Yue Liu graduated from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2017 with a BS degree in Chemistry, publishing work on the conformation of trans-membrane protein with sum frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy. Yue joined Tureček lab in the autumn quarter of 2017. She focused on the exploration of electronic structures of nucleotide radicals under tandem mass spectroscopy and DFT calculations. She is currently working at Meta.


  1. Liu, Y., Tan, J., Zhang, J., Li, C., Luo, Y., & Ye, S. (2018). Influenza A M2 transmembrane domain tunes its conformational heterogeneity and structural plasticity in the lipid bilayer by forming loop structures. Chemical communications54(46), 5903-5906.
  2. Nguyen, H. T., Huang, S. R., Liu, Yang, Liu, Yue, Korn, J. A., & Tureček, F. (2019). Probing arginine-phosphopeptide interactions in non-covalent peptide-peptide ion complexes using gas-phase cross-linking and Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics calculations. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry435, 259-271.
  3. Dang, A., Liu, Y., & Turecek, F. (2019). UV–Vis Action Spectroscopy of Guanine, 9-Methylguanine, and Guanosine Cation Radicals in the Gas Phase. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A123(15), 3272-3284.
  4. Liu, Y., Dang, A., Urban, J., & Tureček, F. (2020). Charge-Tagged DNA Radicals in the Gas Phase Characterized by UV/Vis Photodissociation Action Spectroscopy.  Angewandte Chemie International Edition59(20), 7772-7777.
  5. Huang, S. R., Liu, Y., & Turecek, F. (2020). UV-Vis Photodissociation Action Spectroscopy Reveals Cytosine-Guanine Hydrogen Transfer in DNA Tetranucleotide Cation Radicals upon OneElectron Reduction. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B124(17), 3505-3517.
  6. Liu, Y., Huang, S. R., & Turecek, F. (2020). Guanine-adenine interactions in DNA tetranucleotide cation radicals revealed by UV/vis photodissociation action spectroscopy and theory. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.
  7. Liu, Y., Ma, C., Leonen, C. J., Chatterjee, C., Nováková, G., Marek, A., & Tureček, F. (2021). Tackling a Curious Case: Generation of Charge-Tagged Guanosine Radicals by Gas-Phase Electron Transfer and Their Characterization by UV–vis Photodissociation Action Spectroscopy and Theory. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry.  32(3), 772-785.
  8. Liu, Y., Liu, Y., Nytka, M., Huang, S. R., Lemr, K., & Tureček, F. (2021). Probing d-and l-Adrenaline Binding to β2-Adrenoreceptor Peptide Motifs by Gas-Phase Photodissociation Cross-Linking and Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry32(4), 1041-1052.
  9. Liu, Y., Ma, C., Nováková, G., Marek, A., & Tureček, F. (2021). Charge-Tagged Nucleosides in the Gas Phase: UV–Vis Action Spectroscopy and Structures of Cytidine Cations, Dications, and Cation Radicals. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 125(28), 6096-6108.
  10. Zima, V., Liu, Y., & Tureček, F. (2022). Radical Cascade Dissociation Pathways to Unusual Nucleobase Cation Radicals. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry.


  1. Poster Presentation: “Proton and Radical Transfers in Hydrogen-Rich DNA Tetranucleotide Cation Radicals: An Experimental and Computational Study.” American Society for Mass Spectrometry Annual Conference (ASMS), Atlanta, GA. June 2-6, 2019.
  2. Oral Presentation: “UV-Vis Action Spectroscopy and Energetics of Charge-Tagged Adenosine Radicals”, Ion Chemistry and Mass Spectrometry Conference, Lake Arrowhead, CA. Jan 17-19, 2020.
  3. Poster Presentation: “UV-Vis Action Spectroscopy and Energetics of Charge-Tagged Adenosine Radicals”, ASMS, Online, June 1-4, 2020.
  4. Oral Presentation: “Tandem Mass Spectrometry and UV-Vis Action Spectroscopy Reveals the Nucleobase Stability Toward Radical-Driven Dissociations in DNA Codons”, ASMS, Philadelphia, PA. Nov 1-4, 2021.
  5. Poster Presentation: “Structures and Energetics of Charge-Tagged Nucleosides Studied by UV-Vis Photodissociation Action Spectroscopy and Theory”, ASMS, Minneapolis, MN. June 5-9, 2022.
