Bobby graduated from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2019 with a BS degree in chemistry, conducting research on the development of nickel-catalyzed cross coupling reactions. His current research projects include:

  1. Gas-phase ion structures and dissociations of DNA oligonucleotides cations and cation radicals.
  2. Nitrile imines as novel photo-cross-linkers for biomolecules.
  3. Characterized various interesting biomolecular gas-phase ions including DNA hairpins, nucleobase radicals and DNA-peptide complexes with cyclic ion mobility, combined with state-of-art computaional CCS modeling.

He also modified Python scripts and shell scripts used by Turecek group to run calculations on HPC(Hyak@UW:, thus developed some experience on Unix and parallel computation.


Wan, J., Nytka, M.,  Qian, H., Vu, K., Lemr, K. & Tureček, F. Nitrile Imines as Peptide and Oligonucleotide Photo-Cross-Linkers in Gas-Phase Ions. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 2024

Wan, J., Nytka, M., Qian, H., Lemr, K.,  &Tureček, F. Do d(GCGAAGC) Cations Retain the Hairpin Structure in the Gas Phase? A Cyclic Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry and Density Functional Theory Computational Study. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 2023, 34, 10, 2323–2340

Zima, V., Vlk, M., Wan, J., Cvačka, J., & Tureček, F. Tracking Isomerizations of High-Energy Adenine Cation Radicals by UV–Vis Action Spectroscopy and Cyclic Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A2023, 127, 28, 5899–5913

Wan, J., Brož B., Liu, Y., Huang S. R., Marek, A., & Tureček, F.(2023) The DNA Radical Code. Resolution of Identity in Dissociations of Trinucleotide Codon Cation Radicals in the Gas Phase. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom.

Wan, J., Brož B., Liu, Y., Huang S. R., Marek, A., & Tureček, F.(2022) Resolution of Identity in Gas-Phase Dissociations of Mono- and Diprotonated DNA Trinucleotide Codons by 15N-Labeling and Computational Structure Analysis. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 2022, 33, 10, 1936–1950

Before UW:

Terminal C (sp3) H alkylation of internal alkenes via Ni/H-catalyzed isomerization. ZY Wang, JH Wan, GY Wang, R Wang, RX Jin, Q Lan, XS Wang
Tetrahedron Letters 2018, 59 (23), 2302-2305

Nickel‐Catalyzed Heck‐Type Monofluoroacetation of Styrenes for Facile Synthesis of Allylic Fluorides. ZY Wang, JH Wan, GY Wang, RX Jin, Q Lan, XS Wang
Chemistry–An Asian Journal 2018, 13 (3), 261-265


  1. Poster Presentation: “Proton Migrations and Radical Transfers in Mini-Loop DNA Hydrogen-Rich Cation-Radicals.” American Society for Mass Spectrometry Annual Conference (ASMS), Philadelphia, PA. Oct. 31-Nov. 4, 2021.
  2. Oral Presentation: “Cations and Cation Radicals of DNA Codons Characterized by Tandem Mass Spectrometry”, Ion Chemistry and Mass Spectrometry Conference, Lake Arrowhead, CA. Jan 14-16, 2022.
  3. Oral Presentation: “Tandem Mass Spectrometry and UV-Vis Action Spectroscopy of DNA Codons: From Cations to Cation Radicals”, ASMS, Minneapolis, MN, June 5-9, 2022.
  4. Poster Presentation: “Gas Phase Intramolecular Photo Crosslinking in Tetrazole-Peptide Conjugates”, Ion Chemistry and Mass Spectrometry Conference, Lake Arrowhead, CA. Jan 13-15, 2023.
  5. Poster Presentation: “Gas Phase Intramolecular Photo Crosslinking in Tetrazole-Peptide Conjugates.” American Society for Mass Spectrometry Annual Conference (ASMS), Houston, TX. Jun. 4-Jun. 8, 2023