, H. T., Shaffer, C. J., & Tureček, F. (2015). Probing peptide cation–radicals by near-uv photodissociation in the gas phase. structure elucidation of histidine radical chromophores formed by electron transfer reduction. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B119(10), 3948-3961.
  3. Nguyen, H. T., Shaffer, C. J., Ledvina, A. R., Coon, J. J., & Tureček, F. (2015). Serine effects on collision-induced dissociation and photodissociation of peptide cation radicals of the z+●-type. International journal of mass spectrometry378, 20-30.
  4. Shaffer, C. J., Slováková, K., & Tureček, F. (2015). Near-UV photodissociation of phosphopeptide cation-radicals. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry390, 71-80.
  5. Shaffer, C. J., Pepin, R., & Tureček, F. (2015). Combining UV photodissociation action spectroscopy with electron transfer dissociation for structure analysis of gas‐phase peptide cation‐radicals. Journal of mass spectrometry50(12), 1438-1442.
  6. Nguyen, H. T., Shaffer, C. J., Pepin, R., & Tureček, F. (2015). UV action spectroscopy of gas-phase peptide radicals. The journal of physical chemistry letters6(23), 4722-4727.
  7. Viglino, E., Shaffer, C. J., & Tureček, F. (2016). UV/Vis action spectroscopy and structures of tyrosine peptide cation radicals in the gas phase. Angewandte Chemie International Edition55(26), 7469-7473.
  8. Pepin, R., Shaffer, C. J., & Tureček, F. (2017). Position-tunable diazirine tags for peptide-peptide ion cross-linking in the gas phase. J. Mass Spectrom52, 557-560.
  9. Dang, A., Shaffer, C. J., Bím, D., Lawler, J., Lesslie, M., Ryzhov, V., & Tureček, F. (2018). Near-UV Water Splitting by Cu, Ni, and Co Complexes in the Gas Phase. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A122(8), 2069-2078.
  10. Nguyen, H. T., Andrikopoulos, P. C., Rulíšek, L., Shaffer, C. J., & Tureček, F. (2018). Photodissociative Cross-Linking of Non-covalent Peptide-Peptide Ion Complexes in the Gas Phase. Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry29(8), 1706-1720.